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MasterAragornSting 02-03-2003 05:18 PM

Ok..So I want to completely shave my "area".

Anyone have any good ideas about how to do it without cutting the hell outta myself, going to the hospital, and having to explain my situation to a team of highly trained (but somehow unknowledgeable) surgions?

IS waxing the best idea?

please advise.

GaultierJR 02-03-2003 05:56 PM

I know this surgeon, he does it in his free time...

Let me know if u r interested.

turbo_mmx 02-03-2003 06:53 PM

I actualy have asked a few women about this.

Waxing is not a good idea!

Basicly the trick is to find someplace private first. have to strip down. If the place has a miror so u can see what ur doing its much more of a help.

Get urself all lathered up or use a shaving cream. Then just start from the top and work ur way down very slowly. N just make sure u keep the places where the skin is lose Tight. and dont move the rasor from side to side. Just down strokes.

Hope that helps

babybunny 02-04-2003 02:29 PM

I have completely shaved a few times and never again. It wasnt a good experience for me. Even though I look all the way shaved, it isnt. I keep a small and closely trimmed patch. Basically same look but minus the pain. :)

Wildeye 02-04-2003 04:25 PM

Good luck

Best done by a good friend! Who you do not mind seeing your arse, and all of your labia.

Some books suggest massaging first with hair conditioner and use a safety razor!!

Try reading The Ultimate Guide to Cunnilingus (Cleis Press) ISBN1-57344-144-9

good book

virgo982 02-04-2003 10:20 PM

i shave completly and love it. trim the area before shaving and then do it slowly. for a closer shave go in the opposite direction of hair growth. i love the look and feel. use shaving cream if you want. i prefer just to use soap or just shave it with water that way i can see what im shaving...good luck!

ericthered 02-12-2003 07:38 PM

Forget shaving - it's too difficult and leaves you bristly. Get yourself a bikini cream and experiment. Gentler, easier and the regrowth is no problem. In fact you can now buy oils to rub in afterwards that inhibit the regrowth - so no need to repeat for a month or so. They claim that if you keep using them, the regrowth is not only slower but becomes softer and more like baby hair.

Here's a good tip. If you're going to leave a little patch, make sure it is clear of the top of your furrow. That way your man can amuse himself (and you) by sliding up and down between your lips (and over your clit) - without rubbing the sensitive end of his cock in your hair on every stroke. This means he lasts longer and you get more orgasms. I shall think of you enjoying yourself!

biggusdickus 02-13-2003 10:36 PM

look at pussy-shaver.com it is a great product i use it and so does my gf. no razor burn,bumos or ingrown hairs

souls_cry2000 02-14-2003 12:05 AM

I suggest a trimmer and some form of hair removal cream. Something made for sensitive skin is a good choice.

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