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Missy1965 01-17-2003 11:22 PM

pixies live chat????
Can someone explain to me how pixies live chat works. I have tried to figure it out with no success at all...lol I click on the link and all I see is a blank screen.

scotzoidman 01-18-2003 01:29 AM

Could be you don't have Java enabled on your computer...that or are you on a Mac? I've heard they don't do Java either...

Missy1965 01-18-2003 01:31 AM

Thanks scotzoid. I don't have a mac. I have a compaq with windows 98 but I will check into the java thing.

Lilith 01-18-2003 10:16 AM

Some times you have to clean your cache, dump your cookies, and reboot.....what you are looking for is after the blank screen for a liscense screen to come up and you to agree you want to use it. PM me if ya have any trouble!!!!

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