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psyco_53 01-12-2003 01:27 AM

i am really in need of advice

so... my buddy is dating this girl right and i just found out that she has a big crush on me and she told me herself. now i am seriouisly considering dating her but... i kno that it is wrong to date ur friends exes especially when they break up with them for u... now see he isnt exactly a friend he is more of my cousins friend and i just see him around.. but i liked her when i met her then they started dating... she wants me to go hang out with her and all kinds of shit liike that....i think she wants to try sumtin ( which doesnt bother me ) but it makes me feel bad bout that guy right. now lets say if i did date her she has a past experience with dating guys until she doesnt like them then cheating on them and dumping them after she finds someone she likes better.... now i have told her that if anything did happen it has to change cuz i cant live like that.. i dun kno what to do i do like her a lot but her b/f and her past and all kinds of things please help me!!!!


Vigil 01-12-2003 02:50 AM

I can't see anything in what you say to suggest other than a relationship with this girl would be disastrous.

Casperr 01-12-2003 05:01 AM

Welcome to Pixies Psyco_53!

I tend to agree with Vigil here - a relationship is NOT a good idea, at least not right now.

Ask yourself - how would you feel if you were going out with her, and she dumped you for your cousin's friend? You'd be really hurt, wouldn't you.

My advice is this: if she wants to break up with her current b/f, that is fine - she doesn't appear to be happy or satisfied in the relationship, or at least not prepared to develop it.
But on no account can you do anything with her behind his back - you're just making a hell of a lot of problems that way.
If she does break up with her current bf - that's great, but don't leap right into bed together - people have pretty short memories when it comes to things like that. At least wait a few months - longer if they've been going out for a while.
As for her past behaviour - you need to try and work out with her why she does this, and what can she do about it. Either with her current bf or further down the track with other guys. There's not much I can really advise on that right now.

There's nothing wrong with dating a friends ex - so long as their breakup was amicable, and there aren't any emotional attachments still lingering. It's a matter of time and people's feelings really.

Good luck, I hope you all work things out for the best!


Captain_abusive 01-12-2003 06:36 AM

well by what you say she is going to cheat on you anyway so whats the point she isnt going to stop her ways just coz you asked here too,

Oldfart 01-12-2003 08:05 AM

Pick a landmine and jump on it as hard as you can.

Same general effect.

Casperr 01-12-2003 08:27 AM

LOL @ Oldfart!!!!

Nicely put mate! :)


Lilith 01-12-2003 11:03 AM

What they said!!!

Vigil 01-12-2003 11:38 AM

I disagree with Old Fart.

You'll suffer less damage from the Landmine.

dzbuster 01-12-2003 10:10 PM

you know how she is. sounds like you can have fun with her but watch where you are so you don't get sucker-punched. if you aren't willing to deal with that kind of hassle don't start. not sure from your post, is she currently dating someone you know? if so you probally should tell him....who knows he might even tell you to go for it hell. if she's like you say and he knows it then he might not care and even getting tired of it all

Vintage Vixen 01-13-2003 07:17 AM

I'd say run like hell............a piece of ass isn't worth losing a friendship.

Irish 01-13-2003 11:06 AM

I agree with BSBDD.It happened to me once with a good friends
wife.You can lose a good friendship and also you're own personal
relationship! Irish

true_casanova 01-16-2003 02:43 PM

its been said already - but just for reinforcement - DONT

this can go nowhere good. you could, like Irish said, lose a friendship, and if she'd do it ot ur friend, she'd sure do it to you.

plus if u really fall for her, and she does this to you - think how you'd feel. i know i'd be crushed if it happened to me

once again
i highly recommend you DONT

Aqua 01-16-2003 03:45 PM

Man, this girl sounds a lot like a girl I dated once...


Really FAST...

In the OTHER direction...

If you date her? After she dumps you, you'll spend a lot of time wishing you had never seen her.

skipthisone 01-16-2003 03:57 PM

Yep these guys have the answer...tie up those running shoes and skedaddle

Wildeye 01-16-2003 05:23 PM

old fart

is bang on!!!!


ps first your friend, guess who's next ?

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