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RandyGal 12-02-2002 11:16 PM

Saving movies - computer question
How does a person save those little short movie clips that you find on porn sites?

I used to be able to right click but it doesn't seem to work anymore. Are they making these shorts so that they aren't save-able these days??

Any info is appreciated...there are quite a few fun ones out there and I hate to lose them. :)

Oh and they aren't for me. They're for *someone else*. You know I don't do naughty!! :D

airhog 12-02-2002 11:33 PM

if they are streaming media then you going to have a harder time trying to save them, but programs do exist.

scotzoidman 12-02-2002 11:52 PM

Some I run across lead to an HTML page that seems to have its own media player - those aren't savable by right-clicking on the thumbs, instead I save them by right-clicking on the movie image itself....yes, while the movie is playing...

And uh, yeh...I'm not saving these for myself, either...it's for a friend, yeh, that's it...

(my little friend...)

Lilith 12-03-2002 12:31 AM

Ummmmm I just go to Grokster and download porn......er I mean someone does....

RandyGal 12-03-2002 12:33 AM

Thanks scotzoidman....it really IS quite random though, isn't it?

I tried 4 and was able to right click on just ONE of those while it was running....but hey, it's better than nothing.

Not that I'd know of course, because it isn't for me anyway.
It's ALWAYS for *someone else* isn't it? :D

DallasLiving 12-03-2002 12:37 AM

Originally posted by Lilith
Ummmmm I just go to Grokster and download porn......er I mean someone does....

Ummmmmm, I agree with Lilith.....someone does ;)

legend 12-03-2002 02:38 AM

the file should be in your internet cache, so you just have to find it and save to somewhere else.

incitatus 12-03-2002 10:43 PM


Sharniqua (& hubby) are pretty knowledgeable when it comes to movies of that type- they may be able to give you some helpful advice...

mindboxer505 12-04-2002 03:04 AM

Is that why I have this file with short strokers in it.........i bet my dog sammy has been at it again........Bad Dog......hehehehe

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