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orion5289 11-16-2002 06:52 PM

Peeing sensation during sex????
My girlfriend and I just started having sex. She was a virgin and she never had an orgasm before. So sometimes when we have sex she says that she really enjoys it, but she feels like she has to pee. This happens even though she went to the bathroom right before. I was reading alot about G-spot orgasms and doesn't it make you feel like you have to pee? I'm thinking that its a sign that she is really going to have an orgasm, but she's afraid to let go because she doesn't want to pee everywhere. Has this ever happened to anyone, and what should we do about it? This is kinda effecting our sex because its an uncomfortable feeling for her. Thanks for any help!!!

A.K.'s Sex-Pot 11-16-2002 06:58 PM

OMG I know how she feels but she really shouldn't worry!

For years I used to change positions when I felt that peeing sensation and only when I arrived in Pixie-land did I find out that that's my G-spot! If you haven't already done so check out this thread. (It says it so much better than I can)


You may want to experiment with clitoral orgasms first. The best way? I think most of the ladies will agree that using your tongue on her is the best way to get her there . . .

Good luck and have fun!

orion5289 11-16-2002 07:04 PM

Thanks for the reply AK!! So what you are saying is that if we keep having sex then she'll have a G-spot orgasm? I've also given her a clitoral orgasm before by going down on her. And I've told her to just let go during the peeing sensation, but its hard for her. Any suggestions to get past this?

Lilith 11-16-2002 07:32 PM

If you read the thread Sexpot suggested you will see a great way to give her a G spot orgasm is to have her lie on her tummy while you press firmly on the area with your thumb. You can always use the other hand to massage her ass, back, and back of thighs to help her stay relaxed.

true_casanova 11-17-2002 12:12 AM

this is definately just a psychological thing she will have to get over. like said above - you've happed upon the g-spot (see guys it does exist!)

just tell her to pee before you have sex, and have her ignore it. she is not going to pee

MsTerious 11-17-2002 08:06 PM

WHOAaaaaa Casanova, it is not a "psychological thing."
She can pee all she wants before good sex, but that won't make a dang bit of difference.
For the love of God, the worst thing she should do is ignore it!
But you're right, she won't pee.
However, if she relaxes and lets it happen, she will experience the most explosive orgasm. The "peeing sensation" is commonly referred to as 'squirting'. Otherwise known as, 'female ejaculation'.
Most men and women love when his/her partner squirts.
I wasn't able to give in to it until I was in my late 20's.
It's an indescribable sensation, but unless she is 110% comfortable, trusting, and relaxed, it won't happen.
Be patient with her and please tell her that it is absolutely normal. It's an idea that she has to be at peace with, and when that happens, she's going to be blessed with the ability to have the most unbeleivable orgasms.
My advice from here,


Murphy 11-17-2002 08:10 PM

What she said....Damn near took the words right outta my mouth!

Listen to the lady, she's got good advice.

MsTerious 11-17-2002 08:12 PM


It helps that I am a woman. ;)

airhog 11-19-2002 11:31 PM

I can definately agree with that. Everytime i used to massage my gf's g-spot she made me stop and claimed that she had to pee. I grabbed a towel eventuallyu and broke out her g-spot vibrator. she squirted quite a bit although it really didnt shoot outt.

orion5289 11-20-2002 01:32 AM

Interesting. So Airhog, you're saying that your girlfriend had a G-spot orgasm? So after you did this the first time, does she continue to squirt every time she has a G-spot orgasm?

airhog 11-20-2002 02:39 AM

well sometimes during sex she has orgasms, but she has only squirted once or twice. she doesnt like the g-spot wand, cause it has a bend in it, and hurts to insert it. I can stimulate it with my finger, but she doesnt squirt.

Loren 01-23-2003 03:09 PM

Re: Peeing sensation during sex????
Originally posted by orion5289
My girlfriend and I just started having sex. She was a virgin and she never had an orgasm before. So sometimes when we have sex she says that she really enjoys it, but she feels like she has to pee. This happens even though she went to the bathroom right before. I was reading alot about G-spot orgasms and doesn't it make you feel like you have to pee? I'm thinking that its a sign that she is really going to have an orgasm, but she's afraid to let go because she doesn't want to pee everywhere. Has this ever happened to anyone, and what should we do about it? This is kinda effecting our sex because its an uncomfortable feeling for her. Thanks for any help!!!

Since it's bothering her I would suggest having sex in a situation where peeing wouldn't be a problem. If the urge comes don't fight it, see what happens.

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