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Moonshine 05-12-2007 09:42 PM

Viking Love
Part One

Scotland Winter of 868 A.D.

Gwendolyn Wallace watched with excitment as her giant of an older brother, Orin, and his equally giantic best friend, Ulric Thurston, rolled around on the stone floor of her families grand hall. It was the middle of winter, but the warmth of the hall had allowed them to remove their shirts and wear only their leggings and boots. Both of them were well built with broad chests and equally built arms and legs. Each wore a gold arm band around their upper right arm with engravings of their various Viking gods on it. "Go Orin," she called in her small ten year old voice. "Bloody his nose." But she had to duck her head when she heard her mother, Haley Wallace, call her name. "You should be ashamed, little girl," her mother chided her. "But it's only Orin and Ulric," she said in an innocent voice. "Oh, those two," her mother sighed. "When will they give up trying to see who can best who? They act as if their still children instead of men."

Gwendolyn looked from her mother back to the fight before her. The young men were now standing, facing each other. She smiled with pride when Orin punched Ulric's mouth, causing blood to flow. Ulric spat the blood on the floor. "You'll pay for that, Orin," he called. And sure enough, a blow to Orin's mouth caused him to spit blood on the floor as well. "Had enough, Thurston," her brother asked his best friend. "Only if you agree that I'm a better fighter than you, Wallace," Ulric said thru a bloody grin. Just as they were about to start again, a thunderess voice called out "ENOUGH!".

Everyone in the great hall turned to see the Lord of the house, Rory Wallace, standing there. Gwendolyn ducked behind her mother. She loved her father dearly, and knew that the love for both she and Orin was returned, but when he entered the room and announced himself as he did, everything stopped, including her heart. "You two are a mess," he growled before smiling. "Can't you two fight somewhere else besides my hall." "It's the middle of winter," Orin called, as if their father didn't know. "You don't want us to freeze, do you," Ulric chimmed in, as if he was Rory's son too. "What I want," Rory called, "is for my house to run like it should."

Gwendolyn did as her parents, brother, and Ulric did and looked around at the hall. Every man present was laughing; some rolled on the floor. And every woman was stareing longing at the two half naked men. Even at ten, Ulric could cause her heart to race and make her to forget her own name. And breathing. It was harder to do that than it was to remember her name. "Momma," she said looking up at her proud mother, "I'm gonna marry that man one day." Her mother, knowing very well she meant Ulric, smiled down at her and stroked the back of her head. "And what if he's married by then," she asked. She looked back to tall Viking that had unknowing claimed her heart at this young age. "No," she said, smiling and shaking her head, "I'll be his wife, momma. You just wait and see. I'll be his wife."

Spring of 873 A. D. - Five years later.

Ulric Thurston and Orin Wallace waved "good-bye" to their family and friends as they set out in the long boat with the large dragon head that was customed to all Viking ships. Both of their fathers waved at them as they were setting out for the first time on their own to raid the villages across the sea. It was no surprise that the two had decided to join forces and go together. In every aspect they were more like brothers than best friends. Everything they did; they did together. Both men were now in their mid-twenties and each even more giants than before. Each stood between six and six and half feet tall and were well muscled and built. They both had shared the beds of many a woman, seperately of course, since reaching manhood. That, along with bathing and where they slept, was the only time they were seperated. It was now that Ulric thought to ask Orin a question that had plagued him for the past few days. Or at least when he fully realized that Gwendolyn was no longer a child, but a young woman with the beginings of a lucious body.

"Orin," Ulric said as they looked to the horizan, "may I talk with you about something and not get punched for asking?" Orin laughed. "Depends on what it is?" He drew in a deep breathe. "Gwendolyn is turning into a very beautiful young woman." "Now hold it," Orin protested. "She's only fifteen, or at least will be this summer." He flinched at the idea of what Orin was thinking he meant. "I don't mean I'd have her now," he said, looking at his friend. "But in a few more years when she's reached age, there's going to be more men after her than anyone can imagine. And already her beauty causes even me to take notice." He was glad to see his friend calm down as he realized what he was meaning. "You're right," Orin sighed. A smile spread across his face as he looked at Ulric. "And I guess if she's going to marry anyone, you would be the best one for her." His face then turned serious. "But if you ever hurt her, or take her against her will, I'll kill you, Ulric. By all of our Viking gods, I'll kill you." Ulric nodded, as did Orin, and not another word was mentioned again.

Summer of 878 A. D. - Five years later

A grand ball was held the night of Gwendolyn's twentith birthday. She blushed with pride as Ulric asked her to dance the first dance. She felt as if she couldn't breathe as the large Viking twirled her around the floor. She knew that they must look awkward as they dance. He was tall and well built with shoulder length reddish brown hair and dark brown, almost black, eyes. She, on the other hand, was at least a half a foot, if not more, shorter than him. The top of her head barely came to his shoulders and her frame was much dainter than his. Her honey blond hair hung down to her waist and her blue eyes were the color of the sky on a clear day. Her breasts were larger than her small hands, but she didn't doubt that they would fit nicely into Ulric's large ones.

As they continued to dance, Gwendolyn could feel the heat that Ulric's body radiated. She even noticed that he too was having just as much trouble breathing as she was; and it wasn't from the dancing. "You look even more beautiful than ususal," Ulric softly said into her ear. She felt her cheeks go flush as she too softly spoke. "Thank you, Ulric. And you too look even more handsome." The music was loud enough that no one else could hear them, but they could hear each other easily. "What did you wish for," he asked. "Wish for," she asked with a puzzled face. He smiled childishly at her and said, "Your birthday wish. What was it?" "If I tell, it won't come true," she replied just as childishly. He gave her a glare before saying, "If I have my way, Gwenodlyn, I'll do everything possible to make all your dreams come true for the rest of your life." "Is that a proposal," she asked sheepishly and batted her eyeslashes at him. "Yes," he said as he realesed the deep breathe he had held. "Then you have just granted every wish I've had since I was ten years old," she said as she threw her arms around his neck; forgetting that there was a crowd watching this intimate moment.

Gwendolyn was proud when Ulric asked her father for her hand in marriage less than an hour later. And even more proud when he announced it too the guests just moments after giving his blessing. She caught her mother's smile of pleasure. She was just as pleased to see that Orin and her best friend, Tyra Durwyn, were smiling too. Even Ulric's parents, Olaf and Vanessa Thurston, his younger sister, Brenna, and younger brother, Visil, were proud and cheering happily. For hours the happy celebration continued and when the last of the guest had left, she found herself walking hand-in-hand towards the lake with the man she loved.

Ulric stopped beside the lake and pulled Gwendolyn back to him as she continued to walk. He said not a word, but stared longing into her eyes. The full moon above shone brightly in them. One of his hands caressed her back as the other cupped a cheek of her ass, both pulling her closer to him. He felt his heart race as he leaned down to her and pressed his lips hard to hers. His breath caught as he parted her lips with his and slipped his tongue into her mouth. Her moan filled his ears as he twirled his tongue around hers. All thoughts left him, other than a quick prayer asking all his Viking gods to help him from ravishing her body right then. She was driving him wild with desire and this was only their first kiss. He felt himself instantly harden; something that no other woman had caused him to do from just a kiss. He broke their kiss only for the need of air. "I love you," he whispered into her ear. "And I love you," she replied breathlessly.

Ulric's hand left Gwendolyn's ass and cupped one of her breasts. "I said it earlier," he groaned, "and I'll say it again; you're beautifiul." "You act as if you would bed me now, Ulric," she said as their lips lightly touched. "I would, if you would permit me," he said huskily before giving her a kiss. "I've wanted you desperately for a two years now. But it wasn't until a few days ago did I realized that I loved you. And now I know just how much. Five years ago, I even asked Orin if I might persue you when you were old enough." "I take it he said 'yes'," she smiled. "I wouldn't be here now if he hadn't," he replied. But he knew that even if Orin had said "no", he would have pursured her if she had showed some intrest in him. And from the way she was acting, she was very interrested.

Ulric knew the hour was growing very late and that Gwendolyn's family would be looking for her. He would have to wait until another time to bed her. Hand-in-hand they walked back to her families heavily guarded large manor. "Tomorrow," he said in a promising tone as they reached her bedroom door. "Tomorrow we will go for a picnic, just the two of us." The palms of his hands caressed each side of her face as his fingers slipped thru the silkyness of her honey blond hair. Leaning forward, he whispered, "I'll show you what a wife needs to know to pleasure her husband." With that, he pressed his mouth to hers and took one last kiss before parting from her for the night.

The sun shone brightly into Gwendolyn's room. She eagerly jumped to her feet and pulled on her robe. "Tyra. Tyra," she called. Moments later her best friend and maid came into the room. "Oh Tyra," she exclaimed, "I had the most wonderful dream." The two of them sat down on the large bed before she contiuned. "I dreamt that it was my twentith birthday and Ulric asked me to marry him. Oh Tyra, it was so wonderful." Tyra began laughing. "It was no dream," she said. "Ulric really did ask you to marry him." Gwendolyn jumped up. "I've got to get dressed. Since it was no deram, he's taking me on a picnic." She turned back to Tyra and gave a devilish grin. "But I don't want to wear anything that will be hard to get out of." She watched as Tyra's cheeks flushed as she understood what her mistress meant.

Minutes later, Gwendolyn found Ulric, along with both of their families, in the eating hall of her home. She smiled as their mothers were already going over wedding plans as their fathers sat and talked over breakfsat. She watched the mammoth of a man, that she could now call hers, as he told the cook what he wanted prepared for their outing. But her heart raced furiously when he turned and smiled at her. She forgot to breath when he reached her and kissed her deeply in front of everyone. The room erupted in laughter and whistleing when their kiss finally broke. Her lunges ached as the much needed air filled them.

After a hearty breakfast, Gwendolyn left the eating hall with Ulric. As they reached the door of the main hall, Orin stopped them. He looked at Ulric and seriously asked, "Do you remember what I told you five years ago when you asked for permission to persue her?" Ulric nodded. "I meant what I said then then and I mean it now. You hurt her and I'll kill you." She stepped forward and said to her brother, "He'll not do anything to me without my permission. And if he does, I'll let you know and then you can kill him." Orin nodded at his sister and then too Ulric before stepping aside. She knew that the bond between her brother and her fiance was stronger than that of any two blood brothers could be and that this had been more than a threat from her brother; it was a promise.

Ulric helped Gwendolyn down from his horse when they had reached the desired destation. It was very secluded part of the Thurston property where his father had had a small cottage built on the opposite side of the lake. His parents visited it often, so it was always kept clean and tidy. In fact, he had made sure that his father knew where they would be, "if they were needed". This comment had brought a deep bellied laugh from his father. And now, he was confident that no one would be there to intrupt their day together. "Is this were we'll be picnicing," she asked. "Well," he said with a devilish grin, "we might make it out of the cottage before nightfall." He secured his horse in the small stable before taking her inside.

Ulric watched as Gwendolyn as she looked around the small one room cottage. Other than a fire place and a small table for two with it's chair, the only thing was a large bed. He had stayed here several times before, but always alone. He had been determined not to bring just any wench here, but the woman he was, or would be, married too. He sat the bag of food on the table as he watched his love as she continued to look around the small one room cottage before removing her shoes.

Ulric knew that he was ten years her senior, but Gwendoyln made him feel just as young as her. It didn't even take him a full step to reach her. He brushed her long honey blond hair away from her neck before wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her back tight to his chest, smelling her womanly scent as he did. He softly planted his lips on her soft skin. Her moan told him that she was still as willing and ready as she had been the night before. His hands slid up her stomach too her breasts and gently squeezed them, causing them both to moan. "Gwendolyn," he moaned as he pressed his hardened manhood to her back.

Gwendolyn drew in a deep breathe as she felt his hands leave her breasts and undo the bottons at the back of her dress. The fabric left her shoulders and slipped down her breasts. She had wondered earlier, while still at her home, if her decision to wear only the dress and nothing else had been a wise one. But now as he eagerly removed her only article of clothing, she was glad she had made the decision. The dress hit the floor with little effort on her part. He now growled as he looked over her shoulder at her naked body. His hands again cupped her breasts, but this time there was no fabric to hide their softness from him. He kissed her shoulder as he moved one hand across both breasts and the other down to the patch of honey blond hair between her legs. She gasped as he found her womanhood and began to slowly rub, sending her into pleasure that she didn't know existed.

Gwendolyn closed her eyes and heard Ulric's voice say, "You're even more beautiful than I had imagained." His compliment sent shivers up her spine. "And your warmth is indeed inviting." She felt him back away from her. With her back still to him, she looked sheepishly over her shoulder at him. Her legs felt as if they would go out from under her at any moment. She watched as he removed his shirt, revealing the large, muscled chest that she had seen on so many occassions since her childhood. It now had several healed scars, reminding her that he was indeed a Viking warrior that often did battle when raiding and defending his own from raids. He sat down in one of the chairs to remove his boots. But when he stood to remove his leggings, she turned her head back and felt her cheeks go flush. His deep sounding laugh fill the small cottage. But it was the feel of his naked, harden manhood against her own naked back that made her draw in and hold her breathe.

Ulric turned Gwendolyn to him. Her head didn't stay down long once she seen his hardness. He smiled as she gasped at her first sight of him; drawing in a much needed breathe. Her hands first went to her mouth and throat before they went to his chest. Her touch was soft and light. A devilish thought crossed his mind and it made him smile. He had thought to carry her to the bed like a gentleman, but nay, he was a Viking and he would take his woman to bed like one. He didn't give her much time to protest as he slung her over his shoulder and took the few steps to the bed before depositing her on her back with a thud. He smiled at her lustfully as he let his Viking nature take over him.

Ulric spread Gwendolyn's legs apart wide with his knees, hovering his manhood just above her honey blond hair. His mouth covered hers and pressed hard. He supported his weight with one elbow as he roughly massaged her breast. Her moans of pleasure filled the warm summer air in the cottage. He felt her small frame moving as she tried to arch under him, but was held down easily with just one hand. His lips moved down her neck, ocassionaly nibbling as he made his way to her shoulder and then breast. "Ulric," she gasped as he bit her harden nipple. Her shoulders tried to rise, but his body easily blocked her.

Ulric kissed his way down Gwendolyn's stomach. Her body again arched. He placed a hand on her stomach and pushed it back down as he found the desired area between her legs. "Ulric," she screamed as his tongue found the spot, flicking the sensitive harden little nub. He felt her fingers clawing into his scalp as she grasped his reddish brown hair. He barely felt the pain of his hair being pulled as he tasted her juices. It tasted just as sweet as her kisses did. He then kissed his way back up her stomach before kissing her deeply. His tongue mated hers in sweet bliss.

Gwendolyn was so swept up in the pleasure that Ulric had just introduced that she didn't notice when he first slipped himself into her. But when he pushed himself in again, she felt as if she was being ripped apart. Her fingers dug into the muscle of his upper arms as she felt him break thru her maidenhead; just as he would when storming a well guarded manor or castle. His moan of satisfaction told her that he was completely in, but tears flowed from her eyes he moved in her. Her raised her leg up and roughly caressed her thigh. The pain that had be almost unbareable moments before was now subsiding into a pleasure beyond her knowledge. Her fingers dug deeper into his arm as he felt herself tense and then release around him. He continued to move in her, pushing her leg higher with each thrust.

It wasn't until she released her grip, did Gwendolyn realized that Ulric's gold arm band had been curled in her fingers. Those fingers now felt as if the circulation had been cut off and was now feeling the blood flowing thru them. She panted as she tried to catch her breath, but felt herself tensing again just before releasing. "Ulric," she panted as she felt her back touch the now sweat soaked sheets. She then felt his own release in her, filling her with his seed. For some time, she laid with his body hovering just above hers as he kissed her forehead softly over and over. When he did finally lay by her, she cherished his strength in his large arms as they held her close. She laid still, trying to remember when she had first fell in love with him, but couldn't. She had loved him for as long as she could remember, even as a child. She remember telling her mother that one day she would be his wife and now she was soon to be.

Moonshine 05-13-2007 04:21 PM

Part Two

A fortnight had passed since Ulric had claimed Gwendolyn's body, three times no less, as his own. The wedding ceremony was now over and he carried his bride up to his own chambers. His own home had been completed last year and now that he had a bride, he was glad that he had pushed to get it built. He sat her down gently before locking the door behind them and then turned to her. She was beautiful in her bridal gown. But he knew what she looked like naked and she was even more beautiful undressed. "Gwendoyln," he said in a husky voice to her back. Her honey blond hair was pulled up tightly into a bun, giving him easy access to her neck. He roughly kissed her Viking neck as his large Viking hands ravaged her body thru the gown. His hardened manhood pressed against her, letting her know just how much he wanted her. "Ulric," she panted as his hands cupped her breasts and squeezed them tightly. He wanted his Viking bride's small, yet delicate body; wanted it desperately! But even more, he wanted her wedding night to be special. So after taking a deep breathe, he done his best to calm himself down.

Ulric slowly removed Gwendolyn's gown and undergarments. Though it pleased her greatly, it nearly drove him to shear madness. He took even less time in removing his own from his massive body. He growled as he pressed the full length of her naked body to his. Her warm bare breasts pressed against him, reminding him of her softness. He kissed and nibbled one side of her neck and shoulders, causing her to gasp with each nibble. She gave the same reaction when he done the other side. "My bride," he whispered into her ear as his hands roamed her body. "My Viking bride. I may have already claimed your body and heart, but now you are truly my property." "You needed not a wedding ceremony to make that claim," she said breathlessly. "Your exquisite body brings me to my knees, my Lady," he said softly; his dark brown, almost black, eyes filling with lust and desire as he looked into her sky blue ones.

"Nay," Gwendolyn sexily replied, undoing the bun for effect, "it is you who brings me to my knees." And to prove her point, she lowered herself to them. Ulric's large, swollen member stared her in the face. She heard him hiss as the bulbous head slid in and out of the warmth and wettness of her mouth. His fingers ran thru her hair, guiding her mouth on him. She felt his body tense as he said her name thru glenched teeth. She grabbed his ass and pulled his body towards her, shoving his hardened member into her mouth, forcing it down her throat. She was surprised when she did not gag on his size, but she was more interrested in pleaseing them both to notice it sliding down her throat.

Gwendolyn released Ulric's cock from her mouth. She gasped for air before making love to it again with her mouth. His fingers made a fist, catching her hair in them, but she ignored them. She continued her assault on his hardness with her mouth, occassionaly releasing him for air. "Gwendolyn," she heard him gasp, "if you don't stop, I'm going to explode." "Good," she said as she sucked in air. It was what she wanted. She wanted to feel in her mouth the explosion her womanhood had felt three times before. She wanted to taste his seed. She heard her name again just before she tasted his salty cum as it flooded her mouth. She moved on him, sucking out every last drop before pulling off of him and swallowing all of it.

The room spun and Ulric felt as if his legs would go out from under him. Never had he had a woman do to him what Gwendolyn just did. Oh, sure, more than one woman had sucked on him, but not once had one brought him to climax in her mouth. He released her hair from her fingers. "Gwendolyn," he moaned as he looked for a place to sit down. Determining the bed was closest, he made his way there. His head filled with her childish giggling as she joined him there. He gasped for air, praying to his Viking gods that his breathing would return to normal so that he could return the sensual assalt to her.

Ulric laid on his side with Gwendolyn on her back next to him. He massaged her breasts as his breathing returned to normal. He savagely pressed his mouth to hers and began to return the assault of the senses that she had just given him. His hand left the shapely curves of her breasts and headed south to her womanhood. He continued to ravage her mouth as his finger rubbed her swollen nub. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him onto her. He could tell she wanted more; needed more. He pulled a nipple into his mouth and sucked it. His finger grazed across her sensitvie spot before pushing into her. His mouth went to the other nipple as his finger continued to move in her. He felt her body arch just before her release. She now trembled with pleasure.

Ulric kissed his way down Gwendolyn's stomach; it raised and lowerd with each breath she took. Threading his hands under and over her thighs, he held them there and stared at the honey blonde hair between her legs. His fingers pulled the swollen lips apart and he plunged his face to the area of his desire. He held her legs and hips still as she sat up and screamed his name before falling back to the bed. With very little effort, he held her hips still as his tongue flicked her swollen nub, causing her to scream his name again. He sucked the nub into his mouth, pulling it hard with just his lips. He heard her pant and gasp for air as her body shook violently as she came.

Gwendolyn gripped the pillows in her fists and again screamed Ulric's name. Tears flooded her eyes and her body shook violently as she felt herself cum. His tongue lapped up her juices before he crawled on top of her. Through a sexually induced haze, she stared into his dark eyes. She was still gasping to catch her breathe when she felt him enter her. The fortnight since they had been together had tighten her some, but not fully. She again felt herself stretching as he pushed the last of him in her. "Ulric," she gasped as he began a pleasurable rythem in her. She felt herself cum again. Her Viking husband raised both her legs high with his upper arms, pushing himself in deeper now that her legs were out of the way.

Gwendolyn felt the tip of Ulric's shaft hitting the backside of her womb. He grunted as he pushed harder and harder into her causing her dig her nails into his back. "Ulric. Ulric," she cried as she again felt her own release. She felt him slowing down, but couldn't recall feeling his release. She was confused when he swiftly rolled them over and placed her on top of him. She complied as he pulled her knees to the bed next to his wide hips. His hands slapped her ass, causing them to sting and burn before forcing her to rise and lower on him. She now understood what he wanted and began riding his shaft on her own. His large hand now slipped under his head as he watched her pleasure herself.

Ulric watched his Viking bride's eyes as she rode him. Sometimes they were open, other times closed, but mostly they were slits expressing just how much she was enjoying him. Her head rolled around, slinging her long honey blond hair wildly. He lifted his hips each time as she brought herself down on him. Her hands now pressed lightly against his chest, supporting her full weight on him. He smiled as she gasped and her body violently shook thru another climax, yet continueing to ride so that she could reach another. He pinched her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, causing her to scream again. She fell forward onto him, crying hysterically as another orgasm shot thru her body. Her felt her tears on his chest before rolling her off of him.

Laying them both on their sides, with Gwendolyn's back to his stomach, Ulric pushed back into her. He raised her upper leg with ease as he hammered himself in her. "Oh, Gwen," he groaned thru clenched teeth, "you are so warm and wet." He heard her gasp with each deep thrust he made. Her eyes were closed and tears of pleasure streamed from them. The large fur covering his bed was clutched tightly in her upper fist and her other arm laid curled under her head. Her hips moved in rythem with him, driving him further and further into her. His body tensed as he felt his balls began to throb painfully, sending his cum up his long shaft before spilling into his Viking bride. He held her hips tight to him as he milked himself of every last drop. Her body was still shaking as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight to him. Twice more Ulric had his way with Gwendolyn before falling asleep for the night.

As time passed, it was very rare that Ulric left Gwendolyn to spend a night alone. If his trips out to sea were to be long ones, he took her with him. He refused to be away from her, and her exquisit Viking body, for very long. Even on his ships, he made sure that her body was well pleased.

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