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Moonshine 06-26-2007 03:08 PM

Bandido's Querida
Chapter One

Spring, 1820

Samantha De Le Vega sat up in her bed. Cold sweat poured from her body as the memory of her parents death visited her dreams once again. She had grown use to them in the fourteen years since their death. But still she grumbled the explicit word, "!Caramba!". "?Que?", Trixy Chavez asked half asleep from the bed just a few feet away. "Was it your dream again?" "Si," Samantha sighed as she laid back down. Samantha had been only six when her parents, Juan and Amanda Chavez, had died in an accident as they, along with several other families including the Chavez's, moved further south towards Old Mexico. Her father had been a good looking Mexican man and her mother a very beautiful American woman. Even now, she wondered how they had met and fell in love so far North as they had.

At twenty, Samantha was tall and beautiful herself. Her emerald green eyes, handful sized breasts, and slender frame with long legs were like those of her late mother's. From her father, she had inherited his naturally tanned skin, determination, smile, and the medium brown color of her waist long hair. Had it not been for the kindness of Armando and Maria Chavez when she was orphaned, she didn't know where she would be now. They had took her in and raised her like one of their own children all those years ago. Having been an only child herself, Samantha felt very much part of the Chavez family. She now had four brothers and three sisters. She also loved it because she was neither the youngest nor eldest. Because of her age, she fit in as the "fourth" child. But it was the eldest child, Roberto, that held her fancy.

Roberto was already twenty-one when Samantha joined their family. It had been him that held her when her parents died. He kept her from running to the over-turned wagon and seeing her parents mangled bodies. It had been him that held her close when she woke with nightmares of the accident and eased her fears. Now thirty-five, he was still unmarried. After an arguement with his father five years ago because of his "livelihood" made him leave home. Rumors had reached the Chavez's that he was still persuing his "livelihood" as a bandido, but was now the leader of his own group. Samantha could only hope that these rumors were not true.

Light was creeping into the room as the sun beginning to rise. There was much to be done today. One of Samantha's friends, Consuela Martinez, would be married tonight and she, along with several other women in the village, was helping with the preparations. Like all the weddings that took place in their small Mexican village of Hijo Diablo, it was too be a great fiesta. She quickly dressed and ate before saddleing her horse and riding the five miles south from the village to her friends home.

Samantha had ridden about a mile when she saw three men riding towards the village. Not wanting to take a chance on them being bandidos, she hide in a group of trees until they passed. She feared that they had spotted her when they rode towards her. She and her horse remained still as they passed by. She knew none of them, but the one in the middle on the painted stallion looked familiar. Once they passed, the man's face stayed in her mind. He had looked her way and she had seen his eyes...; those piercing brown eyes haunted her all the way to the Martinez's home. She had seen them before, but where? She couldn't help from feeling like she knew the man they belonged to.

Roberto Chavez smiled as he and the other two men rode towards the small village that had once been his home. He had seen the young woman take off towards the group of trees as they crested the hill. The need to pass by the trees was unnecessary, but he couldn't resist giving the woman a scare. He saw her face. If he didn't know any better, he would have sworn that it was the girl his parents had took in long ago, Samantha De Le Vega. She would be about twenty now. Three questions about this woman pleagued his mind: Was it Samantha?; Was she married now?; And why was she alone? He would find out when he reached his parents home. That in itself would be a battle.

Just outside of Hijo Diablo, the three men slowed their horses. Each having a connection to the village they intended to return here one day to live. They had became rich men in the last ten years robbing stage coaches and trains. It was now a matter of time until their crimes were forgotten and they could go on about their lives. But, how long that would be, Roberto didn't know. He looked around at the bustling village. Only one other time could he remember it being this busy. It had been the day his sister, the one next to him, Treasea, had married. It was the smell of the traditional wedding dishes being cooked that confirmed his thought and made him now wonder who the lucky couple was. He hoped beyond hope that Samantha wasn't the bride-to-be.

Roberto knocked on the door of his parents hacienda. The call of his youngest sister, Trixy, announced that she was answering the door. "Roberto," she screamed as she hugged him and pulled him inside. "Madre. Padre. It's Roberto," she again screamed, her voice drifting complete through the house. Roberto stiffened when his father entered into the sala. "Padre," he said, putting some emotion into the word. "Roberto," his father said, doing the same. "Am I and my men welcomed here," Roberto asked. He watched his father frown. Finally, he nodded and waved the three men inside.

Roberto and his men drank and ate with his parents. He learned that the woman he saw hiding was indeed Samantha. "!Maldicion!," he thought to himself as he remembered how beautiful she was. He was no longer thinking of her as a little nina, nor as a little sister, but as a very attractive mujer. After bathing and changing clothes, he and his men escorted his parents to the wedding in town. He looked forward to seeing Samantha. The good man in him wanted to see her as the little sister he remembered her as. But the bad man in him, the one that he had become since leaving his family's home, wanted to take her to the nearest bed and claim her as his own. This feeling was only made worse when he saw at the wedding, to busy to notice that he was there, but he noticed her. Dios, did he notice her!

Moonshine 06-27-2007 12:05 PM

Chapter Two

Samantha stayed busy for several hours helping to serve food and drinks. Several times she had to tell the muchachos that she didn't want to dance. It was so much that she didn't want to dance, just not with them. Trixy had informed her that Roberto was at the fiesta, but she had been so busy that she had not seen him. She wondered even if he had came to her for food or drink, would she have recoginzed him. It had been five long years and she had changed a lot in that time. It was possible that he had too.

It was nearing ten o'clock when Samantha decided to slip away and stand where the breeze was cooler. Even though the fiesta was held outside, there was very little breeze where she was and the spring night was unusually warm tonight. She slipped away unnoticed, or at least she thought she had, and leaned against the wall of one of the buildings. The glow of the hanging linternas around the corner of the building made a nice long shadow for her to hide in. The breeze was much cooler and stronger here. She felt herself cooling down as the breeze lightly played with the bottom of her falda. She closed her eyes and listen to the sound of the mariachi band as they played.

Samantha didn't know how long she had leaned against the wall, but the sound of spurs jingling as they came towards her made her back stiffen against the wall. So many of the hombres here tonight wore them and she wondered which one it was. She had kept herself busy for the soul purpose of not having to dance with any of them. She drew in a deep breathe as the man stopped short of the building's shadow. She could see his eyes in the glow of the linternas. They were the same eyes she had seen earlier that today. The ones that had tormented her all day as she tried to remember where she had seen them before.

Samantha studied the hombre. He was tall, at least a half foot taller than her. His body was slender, yet his muscular strength was very evident. His sombrero hung down his back. She could tell his hair and mustache matched that of his eyes. His shoulders were broad and sturdy. And his legs were long and lean. He wore all black and this scared her. All the bandidos she had seen wore only black. She drew in a deep breathe. If he came near her, no one would be able to hear her screams over the band. His laugh quickly dismissed her fear and drew out her anger. How dare he mock her fear! He knew he scared her with his presences and it amused him.

"Que," Samantha yelled at the hombre. Feeling a sudden burst of courage, she threatened, "I must worn you that all I have to do is scream and there will mucho hombres here." The hombre again laughed. "Do not fool yourself, nina," he said laughingly. "Besides, Samina, I wish you no harm." She braced herself against the wall. He called her Samina. Only one man had ever called her "Samina". "Roberto," she gasped. "Si, Samina," he laughed. All her fears and anger was dissolved and she ran to him.

As Samantha reached him, she didn't notice that he had stepped inside the shadows with her. His arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her tight against him. Her arms went around his neck. Her fingers played with his long ponytail. She felt his soft lips on hers; they tasted of wedding punch with a slight hint of licor. His hands slidding up her back and then back down, cupping her ass in their firmness. She felt his tongue slip between her lips and she eagerly accepted it. Her own twirled with his. Her breathing became labored as he passionatley kissed her. She then gasped for air as she felt his hands lower to her legs and lift her up. Her virginal womanhood felt his hardness pressing against it. His body nearly crushed her against the wall as passion and lust overtook him as well. And then just as soon, she felt her feet on the ground again. Her head spun with the prospect of what had just happened.

Robeto looked down at Samantha. So long he had waited to do that. To show her his feelings for her. All fears he had of her not wanting him in return were dismissed when she eagerly and passionately kissed him back. The warmth of her smaller body, mainly her womanhood, next to him nearly drove him loco. He laughed as he said, "We must get back to the fiesta, Samina, or I wil be more than tempted to take you to my bed. I will be having my way with you right here and now." He was a little shocked and suprised when she asked, "And where would your bed be found?" "Anywhere I make it," he said with a tone of desire that would make the diablo himself blush. He was even more surprised when she asked, "Do you promise to show me sometime?" "Si," he said with desire dripping from him, "I am tempted to show you now. But Samnia, mi bella, there are mucho people around. It would not be proper."

Roberto grabbed Samantha by her hand and hurriedly walked her back to the fiesta. He saw his padres sigh with relief when they joined the dance taking place. A few twirls later and he noticed that all the eligiable hombres were stareing at him as if they could kill him. He inwardly smiled as he knew that he was dancing with one of the most sought after and mucho bella senoritas at the fiesta. It also made him proud to know that he was the only hombre she had, and would, dance with all night. Even if he had to fight them off to do it, he would make sure that she remained his alone all night.

Midnight approached and many of the guests began to leave. The happy couple had already taken leave early in the evening. Armando and Maria said "buenoas nochas" to Roberto. Of their four daughters, one of them being Samantha, the two eldest ones were married and were leaving as well with their own husbands and children. Samantha and Trixy were the only two hijas left at home. Trixy was already with her parents when Armando held out his hand for Samantha to come with them. Roberto knew that even though she was twenty, she was still under the protection of his father since she was still unwed. Placing his arm around her waist, he pulled her close to him and said to his padre, "I will bring her to the casa. I would like for her to stay. I offer my protection to her."

Roberto held his breathe as his padre kept his hand extended for several long seconds before retracting it. He cautiously watched as his padre stepped close to them, determination in his eyes. Armando spoke to Roberto alone, put the words were heard by Samantha as well. "If she is hurt by you or any one else while under your protection, I just might forget that you are mi hijo mayor. Fourteen years I have protected her. Don't make me regret this." Roberto nodded his head and watched his padres and younger hija walk away.

Pride filled Roberto's chest as he was now left as Samantha's protector. He only whished that it was for the rest of his life and not just for tonight. Looking across the small village, he saw the church standing tall and proud. Pulling Samantha away from the crowd of people still there, he held her at arms length. "Samania, mi bella," he said, "I want to ask you uno question. You do not have to answer me now."

Roberto knelt down before her and looked up at her. His voice turned soft and luring, "I cannot offer you a fine casa to live in en el presente. And we would live from day to day, sleeping where ever we found a place. Mi marido por favor, Samina? Make me the happiest hombre alive and marry me." In the soft glow of the linternas he saw her smile and her eyes sparkling like alhajas. "Si. Si. Si, Roberto. Si," she exclaimed. "I would be honored to be your mujar." He quickly stood up and pulled his querida tightly to him. "Oh Samina," he sighed. "I have loved you for so long. I want you for my mujar now."

Moonshine 06-28-2007 10:05 AM

Chapter Three

Roberto woke before the sun. He and his men would be returning to their guarida today. He had slept very little during the night. He felt that he had dreamt his night with Samantha; their meeting, dancing, her agreeing to be his wife, and... the passionate kiss they shared. He knew that if it wasn't a dream, he would not be able to leave his parent's casa without her. And his padre would not allow her to leave with out her being his wife.

Finding the matches and candle where he left them on the table next to the bed, Roberto dressed quickly in the candle light. He went to the room that Samantha and his sister, Trixy, shared. Not bothering to knock, he quietly entered the room and went to Samantha's bed. He stared at her. She looked like an angel in the glow of the candlelight.

Samantha laid on her back with her arms above her head. Her medium brown hair fanned out like a halo. A thin sheet, one that was more comfortable for sleeping in this warm climate, covered her from the waist down. Her top half was covered only by her thin camison. The material was pulled tight against her breasts. Roberto could see her hard nipples sticking thru the thin material. He gave a low moan of desire as he stared at her. He wanted her; to know what her skin felt like, to taste her breasts, to feel her body under his. Closing his eyes and balling his hands into fists, he took a deep breathe and slowly exhaled. Feeling somewhat composed, he leaned over and lightly shook her as he softly called "Samania" until she woke.

Roberto sat down next to Samantha on her bed. When she leaned forward and ran her finger along his mustache and then down his stubled chin, he knew that last night had not been a dream. "I will be leaving today, Samina," he softly said. "I want you to go with me, but I know that padre will not allow you to leave unless we are marido." He smiled when she placed her finger to his lips and quieten him. She smiled at him as she said, "Then help me dress, mi amor." "Dress," he said in a soft shocked voice. He knew what looking at her in her camison had done to him and he didn't know if he would be able to contain himself along enough to help her dress. "Maybe you should wake Trixy," he said nervously as he began to leave her bed. "Chicken," she asked teasingly. "

"Si," Roberto nodded. Reaching the door, he turned to Samantha and smiled as he added, "At least until I am able to control myself around your naked body. I will wake madra and padre so that they can go to the church with us." Returning to her, he whispered to her, "Wear only your dress. Do not were your ropa interior. They will only be in the way." With that, he left the room and her stareing after him in daze of horror. Closeing the door behind him, he smiled at his own devilment. It was brazen of him to tell her not to wear any undergarments, but he had plans for their ride to his guarida.

An hour later, Samantha found herself riding away from Hijo Diablo. She smiled as she played with the wedding band on her finger. Maria Chavez had insisted that she take the family heirloom. She even insisted that it was an omen that their marriage was blessed since the ring fit her finger perfectly. She wrapped her arms tightly around Roberto's waist as they rode towards his guarida. She was now his wife. "The wife of a bandido," she thought. It was then that she realized that there was something that went along with being his mujar. He had the right to lay with her and to know her body in the most intimate ways. She gasped as she realized that she was a virgen and he would be taking her pureza tonight.

It was the slowing of the horse that brought Samantha out of her dream state. "We will rest the horses a bit," Roberto said as he dismounted and led the horse to the small stream flowing nearby. Juan and Marcus walked their own horses to the stream and then dismounted as Roberto placed her on the ground. "How much longer do we have," she asked nervously. "Not long," he smiled, a grin like that of la diablos spread across his face. He pointed to a canyon not far off in the distance. Our guarida is an old forgotten ghost town nestled in the canyon. "We will be there shortly," he said, pulling her close to him; pressing his body hard against hers.

Juan and Marcus laughed. "Would you like to left alone now," Juan asked as a smile spread across his face. "Si," Marcus said laughing, "tener relaciones sexuales con mujar." Samantha blushed at Marcus's words. "Si," Roberto said to them as he looked at her, their bodies still pressed tightly together. "We will ride in alone, but I will make amor to her in my own lecho." She felt her cheeks redden more at her husband's words. Her eyes never left him, but she heard the two men ride off. "I am finally alone with my mujar," he said as his lips touched hers.

Samantha felt Roberto's hands move down her waist and to her culo. He squeezed each cheek firmly in his hands. He then caressed her face with one of his hands. She moaned as he lightly ran his fingertips down her neck. She was lost in the moment and didn't even notice him unbottoning the top three buttons of her dress. But she felt his rough hand as he massaged her breasts and kissed her deeply. She pulled him closer to her and moaned from his touch. She felt his hard manhood straining to get free. And before she knew it. She felt herself being placed back on the horse; Roberto's body then settled behind her.

"Roberto," Samantha gasped as she realized that she was sitting straddled instead of sidesaddled in front of him. "I am not sitting properly." "I know," he whispered into her ear as his hands went under her dress and began to caress her thighs. "Roberto," she again gasped. "We will ride slowly to the guarida," he whispered as the horse began a slow walk. She felt his hands rise higher and higher until they reached their destination. She raised her arms above her head and wrapped them around his neck. She felt his lips on her neck as his hands began to light touch her concha. "Roberto," she gasped for the third time. She squirmed in the saddle in front of him and soon felt his finger entering her. "Dios," she moaned. "Paraiso aliviar mi!" She felt her body shake. Moments later a feeling of release flowed thru her. "That is how it will feel each time, Samina," Roberto whispered softly. "But next time, it will not be my finger, but my polla in your concha. And you will amor it even more!" With that he removed his hands from her dress; one gripped her waist as the other the reins. He then spurred the horse and they rode rapidly towards the guarida.

Moonshine 07-03-2007 02:11 PM

Chapter Four

Samantha sighed as she looked out the winodw of Roberto's room. It was in the upper right hand corner of the old bordello. But the best part of the room, or so she thought, was the banera sitting by the wall. She watched the yellowish glow of the sun as it began to sink behind the mountains. The sky streaked with yellow, then organge, red fading into purple, and then blue before finally giving in to the black sky. Her mind sifted through the the events of the day. She had been awaken by Roberto and married him that morning; a half days ride had brought them here; and then with the help of Juan's sister, Anita, and Marcu's amor, Gina, she had cleaned the room so that it took on a woman's touch. They had eaten supper with his men before he left for a few minutes to arrange a surprise. She continued to stare blankly out the window and didn't even noticed that the sun had completely set. Or that Roberto had entered the room and now stood behind her. The soft touch of his lips on her skin as he said "Samina" made her jump.

Samantha felt Roberto's strong hands as they roamed her body. Her own hands raised above her head and closed around his neck. Her eyes closed and she felt his hands move up her stomach and cup her pichos. She felt a slight rumble in her throat and then heard him say, "You purr like a gatitio, mi amor. You purred just like you did when I touched you while we were riding. I like to hear it." His hand then rubbed the wanting spot of her concha. His voice became husky and almost demanding as he whispered in her ear, "You will purr like that again, Samina. You will purr for only me, si? You are MY mujer and I want to hear you purr in my lecho as we make amor."

Roberto felt Samantha jump in his arms as they heard the light tapping of the open door. "Si," he said, already knowing who it was. "The aqua for you bano, Senor Chavez," the older woman said. "Si," he said, releasing Samantha from his hold. He eagerly watched as the last of the water was poured into the banera. Smiling, he said "buenas nochas" to the few women who had brought the water. He then bolted the door close.

Roberto watched Samantha as she nervously played with the fabric of her dress. "This is your surprise, Samina," he said. He knew that she was a vergen and scared of what was soon to happen. He smiled as he removed his hat and gun belt; placing them on the small table next to the lecho. Next he removed his boots and dropped them next to the lecho where he could easily get them in the morning. He then pulled his shirt from his pants and unbottoned it before dropping it to the floor. Taking Samantha's hand, he pulled her away from the window and into his arms.

Roberto tilted Samantha's head and ligthly grazed his lips against hers. The softness of her skin drove him loco. With unbridled passion driving him, he plunged his tongue into her mouth; mating with her own. His hand, still around her waist, pressed her tighter to him. His pija was now fully hard from wanting his new bride. Without thinking about it, he unzipped the back of her dress as they continued to kiss. His fingers gripped the material and slowly pulled it from her shoulders and her arms. He felt the softness of her naked breasts as they now pressed against him. He kissed his way down her neck, between her breasts, and then her stomach; pulling the material down as he went. Standing back, he took in her beauty.

Samantha moved one hand across her breasts as the other covered her concha. She watched Roberto shake his head as he said, "No, Samina. Do not hide your beauty from me. I am your marido now. Por favor, mi belle, do not hide your beautiful body from me. I want to see you." Slowly, she slid her hands away from her, letting them hang by her side. She watched as he removed his pants, revealing his body completely. She gasped as he craddled her in his arms and carried her to the banera. She closed her eyes as she felt the warm water touch her skin, rising just above her nipples, as he lowered her in. Eyes still closed, she felt the water rise above higher before she felt his own foot touching her leg.

Samantha opened her eyes and smiled nervously at Roberto. He pulled her to him, straddling her on his lap. She watched him lather up the soft clothe in his hand and rubbed her breasts with it. She blushed as he began to wash her whole body. She the in turn washed him, blushing again when she washed his hardness. Feeling fully clean, she purred as he drew a nipple into his mouth, sucking and teasing it. His hands rubbed her culo as he continued to suck. "Roberto," she purred. His own moan filled the room. His hand teased her swollen and throbbing clit as he now teased the other nipple. She felt his finger slide inside of her, rubbing her sensitive area as he moved his finger in and out. "I need to be in you, Samina," he groaned. "I need to feel your warm, silkines surrounding me."

Samantha felt Roberto's body rising and followed his move. She like the feel of him drying her body with the soft towel and she did so for him in return, blushing when she reached his manhood. She now laid on his lecho, her new marido laying between her legs. His tongue gently swiped her clit, causing her to buck and purr. "Roberto," she cooed. "Oh, Roberto. Oh mi Dios!" She felt a wave of pleasure move over her. It felt better than the one she had experienced earlier in the day.

Roberto kissed his way back up his mujer's body. He pushed his manhood to the opening of Samantha's virginal concha. "Relax," he softly whispered in her ear, "you will mucho like the way this feels, Samina. You will be wanting more and more. I promise." He pushed the tip of himself in, watching her flinch as he did. Her hands pushed at his chest, trying effortlessly to move him. "Roberto," she pleaded with both her eyes and her tone. His need became to much. He knew she wanted him too, but was only afraid of the pain. He had to show her that once the pain was removed, the pleasure was worth it. Grasping each of her wrists in his hands, he held her them next to her head. Pushing his shoulders up, he pushed his manhood into her. He felt her rip as his pija stretched her. Her warmth and wetness was still there, helping him to move in her.

Roberto pulled out and then pushed back in; the tip of him touching the one thing that made her a virgin. His heart tore as Samantha cried from pain. He knew he was bigger than average, and that she would be able to take him completely once he had "broke her in". Her eyes pleaded with him as he again pulled out and then back in, this time shattering her purity and claiming her as his own. Her gasp from pain was almost more than she could bare. He began to slowly move himself in her. He watched her eyes. The fear and pain began to slip away. He now saw pleasure filling them. She began to moan and purr as he pleasured them both. He released her wrists. Her hands wrapped around his back and rested on his shoulders.

Roberto moaned as Samantha pulled his chest closer to her own. Her legs wrapped around his waist, pushing him deeper and deeper in her. "See, mi querida," he said, "the pain goes away and only pleasure is left." Her moans and purrs told him that she was indeed enjoying herself. "Roberto," she panted as he moved in her. He ran his hand down her leg, cupping it just under her knee and pulled her leg up. He moved deeper into her. He felt her shudder as she released on him for the first time. It was too much and he too released. He hoovered just above her, kissing her in the afterglow of their lovemaking. He then moved next to her and pulled her close to him. They would sleep now. But soon... he would have her again.

Moonshine 07-04-2007 01:25 PM

Chapter Five

Roberto slept deeply for the first time in a long time. He sighed in his sleep as he dreamed.

Roberto sat on his horse, hidden by a group of trees, watching his parents casa. He had seen his family leave. His mother had left word that she had supplies for him and that he could come to the casa once the family had left. He urged his horse down the trail. Entering the casa, he expected to find it empty, but the sound of a female's voice caught his attention. Slipping towards the voice, he found himself outside the room shared by Trixy and Samantha. The door was open just enough for him to watch without being seen. Inside, Samantha was removing her clothes. His heart started to beat faster. He didn't know when he had fell in love with her. But for sometime now, he hadn't thought of her as a little sister, but as that of a young, available mujer. One that he was determined to claim for his own. She was just barely eighteen, but Dios was she beautiful.

Roberto felt himself harden as he watched Samantha's naked body slide into the small tub. The water splashed over the side as she lower herself. Undoing his gunbelt, he silently laid it next to him on the floor. He then undone his pants and began to pleasure himself as he watched her. The water flowed over her breasts. He gave a loan moan that caused her to sit up. He nervously watched as she tensed, looked around, and then shurged her shoulders, deciding that it was nothing. He watched as she began to wash herself between her legs. She moaned. He then realized that she was just washing herself, but pleasureing herself too. Together, without her knowledge, they came. What pleased him the most, was that she gasped his name as she did.

Roberto then felt transported in his dream. He was no longer watching Samantha in her own dormoitorio, but he was sitting in the banera with her. He was washing her body. Watching the water as it trickled down her breasts, dripping off her hard nipples. Watching her blush as she washed him. Then they were on the lecho and he was making love to her. She felt so warm and real. Her body first fighting his intruding pija, then finally giving into him. He felt her explosion on him, causing his own. He then felt himself jolt awake.

Roberto jolted awake, immediately feeling the weight of a body on his arm. After seeing Samantha bathing that day, he had refused to sleep with a woman until he had claimed her as his. And then... he would have no other. So why was there a warm body laying next to him. He looked over at the woman and drew in a deep sigh of relief as he saw Samantha laying there. He watched as the morning sun shone on her medium brown hair as she slept. The cool morning breeze lightly whipped it around, causing it to go from shades of brown to almost blonde in the sunlight. He held his breathe as he pulled the sheet from her body, revealing her breasts, then stomache, and finally the curly brown hair between her long, shapely legs. He lightly touched her nipple with his fingertip, causing it to harden in her sleep. He felt the urge to suck on it and gave in.

Samantha felt the soft touch on her breasts. But it was the wetness that encased it that woke her. She opened her eyes to see Roberto's face close to hers as she suckled at her breast. "MMM Roberto," she cooed, letting him know she was awake. She eagerly spread her legs as he moved on top of her. He heatedly kissed her on her lips, forehead, neck, cheeks, shoulders, breasts, everywhere he could reach. He drove her loco with them. Even his smile was more than she could stand.

Before Samantha knew it, she was sitting straddled on Roberto. She felt his harden pija pushing up in her concha. She moaned as he gripped her culo and showed her how to ride him. She soon felt herself cumming, unaware that she was purring as she rode. "That's it mi gatito," he said in a husky voice. "Show me how much you like it, Samina. Purr, mi gatito, purr for me." She again came as she rode, causing her purring to increase. With her hands on his chest, she threw her head back and closed her eyes as she enjoyed herself of her marido's pija. Unaware of it, she dug her nails into his chest, causing long, red strips of blood to surface. "Oh you little gatito," she heard him laugh. "We will have to trim those claws of yours." Looking down, she saw his chest. She smiled an apologetic smile at him.

Samantha leaned forward and kissed Roberto's chest. She purred as he ran his fingers through her hair. She continued to move herself on him. As she did, she hit a new spot on his pija and increased both of their enjoyment. She felt him moving with her; pushing in as she move down. She gasped each time they came together. "Si, Roberto, si," she panted as she climaxed again. She then felt him push her off. She wondered what she had done wrong and was about to ask when he flipped her over onto her stomach. Her hips were pulled up to him and then she felt what it was he wanted.

Tighly gripping her hips, Roberto pushed himself back into Samantha. "Oh Samina," he moaned. "You're concha feels so good." He watched her as she pushed the rest of her body up, leveling her back. One hand remained on her hip, while he placed the other on her shoulder. Her purring became intense and louder as he roughly banged his own body against hers. He closed his eyes as he felt himself getting closer to his own climax. He heard her panting "si" over and over. Again her felt her climax. And then shortly again as he had his way with his mujer. "OH DIOS," he exclaimed as he felt his own release.

Roberto gripped Samantha's hip and shoulder, holding her on him as he felt the pulsing in his pija. He felt her body shake as she cliamax again, this time with him. He slowly moved in her, letting her tightness milk the last few drops of his esperma into her. "Joder," he gasped, laying his forehead in the middle of her back. He didn't even notice that he had just gasped the vulgar word, but she had as was evident by her laugh. "Que," he asked. "I guess hearing you swear is something I will have to get use to," she cooed as he laid them on their sides. He was still deep in her as he cuddled her close to him, kissing her ear and neck sofly. "You are not just a bandido, but mi bandido," she softly cooed from his kissing. "And you are not just mi mujar, but my querida," he whispered in her ear.

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