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Lilith 01-19-2009 05:39 PM

The Frugal Perv
I am working really hard to be as frugal as possible but to still get the things I need and really really want. I'm no longer being frivilous in my spending habits. If I really want something I will still get it but not on a whim.

I'm starting in the kitchen. I went to WalMart today and did a lot of research before I went. I am hunting delicious recipes that can be made on the cheap.

I also want to buy/make/make do things as frugally as possible.

I want to spend $$ on the things that matter. I figure if I start now, that trip to Italy will happen sooner than later.

Are any of you cheap/frugal/practical?

Tell me your secrets...

SethAwakened 01-19-2009 06:56 PM

well i dont have any specific recipes
but i can tell u what saves money
make stews and soups more often
they seem liek they use a lot of food to make but they make so many servings that its worth it
so basically anythign that will feed you for 3 or more meals will save u money
chili and boiled dinner works too
beef stroganoff made with hamberg is also a good money saver
sorry i dont have any specific suggestions but you can find some good recipes on the internet

SethAwakened 01-19-2009 06:57 PM

almost forgot beef, chicken, and turkey potpies made from leftovers are both good and money saving

FlirtWithMe 01-19-2009 11:47 PM

When making bolognese sauce this time of year I make it in bulk and freeze it in family-sized portions. I add shredded carrots and finely chopped (or shredded) rutabaga to pad out the meat and make it go further. Lots of mushrooms, too, and extra cans of chopped tomatoes.

A cheaper version of bolognese can be made by replacing the meat with lentils. I tend to use the green ones and a small amount of red. The green ones have a better texture, imo

Root vegetables bought at their cheapest can be chopped small and frozen, to use later when the prices at the store have shot up

Check out end-of-day bargains at the store. Meat and bread can usually be bought pretty reasonably at a knock-down price at the end of the working day. Freeze these for use at a later date

Watch portion sizes. Try to find a guide of portion sizes and measure everything for a week or so, re-learning what a 'normal' portion looks like. This will save calories as well as cash

Buy veggies in season

If you find you have bananas starting to overripen, peel them and freeze them to use later in smoothies

Make soup or stew in bulk and freeze. You could add pearl barley to either of these to make them go further

Take a packed lunch instead of eating out

Make cookies instead of buying them and if you make a large amount, freeze some then take out a few each time you need some. Same for cupcakes

Make your own surface cleaners, there are countless recipes on the internet for homemade cleaners, or for speed, buy a large multi purpose cleaner, put a small amount in a spray bottle and fill with water to get a surface cleaner at a fraction of the cost of buying a ready-mixed one

Wash dishcloths at 140F to kill germs and reuse several times

Spend a small amount of time planning your weekly or monthly meals and shop accordingly. Know what's in your freezer and cupboards and take this into account when planning. Leftovers from the evening before make perfect 'free' food to take with you for lunch the following day

Eggs are cheap and healthy. Make omelette/frittata using various leftovers from throughout the week, meat/veg/potatoes and serve with salad for a quick, easy and light evening meal

If you have fruit or veggies looking past their best, they're probably still ok to eat cooked up to a certain point so even if they're a little wrinkly, chop them and add them to soups or stews, or bake fruit in the oven and serve with yoghurt for a low-fat dessert. Apples that have gone slightly wrinkly are great for this - add sultanas/raisins and a little cinnamon too

I'll post more if I think of anymore :)

jseal 01-24-2009 08:04 AM

Cook enough dinner portions so that those who are able to take leftovers to work the next day for lunch can.

Oldfart 01-24-2009 05:17 PM

Eat out at friends places often.

smithy020 01-24-2009 05:47 PM

check the price comparison web-sites to see if you can save money by changing gas/electricty suppliers.

Always make a list before going shopping for food.

Never go shopping while feeling hungry, You end up spending more.

smithy020 01-24-2009 05:49 PM

a good way to save on gas/petrol costs is to make sure all your tires are at the right pressure and that your not carrying any un-needed extra weight in your car.

So out with the travel Dom kit Lil! It maybe fun but its keeping you from Italy.....

Lilith 01-24-2009 07:12 PM

If I were a proper traveling Domme I'd be getting my way paid to Italy ;) Hmmmm that gives me an idea...

wyndhy 02-20-2009 02:33 PM

coupons, of course and only for the things you'd normally buy (duh). bring a calculator and do the math on the price per unit cost, not the price of the actual item. i save quite a few bucks that way. replace all your disposable crap with re-usable stuff. no more sandwich baggies and paper towels, it's tupperware and sham wow from now on (<--that dude's commercial cracks me up!) cold water washings and ONLY when your clothes need it. hang dry. invest in a vac-sealer and buy bulk for everthing from cereal to steak. buy generic. call all your credit companies and try to get a lower rate - long term that's HUGE savings and you'd be surprised how many companies will negotiate. get rid of cable.

scotzoidman 02-21-2009 10:56 PM

Originally Posted by wyndhy
get rid of cable.

What, & give up my high-speed perv...I mean, internet connection?!?

When they pry the mouse from my cold, dead fingers...

wyndhy 02-24-2009 02:26 PM

good grief! i'd never suggest such a thing. that would be insanity:p i meant the premium movie packages, etc. if you've got 'em.

i was just doing laundry and remembered another $ tip. using half a dryer sheet works just as well as a whole one (if you even need them down there in the steamy south)

jay-t 02-24-2009 08:38 PM

To water your yard or garden use rain barrels, 1" of rain on a 1000sq. foot roof produces 600 gals of water.

scotzoidman 02-25-2009 11:34 AM

I come from a long line of skinflints, so being frugal (or a cheap bastard, as dw lovingly calls me) is just second nature. Of course, my idea of things that are basic necessities would have my forebearers doing pinwheels in their graves...

MommyMaggie 03-22-2009 01:28 PM

I am all about buying the lb bag of popcorn kernels and cooking popcorn the old fashion way. Take a tablespoon of olive oil, bring it up on medium heat - pop the popcorn and lightly salt. I don't know - like 2 cents a serving ;)

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