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Kim 07-07-2003 04:18 AM

Important: The End
Hello all,

I am afraid that this is bad news. Pixies-Place can no longer continue in its present form. This is due to several reasons, some personal, but mainly financial.

It seems that maintaining a good quality free adult site is very hard to do nowadays, and due to some neglect of traffic duties over the past 8 months by me, the site is no longer viable.

Surffice to say that I have had a great deal of fun creating Pixies-Place, and then recreating again and again, such that it has grown into the "mega-site" that you all enjoy today. For those that either remember, or are interested, it all started over 4 years ago, so all in all I think it has had a good run.

So I would like to say a big thank you to all that have helped with the site, through contributions of stories, pictures or your own personalities and of course to all those moderators and collaborators which have done so much over the years!

Anyway you all have a bit of time left so swap your email details with all the friends you have made here, and download all your favourite pictures and stories to enjoy in the future.

I am very sorry that Pixies-Place has to go and I know it means so much to so many of you and all I can do is apologise. The live chat room will be running here indefinitely though.

So long and thanks for all the fish.....


speedy 07-07-2003 04:24 AM

Kim,It's an amazing site.I will sadly miss it .I only wish i would have discovered the fantastic people long before i did.Anyone interested look me up I'm not hard to find,but hard when ya find me. peace to all and gn.

dm383 07-07-2003 04:37 AM

Re: Important: The End
Originally posted by Kim
Hello all,

I am afraid that this is bad news. Pixies-Place can no longer continue in its present form. This is due to several reasons, some personal, but mainly financial.

REALLY sorry to hear this Kim........ bit of a "bolt from the Blue", to say the least!!

If the main reason is financial, I for one would be happy to pay a fee to stay here; if the "personal reasons" are more pressing than you've intimated...... well, I'll just add my appreciation of ALL the wonderful people I've met here, and wish you, personally, all the very best!

Slainte babe...... DM383

Christine 07-07-2003 05:00 AM

It's so strange...I've been having a feeling for quite some time that this was going to happen.

Very sad news indeed.........:(
So many friends I've made, so much I've learned...I'm going to miss Pixies more than I can even begin to express.

hellsbells 07-07-2003 05:01 AM

I am so sad.
I am with dm383, and I am sure that many Pixies feel the same, could we not survive if we all chipped in???????

Sharni 07-07-2003 05:16 AM

*is majorly lost for words at this time*

Bilbo 07-07-2003 05:28 AM

Thank you kim for the last four years, it is the family that I will miss, but it really is the family that you have brought together.
I know Sharni has been involved in the very early sites and has followed every time that the site was move and recreated over the years,
Thank you so much for allowing us all to finds eachother and in many cases to find ourselves, I'm sure that the closeness of members will endure, and with that we can find some small grace that the heart of pixies will never die. thank you kim, you will remain the Den Mother to us all.

whitetiger74 07-07-2003 05:43 AM

Is there anything we can do ............................. ???
anyone we can convice to keep this open..................... ??
well if not thank you soooooo much for this site it will be sooooooo saddly missed .......
thank you Kim i will miss you all sooooo much......
:confused: :( :confused: :( :confused: :( :confused: :( :confused:

turbo_mmx 07-07-2003 06:06 AM

OUCH! Now thats a kick in the guts with the back end of a bus!

Im really depressed now

GusAspar 07-07-2003 06:11 AM

Thanks, Kim
Sad news, Kim, and thanks for all you've done. Would it be "not the done thing" to draw people's attention to a rather similar site, to which they could switch allegiance after you close?

GusAspar 07-07-2003 06:14 AM

Silly me... Literotica is, of course, on your links page!

David 07-07-2003 06:18 AM

This is a very sad piece of news Kim. I for one am very saddened by this news. I have been here since May 2001 and will very much miss Pixies. Pixies' had become a daily place to go and get away from the maddening crowd. If a fee would keep her going, I would be one to put forth some monies. All the people here at Pixies will be sadly missed.
Love to all

skipthisone 07-07-2003 06:25 AM

*is silent* ....and that says enough :(

fzzy 07-07-2003 06:26 AM

Thank you Kim for all you've done to keep things going for so long .... sad to see things happen this way, but grateful for the chance I've had to spend time at Pixies so far. Do you have a set end date that you can tell us? thanks!!!!!

Grumble 07-07-2003 06:44 AM

Oh dear what sad news.

I appreciate you providing this place, it has brought me a good deal of enjoyment, wonderful fellowship and some life long friends.

many hugs and Kisses Kim


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