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dannyk 10-18-2002 02:50 PM

Too old, am I?

I'm like 27 (and a half), not married, not involved, not bad-looking, not bad.

And everywhere I turn on Pixies I find people younger than me, happily married, some even with kids!

Is life passing me by, or what? :(:confused:

GermanSteve 10-18-2002 06:00 PM

Donīt hurry, it is more important to do a good choice than being married soon. I am talking out of experience :(.

katekate42 10-18-2002 06:49 PM

Being single definitely has its strong points- think about it- at this point, your decisions affect only you. Those in committed relationships/marriages/etc don't have that luxury. Have fun with it and sooner or later you'll find someone who shares your interests, your values, and most importantly your love- don't rush or settle and you'll be much happier in the long run.

dannyk 10-18-2002 11:19 PM

Thanks for the kind words, guys.
I'm not in a rush, really, just feel like a minority here!

erotic51 10-19-2002 04:21 AM

hey dannyk, forget some of us 'older' people who are also happily in relationships, grown up kids and still having fun. I know it's been said before, but its true, 'Your only as old as you feel'. Enjoy what you have and don't worry too much. :)

dannyk 10-19-2002 07:25 AM

erotic51 - i'm only as old as i feel, huh? wish i could feel an eighteen year old, preferable blonde, blue eyes, great tits....

A.K.'s Sex-Pot 10-19-2002 09:40 AM

dannyk -

I know what you mean.

I'm the only single person in my whole group of friends and I have yet to meet a single guy my age in a fifty mile radius of me!

Ironically, I know lots of single people in their 40s and 50s and I guess they're the ones who were married by the time they were my age and have since realised they missed out on their youth, got divorced and are trying to reclaim it.

See now, where does all this cynicism come from in one so young?!?!!!!! Lol.

BIBI 10-19-2002 09:46 AM

Well dannyk

I am 49.........was married for 20 years....lived with a guy for 7
and I have been "single" for 3

I love being single in many ways.
Enjoy it while you can and don't worry about others.
Believe me once your married for about 10 years there will come a time....maybe if your lucky for only a fleeting moment....that you will wish for the single life again!!!

Irish 10-19-2002 09:52 AM

I agree;very strongly;with erotic51!There are many pros&cons in
life.How you handle them;makes you what you are.It also gives you the outlook of what is important. Irish
P.S.There is some truth to the saying that:Whatever doesn't kill
you;makes you stronger!
PPS."Better to be dead and cool;then alive and uncool!"
My wife hates it when I say that!!

Vintage Vixen 10-24-2002 07:49 PM

Well i'm 42,never married don't find the point in a peice of paper.I have 2 children my daughter will be 20 in Feb,my son is 11.My daughter's father was a biker who died before i knew i was preg
he was just a buddy but he was one hell of a guy.My son's dad well poor choice on my part...ya live and learn.Don't just feel like you have to be with someone for fear of being alone,that was my 2nd mistake.Being alone can suck...but being put through hell is much worse....i do have a hunny now and we have our moments but today its okay :)

aflyerfan 10-24-2002 08:53 PM

Danny Im 36 and in the same boat. I just gotta keep myself happy and see what comes along. So you are not alone and you are a long way from where I am. I look at it this way,I could be divorced twice by now.

BamaKyttn 10-24-2002 09:36 PM

My girlfriend is 29, newly turned lesbian, pagan, as for me.... I'm 19, naturally blonde(I dye red) and I have nice tits, too bad you and I look for the same thing :)

Oldfart 10-26-2002 09:34 AM

Kyttn, are you teasing dannyk?

I have friends who married early and regretted it early, and a range

of options after. I was an early married and have been separated

for 11 years. My g/f and I have been together for 4 yrs.

Live your life and let the romance take care of itself. It'll happen

probably after a few more false starts, but however, I hate the quote, but

"Carpe Diem"

dannyk 10-26-2002 12:54 PM

'Carpe Diem', Oldfart? What does 'dead fish' have to do with anything? :p

I know, just live my life and don't worry about a s/o, just have fun. It's just weird, though, I have a lot of great female friends (supposedly I'm a flirt and ladies man), who all say that I'm a really great guy and any girl would be lucky to have me! Yet none of these friends would even consider it! Go figure! :D

A.K.'s Sex-Pot 10-26-2002 01:10 PM

dannyk -

I have the exact same problem. I am considered the 'sex-siren' of my group of friends. I get on with the women and the men all drool over me (if somewhat jokingly) and then they fuck off back to their girlfriends/wives!!!

I'm surrounded by men who'd 'love to' but none of them 'can'. Either we're separated by distance, or they are attached to someone else. I'm starting to think that they are just being nice and don't really mean it.

dannyk 10-26-2002 01:24 PM

A.K.'s Sex-Pot ~ I guess if it wasn't for the 'Cheers'-like atmosphere of Pixies, we would be nervous wrecks! :D

And, of course, since I'm such a 'nice' guy, I haven't had sex in a while either! Seeing that I'm not into 'casual' sex, that is!

A.K.'s Sex-Pot 10-26-2002 01:59 PM

Oh God, I can sooooooo relate to that!

south 10-26-2002 02:27 PM

Dannyk don't be stupid. Carpe Diem is Latin for Broadloom...wall to wall actually the expression is don't just carpe diem, carpet the whole damn house! I think it was Marc Anthony who said that....

27 that is when I got married and I could have waited longer. Of course that was 20 years ago.. I sort of believe that if you get out and meet and greet in order to mate or find a mate chances are the sledding is going to be tough...especially in Trinidad.
If you do what you like to do Love will probably find you and hunt you down like the dog you are.
Now go fetch!!

scotzoidman 10-26-2002 02:30 PM

And I thought Carpe Diem was Latin for this pain in my wrists...I'm so confused ;)

dannyk 10-26-2002 06:29 PM

A.K.'s Sex-Pot ~ if only i had known this before! i was in london in july! we could have commiserated in person!

South ~ island life is party, party, party. and i'm not that into it. yeah, now and then, but not all the time. it's like not being a drinker, but knowing the only place to meet chicks is a bar! :D

Scotziodman ~ no, pain in the wrists is Mesoe Alonum

A.K.'s Sex-Pot 10-26-2002 10:16 PM

dannyk - oh well, next time maybe. I need to get out more!

dannyk 10-27-2002 10:18 AM

Whereas, I just need to get more! :D

A.K.'s Sex-Pot 10-27-2002 11:12 AM

I think one goes hand in hand with the other . . .

dannyk 10-27-2002 02:06 PM

Yeah, that's the only way I'm getting any action these days... hand in hand!

SOULMINER 10-29-2002 12:56 PM

For the love of all things Bachelor man, DON'T RUSH THINGS!!!
I'm no spring chicken, my only major responsibilities are my dog and my job. And sometimes THOSE are more than enough for me! We're all have different wants and needs, enjoy it while you can!!!

Irish 10-29-2002 01:29 PM

dannyk---A word of advice!Control your circumstances;and don't
worry about what others do.You have no control over their lives;
so just do what's best for you.aflyerfan said that he was 36!I could have retired at 37.I went in the service;at 17.20yrs;would
have been 37yrs old.I don't;and have never;regretted my decision
I hated service life!I had many;very nice looking sexual partners.
They might have been good in bed but their lifes decisions;
wouldn't have been good.Better that you should make the right choice;then to rush into things. Irish
P.S.Just my $.02.

LixyChick 10-29-2002 07:13 PM

*Awwwwwwwwww! Ain't he cute? Shhhhhhhhhhhhh! He thinks I am younger than him! Anyone tells him and I'll scratch your eyes out!*

Yes, I am married....but no kids here dannyk!

dannyk, dannyk.....Take my advice!

Pull down your pants and slide on the ice!

*Sorry.....it's the best I could do folks! He's got me all flustered as to thinking I am younger than him.......now shhhhhh!!!!!!*

dannyk 10-29-2002 11:08 PM

Originally posted by LixyChick
dannyk, dannyk.....Take my advice!

Pull down your pants and slide on the ice!

I've heard of 'Stars on Ice', Lixychick, but what is this? 'Moons on Ice'?? :confused:

Pussy Willow 11-25-2002 01:14 PM

Take your time. you're still so young. You have your whole life
in front you...................

I've been married for 18 years and the only regret I have is that
I didn't live on my own before I got married. I got married at
26, I think I would have waited longer if I had a chance to live
on my own.

Also, I don't think age has much to do with when a person should
get married. The right one is out there for you.

Right now just relax and enjoy the journey !!!!

txsweet 11-25-2002 02:34 PM

T-a-k-e Y-o-u-r T-i-m-e

buckminster 11-26-2002 12:33 PM

Re: Too old, am I?
Originally posted by dannyk

I'm like 27 (and a half), not married, not involved, not bad-looking, not bad.

And everywhere I turn on Pixies I find people younger than me, happily married, some even with kids!

Is life passing me by, or what? :(:confused:

Is it a good idea to compare yourself to those around you? Each of us is on our own seperate path thru life. So just focus on what's best for you.

I was married for almost 25 years and I'm enjoying my single life right now. I'm just glad my ex and I waited til we were well established before we had kids. I can't imagine how tough it would be to be 20 yrs old with two kids to feed.

Teddy Bear 01-13-2003 01:07 AM

Don't know if this will be of any help but oh well here it is anyway.........
I got married at 20 because I wanted to be married and my husband asked (NOW I know thats dumb), and its not a fairy tale marriage I'm in........
My brother, like you thought he'd be single forever, but he married the girl of his dreams at 37 !!! They now have 2 beautiful children, both have great careers that they were well established in when they met, they own 2 homes, they travel, AND they are madly in love with each other......

So wait, it'll all happen in due time.


dick 01-21-2003 12:16 PM

You fibbed to me teddy. and then you wanted an honest answer from me. You old rascal you. :)
p.s. chat w you soon...

morrigan 01-22-2003 04:29 AM

Re: Too old, am I?
Originally posted by dannyk

I'm like 27 (and a half), not married, not involved, not bad-looking, not bad.

And everywhere I turn on Pixies I find people younger than me, happily married, some even with kids!

Is life passing me by, or what? :(:confused:
Why is it that the grass is always greener on the otherside? Sometimes the married folk with kids wonder about how their life would be like if they were still single! It is funny how that works!
Don't rush it Danny..you are still young!It is great being married and a mommy, but I do remember how much fun it was to be single and to only have to worry about myself!

dannyk 01-22-2003 05:09 AM

Thanks for your comments, guys!

Guess it's hard when everywhere I go, the people around my age are already in long-term relationships or are married. Must be a generational thing. :D

Teddy Bear 01-22-2003 05:11 AM


The Teddy NEVER fibs!! Don't know what you're talking about.... PM me.

Teddy Bear

dick 01-22-2003 06:22 AM

Dear Teddy;
I sincerely appologize. I somehow read your post wrong and thought you had said you had a son who was married at age 37. After re-reading it I see that it was your brother. I am very sorry for accusing you of fibbing.
I guess I just had a senior moment! :)
I hope you'll forgive me.

Teddy Bear 01-23-2003 04:23 AM

Well I don't know Dick-Joe....
It's gonna take some major sucking up and alot of groveling on your part before I even consider forgiveness.
The Teddy doesn't take kindly to being wrongly accused. grrrrrr...

I'm teasing you Joe. Don't you just hate those senior moments? They sneak up & kick ya in the ass when you least expect it. (not that I know from experience) Now, adjust your spectacles and come'ere for a big 'ole bear hug. :)

But don't forget, sucking up wouldn't hurt anything. ;)

See ya around Joe

(hugs) Teddy :D:D

Teddy Bear 01-23-2003 04:29 AM

Well I don't know Dick-Joe....
It's gonna take some major sucking up and alot of groveling on your part before I even consider forgiveness.
The Teddy doesn't take kindly to being wrongly accused. grrrrrr...

I'm teasing you Joe. Don't you just hate those senior moments? They sneak up & kick ya in the ass when you least expect it. (not that I know from experience) Now, adjust your spectacles and come'ere for a big 'ole bear hug. :)

But don't forget, sucking up wouldn't hurt anything. ;) And next time re-read before you post. OK?

See ya around Joe

(hugs) Teddy :D:D

Teddy Bear 01-23-2003 04:33 AM

no idea why it went in twice......



Teddy :D:D

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