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BamaKyttn 08-02-2002 06:33 PM

damn wishy-washy lesbian
my girlfriend, goddess knows I love her dearly but she changes as the wind blows. Last night she said maybe she should go straight that this whole lesbian thing isn't what she wants, I support her and roll over to sleep, then she attacks my neck and shoulders (my weak spots) and nibbles and kisses me. trying to be supportive I remind her that she wants to be straight and that I don't have a penis. so we go to sleep. this morning I wake up and she has turned the AC to high and taken all the covers off my side of the bed so I of course, snuggle. every thing went normal until later when I was toying with a nipple through her shirt and balked when she went to play with mine..... It does nothing for me and she knows it. my nipples have been "ravaged" enought that they just don't feel. and so I see it as wasted effort on her part. she got pissed off because I moved. I told her that I "don't enjoy it" and she got pissed off and won't let me touch her at all.... ok now how should I have handled this situation?

Confused Kyttn

Clint 08-02-2002 07:16 PM

Be straight forward about the situation. Confront her in a non-threatning way about the situation.


BamaKyttn 08-02-2002 07:28 PM

tried.... and failed as usual

Clint 08-02-2002 07:30 PM

Damn hun. I dunno what to do. Ya'll come up to Birmingham and we can go out for lunch and talk this over ;)


PM me if you need anything :D

BamaKyttn 08-02-2002 08:06 PM

Clint nah you dont need to see two fat lesbians

Capoc 08-02-2002 10:18 PM

He wouldn't be seeing two fat women. Remember Bama, I've met both of ya. Clint, don't let them lie, they're two beautiful ladies. And Bama, just point out that if she's going to go straight, then go straight. If she's not, then she needs to touch you in the right spots, not somewhere that you don't like.

Clint 08-02-2002 10:42 PM

*LOL* You're very lucky then Capoc. I really hope that every thing works out for the best Bama. Keep us posted, and you know we are all here for you if you need anything. :D


BamaKyttn 08-03-2002 08:04 PM

*smile* thanks 'Poc, haven't seen you in much was wondering if you didn't like my favourite spot ;)

Clint yeah he drove from really far away to meet us....

Fondle You 08-04-2002 01:18 AM

Hi. I'm a newbie as you can see. If I'm allowed to ask a question on this, is it possible that the g/f may be experiencing a moment where she realized that men aren't the disgusting creatures she thought they were? Since I'm not a female I can only understand as much about women as I possible could. So it fascinates me to read(wherever possible) about what drives a woman to go to a guy or another woman. Perhaps she formed her original opinions on men based on her past experiences with them. Then she went to you as a means of comfort and support and thought she could get rid of them altogether. But she's realizing that it's too difficult for her to do that and that's why she's uncommital(sp?).

Am I close in my assessment of her?

Grumble 08-04-2002 07:12 AM

I tend to agree with Capoc Kyttn. I know she is a few years older than you. Thes are complex issuesand it is difficult to comment not knowing the personality of your friend. Obviously emotions, biological clocks, self doubt and self scrutiny are all involved here. She has to decide her path and you have to be yourself, you can't change for anyone, you are you and your reactions should be true. You don't have to be callous about things but be sensetive, caring and supportive.

Take care Kyttn, I have a lot of respect and fondness for you.

Oldfart 08-04-2002 08:56 AM


When we get a tad dissatisfied with life, we look around

to see what we can change to make it better. We make a dozen false

changes, realise we're being silly, and try to integrate the changes

into our lives.

Preference for gender is at a different level to partner preference.

Perhaps you need to talk about that instead of the gender smokescreen.

Big cuddle and hope it works out.

Irish 08-04-2002 05:29 PM

Bamakyttn---When you don't know about the subject-my advice-
don't comment;as it could be the wrong advice,Therefore;No
Comment.Just treat it as you would ANY relationship!If you need
any support;just ask. Irish

BamaKyttn 08-05-2002 11:22 AM

well, she is 10 years older and over the last 5 years she and I got closer and closer..... even she will admit that her taste in me is detrimental, most every man she has dated has done her wrong..... thats their fault. but she still talks to them and even now they do her wrong, talk bad about her, about me, she still cares and I think she needs to learn to isolate herself from the negative people. my specialty. she is a very open, careing, and emotional woman very passionate about what she does thinks and says. I on the other hand have been compared to the berg that sank the Titanic and found that I made it a tropical island on the equator. I tend to keep to myself, I dont show emotions, I only show anger(damn irish temper) and she wants me to all of a sudden blossom into a weep-n-wet betty doll. I think that her next step will be veggies rather than men, or maybe farm animals..... but she is very adamant that men aren't where she wants to be.


UnsilenceMe 08-06-2002 06:39 PM

Hi BamaKyttn. I've been with my g/f for almost 4 years now, and we've definitely been through our rough times, too. It sounds like you are really confused about what's going on in your g/f's head right now. If I were you, I would try and have an open discussion about what's going on here outside the bedroom. I know at least for me, it's really hard to talk about things that have to do with sex, the relationship, etc. when I'm lying in bed, either half asleep or with other things on my mind. Have you asked what prompted her to make the "going straight" comment in the first place? What's on her mind? Is it that she wants to try new things sexually? (Like, does she want to use a strap on?) If she does want to try different things, you need to ask yourself if you are wiling to. It sounds like she might be frustrated with you pulling away after the breast play, which isn't anyone's fault. I know emotions can run high during this sort of thing, but you two really should talk about. I know if my g/f told me not to play with her breasts, I would be really depressed about it, so maybe you two need to sit down and have an honest discussion about what's going on in your relationship. If you can't do that, is the relationship really worth saving?

UnsilenceMe 08-06-2002 06:40 PM

P.S. Feel free to PM if you have any personal questions you want to ask. And good luck with everything. I know it can hurt.


"I can complain because the rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that the thornbush has a rose. It is all up to me."

BamaKyttn 08-06-2002 11:57 PM

I'm open to trying new things I just don't care to have my breasts toyed with, she wants me to get them pierced, ok I can handle that, strap on, sounds great, I'm open minded and hell I'll try anything once.....of course the last time I said that I woke up between two black men and wasn't sure who was who, they were both faceing away and I didn't wanna just grab an ass hehehe fun was had by all except the host, he went to jail that night. long story


scotzoidman 08-07-2002 10:07 PM

Long story? <checking my watch> yeh, I got time...

Oldfart 08-08-2002 07:57 AM

Yeah, Scotz.

Kyttn, I wanna watch too.

(PM if you want a quiet rant.)

UnsilenceMe 08-08-2002 02:01 PM

any update on the situation?

BamaKyttn 08-08-2002 06:38 PM

we're holdin down the fort, I'm stressed to hell, for those of you new or not abreast I'm 18 and moved out recently my parents are less than supportive, hopeing that I fail and have to come back. holding over my head that my life insurance is gone sept 10 etc.... well my summer job is over and I have to find another job, my g/f however lives week to week which stressed the fuck outta me and then she gets mad at me for being stressed...... and on and on. >shrug<

UnsilenceMe 08-08-2002 07:35 PM

I'm sorry to hear that everything is so stressful for you. It wasn't that long ago that I was 18 (21 now) and my g/f and I went through a lot of painful growth at that age...moving out is never easy, as well as taking those first steps into independence. I know this is kind of personal, but why do you need life insurance. All the investment books I've read said life insurance is a waste of time if you are single (i.e. not married) and with no independents. It seems like a strange thing for someone as young as yourself to worry about.

BamaKyttn 08-10-2002 01:56 PM

I just like the security, I had surgery in march and it was on my right wrist, I couldn't do anything without that wrist hehehe >GRIN<

andrew 08-10-2002 04:26 PM


Sorry to hear about your turmoils. Something you G/F should consider is that it does not matter if your with a girl or a boy - you still find the things to argue about eg Not in mood for sex, yes it hurts when I play with my wifes tits or look up her skirt and she gets huffy, and we argue about life stuff but this happened with my b/f many years back and girls I know say they have disagrrements, as the rest of your "friends" here say - its about communication, making the right environment to talk, not easy but worthwhile...

I hope it works out for you both.

Best of all things


"Let us become the change we seek in others" Ghandi

BamaKyttn 03-17-2003 12:39 AM

Well it's march 17 2003, about a month before our 1 year anniversary, we're still together, still goin' strong. might even jump the broom sometime soon.....


IAKaraokeGirl 03-17-2003 01:05 AM

Congrats, Kyttn. It's so good to hear. :)

kleclere 03-17-2003 06:44 PM

Kyttn congrats glad to see you're still going. please keep us updated when you can.

BlondeCurlGirl 03-17-2003 07:42 PM

Kyttn, glad to hear things are still going strong :) Congrats

Oldfart 03-19-2003 09:28 AM


Glad the shit-tide is ebbing.

You make your own luck, and you seem to be doing it well.

BamaKyttn 03-20-2003 09:55 PM

From what I've heard I do just about everything well! >wink wink<

PantyFanatic 03-20-2003 10:52 PM

everything except keep people posted on the little things.:rolleyes:

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