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Gyzsmo 08-23-2001 09:36 PM

A Tragic Day
1 Attachment(s)
It is with sadness that I let you all know, there has been an accident to one of our members....

Dunchad was in a car accident last night, while driving to work, he hit a deer and was killed.

He will be sadly miss by all ... especially by me, as I got to know him quite well.


dobbydog 08-24-2001 12:33 AM

That is very sad news. He will be missed around here - he was a regular from the beginning.

My deepest sympathies to his family and friends.


classydj 08-24-2001 02:06 AM

Whats Up
I feel like this site is cursed or something. Don't get me wrong it's a great site, but that is two regular members who've been killed in the last few months now. He will be missed for his advise and witty comments.


Sharni 08-24-2001 02:09 AM

Such a sad loss....he will be missed

my sympathies go out to his family and friends...


m45 08-24-2001 02:11 AM

It's Ok to grieve....
How sad, I did not know him but by his post he was a very good gent and he was a fellow Coloradoian..

It's Ok to grieve....
and wonder why.
It's Ok to
need to be alone,
to feel your loss in your own way.
It's Ok
to be confused,
to doubt, to wonder if,
you'll ever feel the same again.
And it's Ok
to take all
the time you need,
until you're over your sadness...
until bright
memories come to take away
your tears....
Author Unknown

Lovediva 08-24-2001 03:07 AM

Dunchad will sadly be missed by everyone here.

My sympathies go out to his family and friends and to you Gyzsmo.

I know what it's like to lose a dear friend from Pixies....

Rest in Peace Dunchad...

Duggary 08-24-2001 04:24 AM

although i did not know him, from his posts he seemed like a realy great guy. my g=thoughts are with his family and friends.

...One by one,
Only the good die young ,
They're only flying too close to the sun,
and we'll remember, forever...

Brian May, Queen

PurpleLayc 08-24-2001 08:04 AM

So sad to hear about Dunchad. My sincere sympathy goes out to his family

May God be with you, Dunchad

And Gyzsmo, you ever need to talk, you know we are all here for you.


JennyD 08-24-2001 08:38 AM

My heart and prayesrs go out to all his family and friends. Loss is such a concept our society at least in the US, tries to bottle up, I wish them lots of love in the upcoming times.


Mercury_Maniac 08-24-2001 09:45 AM

i'm very shocked that this could happen so suddenly, i'm very sad and my condolences go out to all that loved him.

Relax for we all know that he has gone to a better place.

KIWI 08-24-2001 11:25 AM

i only knew him by his posts but he seemed a great guy.he will be missed by all.my sympathies to his family and friends

honey_pot 08-24-2001 01:20 PM

Omg i cant believe im reading this.........i had got really close to

Dunchad over the past few weeks we have spent many hours

chatting and we were talking only the other night

i cant believe hes not with us anymore my eyes are full of tears

for this special person who touched my life Dunchad darling i will

miss you so much

When I was told he was gone,
I cried till dawn.
My mind screamed NO!!!
But my heart knew it was true
oh babe how i will miss you

So now I know he is filled with gods love,
in that place as beautiful as a dove.
Forever he will be close to my heart,
until the Lord decides it is time for me to part.
Then reunited we will be, best friends
in Heaven forever... you'll see.

Rest in peace

lots of love


Leggy 08-24-2001 02:12 PM

Once again tragedy has arrived at our door. How very sad.

Although I didn't know Dunchad well, he will be missed.

My thoughts, prayers and condolences go out to his family and friends.


nutworld 08-24-2001 02:23 PM

Once again, I must say I'm shocked to read the news.

My condolences go out to eveyone that was close to him here at Pixies, and mostly to his family.

I didn't know him well, but always looked forward to seeing his posts.

rabbit 08-24-2001 03:30 PM

RIP dunchad
+"Lord, we do not complain because You have taken him from us. Rather, we will thank you for having given him to us"+

Rest in Peace, Dunchad. See you on the other side one day!


Stinger 08-24-2001 04:26 PM

Very Saddened
I hate to hear about anyone passing. Dunchad seemed like a decent man. This world needs more decent people instead of having them taking from us. My prayers and heart goes to Dunchad's friends and family.

Bilbo 08-24-2001 07:29 PM

Most disturbed to hear this terrible news...my heart go's out to his family and friends...

Although not knowing him personaly Dunchad was one whom has touched many of us...and will remain with us forever.

Oldfart 08-25-2001 08:46 PM

Only got a peek at Dunchad through his postings, but the

Forum is missing a nice bloke.

SensualLove 08-27-2001 03:17 AM

~We will miss you Dunchad~~
This is terrible news indeed...I didn't know Dunchad personally except for on the board, but I will miss him and his posts.
I will say a prayer for his family and friends.

God Bless you Dunchad..

And Gyzsmo...I am sorry at the loss of your good friend..God bless you as well.....

RedHoT_Kiss_4u 08-27-2001 11:28 AM

My sympathies go out to Dunchad's family and friends. He will be sorely missed.

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