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Clint 06-30-2002 09:08 PM

Friendship Problems
Okay, the person that I consider to be my best-friend will not stop lying to me. We both work in the same place, so he was going to meet me at work and we were going to go out. His name is Steve, by the way. One day after work, we were suppose to spend some time togather and so I called him to come and meet me so that we could go out. He said that he couldn't because he was spending time with his family. I totally understood because family is very important. So I called another good friend and asked what he was doing. He was hanging out with some of his friends. I asked who all was there and Heath named off some people and it just so happened that Steve was there with him. I tried to call Steve, but his cell phone was not going through and all I could get was voice mail. This isn't the first time that something like this has happened. He calls me at work all the time and when I try to call him, he gets all pissy and says that he is trying to get his stuff done. He says that he considers me to be one of his best-friends, but I have no idea what the hell is up. Please post some advice. I need all the help and support that I can get on this one. :( :confused: :(

heatluvintxn 06-30-2002 09:29 PM

This person is trying to manipulate the relationship. Do not call this person. If he calls just say you dont have the time (unless you do) This person wants to make sure you have to go through him to have a social life. Get out there...especially without him. If he asks say you have been busy.

Summer 07-01-2002 10:20 AM

Make new friends,
but keep the old,
one is silver,
and the others gold!
Make new friends,
but keep the old,
one is silver,
and the others gold!
......sorry couldn't help myself (children's song).

In your life sometimes you can out grow a friendship. :(
Move on and find some new ones. You are worth a friend who respects you! :)


legend 07-01-2002 10:22 AM

find a new and "true" friend.

Sarriah 07-01-2002 10:52 AM

I think its easier said than done to "find a new friend" when youve been friends for so long. I think what you need to do is give him some time off. Kinda like heat said, go out with your other friends spend some time away from him. dont call him let him call you, and when he does make sure you really want to go out with him. Do this a couple times and in the end you really will know if he is going to stay your friend or not. BUT DONT wait around for him at all, if he blows you off a few times blow him off. Seems to me he wants to be friends but he wants to be friends when its right for HIM, it needs to be right for the both of you. Take care hun and let us know how it goes ok :D

scorpi42 07-01-2002 12:08 PM

i would put my 2 pence in but i agree with sarriah its good advice

andrew 07-01-2002 05:36 PM

I agree, with Sarriah. Always a voice of reason.

I would ask - why are you doing this - not to justify but to understand.

Good luck.


Steph 07-11-2002 10:02 AM

Personally, I'd stay clear of someone so cranky!

jennaflower 07-11-2002 08:19 PM

clint.. I don't think I would waste my time if I were you. IF that individual is a true friend then he will turn up again... if not... oh well.. move on... altho I believe true friends are very hard to replace, something tells me that this one might not be in the "true" category afterall.

PantyFanatic 07-11-2002 10:05 PM

You don't have to burn the bridge to build a tower!

Clint 07-16-2002 01:23 PM

Okay, I am pleased to say that I have worked out my friendship problems. We sat down and had a really long talk about what was going on, and it turns out that a lot of it was misunderstandings and a lot of it was just us being teenagers. I really appreciate all of the advice that you guys have given me, especially Heatluvintx, jenna_flower, and Sugarsprinkles :D

Clint 07-20-2002 08:37 PM

Okay, I was ditched again for like the billionth time.............I guess that I should start looking for more friends........any takers :D *LOL* I've come to the realization that I am a good person and I don't deserve to be treated the way that I am being treated by these people. We were suppose to go out last night and they never showed up or called :( So today, they call me and tell me that they were in a car accident. I felt bad for getting upset about them not showing or calling. The person that had the car came over today and the back end of it was messed up. He was coming over so that we could go out. When he got here, he asked if he could borrow the money to get it fixed because, like the dumbass that he his, he didn't have insurance :( I told him that I didn't have the extra money and he got in his car and left.........Oh well, at least I have all of you guys :D I really do appreciate all of the advice that you guys have given me over the past few months......You guys are truely my real friends :)


legend 07-21-2002 03:44 AM

Clint, it might be possible that once these "friends" see that you are not the pushover that they thought you were, they might actually become the friends they should be. It's not the best way to become friends, but sometimes things happen in strange ways.

Mytaru 07-22-2002 02:26 PM

new friends can be good...i've made a few here and in RL and the ones i've met in RL are showing thier true colors...damn them!

but the ones here are still being nice so i'm keeping them for a little while.

Murphy 07-23-2002 02:41 PM

I'm sorry your "friends" were using you the way they were, but it just shows, by your realizing it, that you may have outgrown them. You seem to be a bright, honest and entertaining person, so just get out there and meet new people, ones that share your interests and values. That one guy comeing around to bum "fixit" money off of you shows their true colors. If you had been with them in the "accident", yeah, it'd be cool to help pay, but THEY ditched you, then wanted you to fix it..don't sound very friendly to me..
Just my 2 cents...

Grumble 07-24-2002 12:25 AM

Hey Clint
Seems you should move on mate, friends do not do that to you.
Its very immature behaviour at best.
good luck buddy

Clint 07-24-2002 11:16 AM

Standing Up For Myself
Okay, I went to my friends and told them that I am not the pushover that they think I am. I told them that things were going to change or the friendships would end. It is amazing how when you voice what is on your mind, people respect you a hell of a lot more. We've been hanging out a lot the past few days and I am pleased to announce that things have taken a definate turn for the better. We are being more open and honest in the friendship and we respect one another so much more. Thanks again you guys for all of the advice. :D :) :D


Clint 07-25-2002 09:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Okay, this is a picture of a true friend. He's always here for me when I need him, unlike that asshole Steve. :D The guy in the black shirt is Chris and the other guy is me....about 35 lbs. ago...I've lost lots of weight since that picture :D :D :D

sassy 13 07-27-2002 12:37 AM

I think you need to look for a new best friend.I've always felt like your closest friend is like a family member and should be honest and trust worthy.Sounds like Steve wants you to be around only at his convenince.Kick his ass to the curb and find someone that will treat you with respect.

Clint 07-27-2002 08:12 AM

Thank you so much sassy13. That's exactly what I intend to do. He's a loser. He has absolutely no direction whatsoever in his life, and I think that he wants to bring others down to his level. You guys are the best and I couldn't have gotten through this without ya'll.


Oldfart 08-01-2002 06:06 AM


Sorry I missed the thread.

A friend is someone who's there for you, not the other

way around.


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