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Mercury_Maniac 08-17-2001 10:29 PM

For Men Who Feel Inadequate!
a site that i stumbled across, may help others who may feel inadequate like myself, just take a look at it.


RollingThunder 08-26-2001 10:34 PM

All that stuff is B.S. if you ask me. Us men feel inadequate because we are looking at porn. But if you have really looked at many porn sites, you would realize that many use the same men over and over again. And sites, like massivacocks.com have been sited for using Photoshopped images (yeah, there happen to be about a 1000 20" men in the world and they're all on that site).

If you want to feel better, go look at some amature sites. Only 1 in 10 men are "big" (larger than 7"). And even then, on those amature site, men are larger than average because not too many men will post pics of themselves. I won't and I have a pretty large penis.

P.S. Camera angles, distance, and lighting can all effect those pictures too.

Oldfart 08-27-2001 04:55 AM


Adequacy is a personal thing.

I will never be an Einstein, a Dirk Diggler or Van Gogh.

I am happy with who I am and how I perform.

If you can't like yourself then you're in trouble.

cockalot 08-27-2001 07:54 AM

Why are you so upset by a article or a pic? You should be happy that your able to do what comes natural and women like you for who you are not for the size you have in your pants! Look what happend to John Holms.

big_eyes 08-27-2001 02:58 PM

Hey Mercury_Maniac

If you can stand up to pee, if it gets hard and you can fuck who cares about the size, you are still a man. Who wants a donkey sized cock... no body in the real world.

It is all about how you use it and who you pleaseure. Enjoy what you have got and enjoy life.

Pussy Willow 08-29-2001 03:05 PM

It's all about doing the best you can with what you have !!!!!!

After nursing two children, My Breasts are getting a little saggy.
To say nothing of the fact that I'll be 44 on my next birthday,
and just can do "perky" any more.

Hubby says he loves my breasts, and when we make love,
most of his time is spent sucking and biting them, so who's
to judge inadequate ????

I think we should all be gentler on ourselves.
We tend to think worse of ourselves than others do.

Do you have a girlfriend ??? What does she have to say it ????

Cupid 12-06-2001 09:46 PM

OK, so hear about men "shooting" on their partner. When I come, it more oozes out rather than spraying anywhere. If it has been quite awhile, it might shoot a little ways, but that really is it.

Is this common? If so, is there anything that can be done for it? Thanks.

slofire 12-12-2001 08:34 AM

new member replying ....

Cupid.. as far as shooting goes, i've seen how far i can shoot just for fun. The longest was a little over 5 feet.. but yeah, sometimes it just drips out n stuff..

have fun peeps


Stalemate 12-12-2001 02:18 PM


The link is tom hubbards site which he took down. These message boards have the information. They are free.



The reason I felt inadequate was because I could not feel anything during sex. It was that simple. I figured if I felt nothing, my wife felt nothing also. Twas correct.

So, either she needed to become tighter, or I needed to become bigger. I was lucky to find those sites and luckier still that it worked well for me. Now, sex is better than before my wife had kids.

Once you get down to it, it is just physics.


legzup2paradise 12-15-2001 04:18 AM

I prefer "inadequate" guys
1 Attachment(s)
to start this off with, let me just inform all you men, that size means absolutly jack to some of us. I had an ex that was 14" and as big around as a pop can, but if you think that was so gret think again. The damn thing couldn't fit. Tried everything it just wouldn't go. If thats what you want fine for you, but I can tell you from what he has said that being large sucks. Say goodbye to any sex involving the word deep.. ie deep throat, deep thrusts.

I happen to be one of those woman thats tilted. If you are over 7" keep it on your side of the bed and even if your 6-7, you can forget about deep penetration.. a force like that makes me want to blow chunks.. not exactly a turn on.

Maybe its me, but men that may not have been blessed with what they consider above average dicks tend to make up for it with other skills. One ex I had was about 3 inches erect, but god did that mans toungue work some magic. I used to walk around with a permanant flush when we were dating.

Oh and by the way, so what if my chest is starting to sag, saddle bags are no longer a thing for horses and my but bounces fine by itself withought the quarters. Its all in your attitude. I've had no problems in the past finding lovers, not because I look like a model , actually quite the opposite, its because I am self aware. I know that if a guy can get past the first impression, he won't regret passing up that skinny girl for me.

TDK 12-15-2001 05:41 AM

Re: I prefer "inadequate" guys
what an excellent reply there legzup2paradise ;):D...
hope it reaches to alot of guys out ther, i know it did me


Oldfart 12-15-2001 09:17 AM

Re: I prefer "inadequate" guys
Satisfaction is about how we feel about each other, if the

package (tongue/fingers/dick) works, whose expectations are

you chasing?

scotzoidman 12-15-2001 09:39 AM

Excellent post, legz, you've told a lot guys something they need to hear (maybe not me, I seem to be disqualified from your list :rolleyes: ), that size has nothing to do with one's abilities as a lover.
Also, lovely pic, nice Christmas outfit, any chance that I'll get a glimpse of Paradise?:)

Stalemate 12-15-2001 04:18 PM

I have no doubt that in many if not most cases, small penis' can be great. Both for the male and female.

All I know about is my personal situation. I fell in love with my wife the moment I saw her. She says the same thing. The plumbing did not matter at all.

So, we have been together well over twenty years and have two kids. Even in the beginning, I could not feel a whole lot. Please understand, the sex was good for me, and apparently good for her. It was more mental than anything. I thought that was just the way it is and did not worry.

Then, over time, childbirth, and possibly me becoming smaller, the sex became kind of a waste of time. I just felt nothing and I know my wife felt nothing. We got off in other ways, but not a whole lot with sex.

So then, a few years ago, I found the penis enlargement message boards and started hanging weights just on a whim. Damned if it didn't work. Within a few months, I told my wife what I was doing. It had become obvious that something was different because both of us felt more and the orgasms were forceful. She was ok with it, but said it did not really matter to her. Later she admitted she was not telling the truth.

I continued for a couple years until she asked me to stop. You CAN have too much length. Continued with the girth exercises a while longer. To make a long story a little longer, sex became something I never even imagined. The feelings for both of us became so intense.

During her pregnancies, we learned about kegals. I always assumed she did not do them because I never felt anything "grab" my penis during intercourse. Well, one time after I had been PEing for a while, she did, and I simply can't describe it. It seems as if a certain amount of internal pressure is required before her muscles can fully contract when flexed. Apparently, I acheived the size needed so that she could fully contract. It seemed as if my penis literally exploded.

Now, sex is an adventure. Just regular sex. For many years, we might get together once a month. Now, we try to do it as often as possible. Usually five or six times per week. We were already very close. Now, we are even closer. I know I know, that's sick.

Everyone is different. I have read of some women who do not enjoy anything too large. Others who do not like anything small. Guys talk about "tight stuff" or "loose stuff". You just try to do whatever is right for your situation.

Sorry this was so long,


Sweet Chastity 12-16-2001 12:22 AM

I had a boyfriend with a 2" penis (fully erect). It did make things more difficult for some positions but he also made up for it with 'other' things (including a few toys) which was pretty cool. I have to say deep throating is better when you don't hit that damn gag reflex (anyone know a way around this?).

Some of us only get orgasms with clitoral stimulation. I am one of them. Though intercourse is fun, it will not bring me an orgasm. So I like positions where my partner or I can manipulate my clit during sex (cuz orgasms are better with something inside). But I think I'm probably small (no kids yet) so a larger penis does hurt.

I am curious about this 'kegals' thing. I do tighten the muscles of my vagina during intercourse and my partner has noticed this, is this common with other women? Is this what kegals is? If not what is it?

Size doesn't matter to me unless it hurts. I know some of my g/fs talk about big dicks but I don't think it's the size that counts but how a guy uses it.

Sweet Chastity

Sharni 12-16-2001 12:37 AM

'kegals'...are what i know as Pelvic Floor exercises

Women do them to strengthen the muscles, these muscles main job is to keep urine in the bladder....but they also with excercise help tighten the vaginal muscles...thus giving the ability to squeeze or 'milk' a cock while having sex

Women after childbirth often lose the proper use of these muscles that lead to incontinence and a 'loose vagina'...but with the Pelvic Floor exercises can make a recovery from these problems


legzup2paradise 12-16-2001 03:48 AM

this thread really exploded today!!!

anyway a reply to sweet chastity's gag reflex ?.... swallow. when you feel like you are starting to gag, make yourself swallow. After a while you'll get used to it. Another thing you might try is something called Deep Throat gel... I know Adam and Eve catalog sell it, and I'm sure other adult stores do as well. It has lidocain in it that will numb your throat, (cloraseptic spray does the same for cheaper, but it wears off sooner), but beware. it also numbs something else and unless you like giving one hour blow jobs, you may want to just use the first technique, or move on to something else when your jaw gets tired. I have always found getting oral sex to be the fastest relief to an aching jaw ;) .....

Sweet Chastity 12-17-2001 12:23 AM

Thanks for the replies. Legzup2paradise I will definitely have to try those! I've always wanted to deep throat and thought there should be a way to gag the gag reflex.

Thanks Sharniqua, I have heard of pelvic exercises for women after childbirth but never heard them called kegals before. I have 'milked' a few lovers and loved their reaction but I usually just contract my muscles instinctively.

Sweet Chastity

Stalemate 02-04-2002 01:39 PM

So, did any guys try the stuff on those websites? Did it work for anyone else?

For the ladies. I would like to hear your opinions on guys getting larger. IOW, if a guy that you liked, husband, bf, whatever, became noticeably larger, would it matter to you?

EX. If your guy became two inches longer, with one inch more girth over the course of a couple of years, what would you think about it? Say from 6x5 to 8x6.


2SexyPeople 09-15-2002 04:54 PM

If you have fingers, and a tongue(which you probably do), you aren't inadequate.......most women have their orgasms during the foreplay, I know I do......

Also, check out this website.....


It has amateur pics of men and women....and I can GUARANTEE you won't feel inadequate.

Hope it helps.

Leonheart2001us 11-11-2002 02:35 AM

Well, I must admit I do have a few little pro's and con's to say, and I want to comment on Natural Penis Enlargement, which I will stick a copy of the FAQ on a site for you all later when its not 2 am in the morning and I have to wake up early.

First off, for the women who dont likem that big, good to hear... there are lots of men who will never achieve a large size even with natural penis enlargement and they need you to cheer them up :)

Pro's to a large penis -
1. Bragging rights
2. its good bait, especially online
3. ego builder
4. some women love big cocks "SOME"
5. nice to wear spandex only to reveal a nice size lump in the front, or to go to a gym and reveal who's the bigger man.
6. hits more area at a time, in a lady that can handle it
7. more positions

Cons -
1.harder to keep longer erections, you have more size so it means more bloodflow needed there for a longer time.
2. Hurts some ladies, and thats worse than not pleasing them
3.no anal
4.harder to deepthroat
5. bigger the sword, the harder to wield
6. not as deep thrusts

Small dick pro's and con's

Pro's -
1. easier to wield
2. longer erections because of less to upkeep
3. easier to deep throat
4. wont hurt the ladies
5. anal sex is not an issue for women that allow anal period
6. deeper thrusts

Cons -
1. pointing and laughing :P
2. doesnt cover as much area at once
3. lowers ego
4. hard to get female to reach orgasm
5. positions can be hard to achieve

Fortunately each and every man has a choice now!!, do I or do I not want to be big!!, unfortunately the quest for knowledge is difficult, but natural penis enlargement, yes the FAQ all those sites give you... it works!! I can vouch for it, a friend sent me the FAQ over aim, although I had used some cracked passwords to get into the other sites before, it all said to jelq, and to use kegels ((YES MEN!!, it is critical!!! Harder erections, last longer, and keeps prostate problems a step behind!!)), and this nifty stretching excersize.

Okay, anyways just so you know, I was about 5 and a half inches, and no joke in one week of the stretching excersize I actually managed to get 6 and a half, meaning a full inch, bad thing is... I hurt my girlfriend in doggy style!!! although all other positions are better, I am continueing excersizes and plan to just partially insert it during doggy from now on.

TO perform the Kegel Excersizes, ((oh its also good for multiple orgasms))

Okay im gonna copy and paste this part of this FAQ

Would you like to know an exercise that can restore a youthful erection, help to create mind-blowing orgasms (solo or with a partner), and even save your life by giving you a healthy prostate...?

PC exercises, also known as Kegel exercises, strengthen the pubbocoxygennus muscle (PC muscle), a sling of muscle that surrounds your anus and prostate gland. The PC muscle is the muscle that involuntary "pumps" when you ejaculate. Strengthening - and learning to control - this muscles is THE sex secret. Maybe it sounds too good to be true, but there's now a simple, foolproof way for men to boost their partners' and their own pleasure during lovemaking. And it doesn't rely on aphrodisiacs or drugs. Instead, it involves doing a set of easy to learn pelvic-muscle exercises called Kegels (after Arnold Kegel, M.D., the gynecologist who developed them over 40 years ago). Women have been practicing these moves for years to intensify their orgasms and increase their partners' stimulation. Now, sex therapists and researchers have discovered that both partners can benefit sexually when men do Kegels too.

Time-honored Taoist healing techniques refer simply to "tightening the anus."

First, locate it. Stop the flow of urine when you take a pee. If you have trouble doing this, you really need these exercises.

PC clamps: squeeze and release your PC muscle. Start with a set of 20-30, and work your way up to sets of 100-200. Do at least 300 EVERYDAY, for the rest of your life. This will give you an erection harder than when you were a teenager. Continual practice will ensure you a rock hard erection, any time you desire, as well as giving you the ability to actually hold back your orgasm as long as you desire simply by flexing your PC muscle.

Long squeeze: hold PC muscle clamped tight for a count of twenty... or as long as you can.

Stair steps: tighten and loosen in increments.

PC flutter: tighten the PC muscle as slowly as you possibly can. At some point it will "flutter," and you'll feel energy sparkling up your spine. Concentrate on deep, slow breathing while you do this - great for restoring energy when you're running down!

Kegel exercises both strengthen and tone the pubococcygeal (PC) muscle-which runs from front to back in men's and women's pelvises--as well as the surrounding pelvic muscles. The PC muscle is what helps bring a man or woman to climax, and, along with other pelvic muscles, it also controls urination.

In his recent book, "The New Male Sexuality (Bantam Books, 1992), psychologist Bernie Zilbergeld, Ph.D., claims that many of his male patients who practiced pelvic-muscle contractions over time reported increased sexual sensation and more intense orgasms. That's not all. Over the past 20 years, William Hartman, Ph.D., and Marilyn Fithian, Ph.D., co-directors of the Center for Marital and Sexual Studies in Long Beach, California, have prescribed Kegel exercises to more than 1,300 male patients who were troubled by erection problems. Most of the men who did the exercises as prescribed reported firmer erections than before.

What's more, nearly 200 of Dr. Hartman and Dr. Fithian's male patients who practiced Kegels learned to delay ejaculation, enabling them to prolong sex to their own and their partner's satisfaction. And most surprising, 10 percent of these men were eventually able to have multiple orgasms--that is, two or more climaxes during a single act of intercourse before ejaculating. (Orgasm and ejaculation don't always occur simultaneously in men.)

With so many sexual benefits, Kegels are the perfect "sexercises" for men as well as women to master. Besides helping to create the physical conditions that enhance lovemaking, the exercises can spice up sex in another way as well. "Partners can take turns tightening their pelvic muscles during intercourse," explains Dr. Hartman. "Each will feel the other's muscle contractions, which adds to the excitement."


ericthered 11-12-2002 05:54 AM

Jesus - what's up with some of Pixies men? No matter how many times the ladies say that size is important or is completely insignificant compared to the things that do matter, some of us insist on measuring their 'value' by the length of their dick. Good grief! When are they planning on growing up?

After the story about the guy with a 2" dick keeping his lady happy, they should be ashamed of themselves. Get real, for God's sake. You might have been born with a real burden. You might have been born with three legs or two heads. Then you'd have something to whinge about.

Finally a comment from my old grandmother : A bad workman always blames his tool.

ericthered 11-12-2002 05:56 AM

Oops! That should have been 'size ISN'T important'. Promise you the slip was not Freudian.

Leonheart2001us 11-13-2002 01:33 AM

Sure it wasn't :P

Hmm.. still there are other reasons than just sex for big dicks, theyre ego boosters :P and penis compareing contests at parties lol.....

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