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-   -   how to hold back.....?? (http://www.pixies-place.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6749)

kranzx 04-13-2002 03:19 PM

how to hold back.....??
everytime when i get my blowjob, it really makes me to cum fast. The max i can hold on so far is around half an hour.....

can someone give me some tips??


Lilith 04-13-2002 09:06 PM

maybe think about something that is not sexual like work or mowing the lawn....

Oldfart 04-13-2002 09:12 PM

If you want more than a half hour out of a blowjob, you're

asking a lot. Two shorter blowjobs with some play in between


What's she getting out of this except the privelege of blowing


jay 04-13-2002 09:15 PM

lol before she starts get her to punch you in the balls the pain will distract you from the pleasure or trigger some strange sex/pain thing

Oldfart 04-13-2002 09:38 PM

Good thought, Jay.

Alternative is perhaps for her to whisper as she slides her mouth

over the tip, slowly, sensually, "By the way, my middle name's


jay 04-13-2002 09:43 PM

you lost me who is lorena??

Oldfart 04-13-2002 09:50 PM


vampeyes 04-13-2002 10:00 PM

LMAO @ OF... if that doesn't make him last longer (more like limp immediately) nothing will

jay 04-13-2002 10:09 PM

how did I miss that

Oldfart 04-13-2002 11:13 PM

In a blow-job thread, does that make it a sucker punch?

scotzoidman 04-13-2002 11:34 PM

I love this group of sick fucks so much... c'mon, everybody, group hug time...

BamaKyttn 04-14-2002 03:38 AM


nutworld 04-14-2002 10:46 AM

Originally posted by Oldfart
In a blow-job thread, does that make it a sucker punch?

Arrrhgggg, OF.

I gotta admit it sure did make me laugh.

Uh, scotzoidman, I don't mind the group hug thing..thats all good, but ..........

that's MY ass not Kyttn's


RandyGal 04-14-2002 10:49 AM

Are we makin' sandwiches again?

Group grope and don't be leavin ME out!



nutworld 04-14-2002 10:51 AM

Have no fear RandyGal

you're welcome ANYTIME....

Here..is this better?

PS how did my hand end up right there? ;)

Lovediva 04-14-2002 10:51 AM

I just want to grope OF!!!!! :D :D ;)

RandyGal 04-14-2002 10:54 AM

Nutworld..you know damn well how your hand ended up there..

you just like to ACT shy, but I know different.

*licking you in special places*

*and another grope just for you!*

*blushing wildly*

nutworld 04-14-2002 11:00 AM

Damn, someone else is on to me...

Oh well..I've estabilished this modus operandi, I'll just have to deal with the consequences.

It seems that I have been bad..any takers for dolling out the punishment?

RandyGal 04-14-2002 11:03 AM

*raising my hand as HIGH as it will go and shouting me me ME!!! *

....not sure if you noticed though. ;)

p.s. i am a port. *giggle*

Oldfart 04-14-2002 11:39 AM

Just got back to the thread.

Have I been enjoying/misbehaving myself?

Lovediva 04-14-2002 11:41 AM

Have I been enjoying/misbehaving myself?

Well I would hope so!!! I am groping you!!! :p :D

nutworld 04-14-2002 11:43 AM

Lucky guy you, OF..

Though its not that bad over here either.

Oldfart 04-14-2002 11:44 AM

And i thought it was just a warm and fuzzy feeling - with fingernails.

Gently dear, or you'll have to kiss it better...

nutworld 04-14-2002 11:44 AM

Yes RandyGal,
you have been noticed,
How could I NOT notice..

souls_cry2000 04-14-2002 12:03 PM

Control your breathing and concetrate on other sensations such as the feel of her hair or the heat in the room something other than whats going on (this'll probably be easier than blanking your mind). Store it all up and then when you can't hold it anymore release although you'll pass out if you do this for too long.

Oldfart 04-14-2002 12:10 PM


sixsense 04-14-2002 01:02 PM

I have found that if you relax the muscles in your pelvic area, it can become more intense and last longer. Its hard to descibe since I am not familiar with what muscles do what down there. For a correlation I believe in a woman it would be samiliar to the ones that contract the vagina.

In Men it's the one in which when you pee allows you to squeeze out those last few spurts. ;) If you listen to your body down there during sex, you will find this muscle always contracting, or slightly tightened. You must consciously relax that muscle. It may then feel like you will come quickly, but that muscle is also used to 'push' the sperm along. With the sperms travel being slowed down.. well I think you see.

The only bad portion is the penis may slightly deflate as that muscle is no longer pushing blood into the penis. However, if you wait until you have a large arousal and then start the above, the deflation is very minimal.

BamaKyttn 04-14-2002 01:24 PM

**** grope grope tweaks someones nipples**** oh my, sorry whose were those?


souls_cry2000 04-14-2002 01:40 PM

Ooooh Do it again!!!:D

Oldfart 04-14-2002 07:54 PM


That's not how to find PIX-FM.

Sugarsprinkles 04-14-2002 08:42 PM

Hey, is this a private grope or can anyone play????

Can we invite Murphy?? I think he needs a serious groping!

Hey RandyGal...wanna help me grope Murphy????:D :eek:

OUCH!! Who just groped my ass????? Well, whoever it was.....Do it again!!! It felt goooooood!!!!:D :D :D

Hey, 2 more posts and I'll hit 500!!
What do we get for making it to 500 postings???:confused: :p

scotzoidman 04-15-2002 01:23 AM

That would be me Sprinkles... and I'm afraid that's all the reward you get for 499... Tho I have something special in store for 500...

Sugarsprinkles 04-15-2002 05:33 AM

Originally posted by scotzoidman
That would be me Sprinkles... and I'm afraid that's all the reward you get for 499... Tho I have something special in store for 500...

That's not all bad, Scotzoidman!!

Now......do tell what is it that you have in store for 500???
I'm just dying of curiosity!! Tell me, tell me. tell me....PLEASE!!!!!!!;) ;)

Oldfart 04-15-2002 06:16 AM

Do not tell, Grasshopper, do.

nutworld 04-15-2002 09:25 AM

I'm curioius also..as I also just passed the 499 AND 500 marks..

Sugarsprinkles 04-15-2002 03:25 PM

Originally posted by nutworld
I also just passed the 499 AND 500 marks..

Boy, Nutworld, you must have been on a posting binge today!:D
You're already more than halfway to 600!! Way to Go!!!

And I STILL wanna know what we get for 500! LOL!:D :D :p

Oldfart 04-15-2002 04:35 PM

Satisfaction in being among Pixie's top 20 posters.

You have entered the Pixies posting elite who......(gag)

It just means you've been enjoying yourself communicating with

a group of fun off-beat people.

jay 04-15-2002 05:20 PM

did I miss another gropining damn this thread started out violent and then all this groping you never know whats going to happen at pixies

hitachi 04-16-2003 10:33 PM

Are you F*&#’n serious. A half hour long blowjob, and this guy is complaining. You can add all my bj’s together for a month and they would not add up to 30 minutes. I think you need to lower your standards just a bit.

denny 04-16-2003 11:00 PM

Damn! Too late for the grope. Ya' hitachi, you're right. Some people don't know when they have it good. I'd love to meet his lady.

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