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PointGuard 04-11-2002 12:31 AM

Whats Better???
Ok ladies this is pretty much for you but guys feel free to add your imput. I work out 4-5 days a week and I jog 2 miles like 5 nights. What I want to know is what do you women find more attractive, a big strong guy with big muscles, or a smaller guy that is cut? I am 6'2 and weigh 200 lbs and I want to know what way to go, for mass or definition. Thanks and sorry if this seemed repeditive but I wanted to make sure my point got across.

Lilith 04-11-2002 12:33 AM

I think if you took pics, then posted them we would be able to better advise you;)

GermanSteve 04-11-2002 01:40 AM

I think the way that y o u prefer is the best. The reason is that tastes are different. Just try to avoid ugly things like being too fat (a little can be nice also, who knows...) and I think a little muscles are never wrong.
You have to feel good in your body. Ask yourself.

Sharni 04-11-2002 03:53 AM

a big strong guy with big muscles, or a smaller guy that is cut?

My preference would be for a smaller well defined guy over one that is over muscled....

Misplaced Ice 04-11-2002 07:11 AM

smaller. But then I have a thing for lanky guys.

Its the goth in me, I guess.

BamaKyttn 04-11-2002 10:54 PM

ok, my $0.02 is this... I really dont much care "ripped" anything I like toned arms and legs but 6 packs completely turn me off. I cant stand em.... dunno why tho....


tx2 04-13-2002 01:13 AM

Personally, how sexy a man is has to do more with horny he is, and how willing he is to explore and share his fantasies. While looks maybe the first thing to attract, if a man is so worried about looking "all buff", he probably will never have enough time to please a woman.

MrsSweetness 04-13-2002 10:34 AM

I don't really have a prefernce exvept that they be taller than me. It all boils down to how they carry themselves...if they love themselves more than they'll love anyone else.

Wicked Wanda 04-13-2002 10:34 AM

I prefer guys that are clean, polite, and that treat me like a real person!
Well dressed helps, too. Not expensive clothes, but tasteful, and well fitting. I hate caps on backwards, and will not date ANYONE who wears one like that!
One of the most interesting and fun lovers I have ever had was a middle -aged overweight man.
He was polite, and soft spoken, held my chair for me, and listened to what I had to say, and made the evening fun. I hadn't planned on sleeping with him... but when he kissed me hand goodnight, I went weak in the knees...
He turned out to be a wonderful lover. He had nothing he wanted to prove, he was just playful, considerate, and imaginative!
I have seen him twice more, and he is always fun, and satisfying...

I guy with a really hot bod is a turn on, but not always the person I want to go to bed with...



scotzoidman 04-13-2002 10:24 PM

Oldfart - did you nail Wanda? How was she? I gotta know...

(Just bustin your chops... I didn't want to seem vain by taking credit myself...)

Lovediva 04-14-2002 10:37 AM

Beauty is only skin deep...the man has to be first and foremost honest and full of "Joie de vivre!"

I like a nice 6 pack as much as the others...but if it's empty so be it!!! :D

PointGuard 04-14-2002 10:58 PM

Well the reason i asked is I used to be a fat guy borderline obese and now I'm not but I'm very self conious about it. I always see the girls flocking around the big guys and the thin cut guys. Every girl I've ever realy wanted to be with always say I'm to good of a friend. Maybe its an excuse but everyone says that so I'm hoping its not and that it is that I'm a good person...i just wish I could get the girl every now and then.....you all feel me????

Lovediva 04-16-2002 08:02 AM

If a woman/girl can't see past the looks and see what a sweet, caring person you are..then is she worth it???

Looks are only skin deep...remember that!

You will find a woman/girl who will love you for you...not for the muscle or whats between your legs!!

She could be standing right in front of you..and you haven't noticed her yet!!

happybobo 04-16-2002 04:56 PM

Originally posted by LoveDiva4u
If a woman/girl can't see past the looks and see what a sweet, caring person you are..then is she worth it???

Looks are only skin deep...remember that!

You will find a woman/girl who will love you for you...not for the muscle or whats between your legs!!

She could be standing right in front of you..and you haven't noticed her yet!!

Great as a school of thought, but unrealistic. It's a material world

Sorry, just my opinion

MilkToast 04-16-2002 05:58 PM

Originally posted by PointGuard
Every girl I've ever realy wanted to be with always say I'm to good of a friend.

Heck, that's the story of my life... I want to get to know the person and be friends first (I'm just not very comfortable in my own skin until I really know a person) and then I get past the whole thing and get to hear the "we're too good of friends to date".... if you ever figure out how to get past that I would really like to know... :rolleyes:

RandyGal 04-16-2002 06:10 PM

I enjoy a persons mind first and foremost.

Let me ask you something....you say you see all the other guys getting the girls.

Are you talking about the hot girls?

Have YOU noticed the large girls? The ones who might be being overlooked by the hot guys?

I agree, your dream woman might just be right in front of your face....

keep looking and be patient. :)

axe31 04-17-2002 04:11 AM

big musle men tend to be ego maniacs
so dont date them

Oldfart 04-17-2002 05:13 AM


No, dammit!

Remember, beauty is merely skin.

foosballfan 04-22-2002 10:14 AM

I think the majority view among girls and guys nowadays is that they would rather be slimmer and fitter instead of hugely muscular or badly overweight(of course). I know from my own experience that i felt a lot more comfortable in my skin when I was slim and trim, and getting too muscular makes you less flexible.

Another thought: looks may only be skin deep , but an unhealthy outside reflects an unhealthy inside. Obesity kills, and it's getting worse. If you wanna live longer, live healthier.

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