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Lilith 03-31-2002 06:16 PM

Deal Breaker
The encounter you have waited for looks as if it about to happen. You have lusted for this person from afar and it appears you have finally gotten your point across. You are overcome with the urgency and then they.................

What is the one thing they could say, or do, or whatever, that would cause you to rethink the whole situation? :rolleyes:

iikiibuu 03-31-2002 06:27 PM

heh i could give you a very large list of things. But i won't bore you all with them :D

You're like a big brother to me.

Eros 03-31-2002 06:32 PM

The worst thing she could do, is be uncomfortable with herself. The more comfortable she is with herself and the situation, the sexier she comes across.

scotzoidman 03-31-2002 08:54 PM

...and then she says, "This is the first time since the sex-change operation..."

Lilith 03-31-2002 08:56 PM

LMAO @Scotz :D

ASH 03-31-2002 09:09 PM

that was great scotz

and then they tell you they don't appreciate all the stalking and that they have put out a restraining order. (damn, i thought i was being discreet)

jay 03-31-2002 10:37 PM

they smile and have bad theath I can't stand bad teath

jlmyatt 03-31-2002 10:38 PM

Let me put my gun down.

Then I ran like a cheetah!:whiteghos

Nice Guy 04-01-2002 12:10 AM

Well if the whole situation is supposed to be about lust, then the worst thing that could be said is

I love you

bigwolf 04-01-2002 07:57 AM

Smoking would be the first, but if I have been lusting for a while I would know if she smoked. The next worse would be the personality from hell, the body is nothing without a real person behind it.

Lilith 04-01-2002 08:57 AM

Nice guy~ I was waiting for someone to say that... LMAO! so true!

sugar 04-01-2002 11:29 AM

One thing that happened to me..: I met this guy, we went out for dinner and a few drinks and we were both totally horny, he started to have his big black hands all over me already in the bar and it drove me crazy, I wanted that guy so much, so I took him home with me... and then:

when I gave him a rubber to put it on he was totally mad and asked if I didn't trust him and if I thought that he had AIDS or some other desease... I sent him home. I mean, come on, I didn't know ANYTHING about that guy, neither did he know me at all.

I am surprised how many men just tell us they'd "be careful". I know that the brain sometimes stops when things get going, but is there a point to risk catching a desease or get pregnant just for half an hour/five minutes/an hour of fun?????

Nice Guy 04-01-2002 11:55 AM

I never have sex unless I'm using a condom. It just makes to much sense not to. One lady I was with told me that it was ok not to use one because it was not possible for her to get pregnant, I still wore one cause it protects against other things as well. I'm not comfortable having sex unless I'm wearing one.

MissX 04-01-2002 02:56 PM

Probably doing that assuming the chase has ended thing.....

Prophet Reality 04-01-2002 10:13 PM

"Your too much like a brother, and incest was never my thing."

Lovediva 04-02-2002 09:11 AM

Dirty teeth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that is a complete turn off!!!!!! YUCKY!!!!!!!!!!

kiwi15 04-02-2002 09:48 AM

For me, it's when she has a completely uncultured voice.

BamaKyttn 04-02-2002 10:58 AM

hang on let me get my wedding band off.......
just a minute my baby needs his diaper changed....
let me move the wifes' wardrobe......

or my personal favourite (yes i've heard it)
"I'm not really gay.. i'm not a lezbo or anything its just an experiment!"



souls_cry2000 04-02-2002 02:49 PM

I love a dominating personality as much as the next person but the "Military Fucks" as my friend puts it kinda get unnerving. Left....Right....yeah there....back up....that's it .... I know everyone knows their body better than anyone else but damn cut other person some slack.

Generic Man 04-02-2002 10:54 PM

There is a LONG list of things.

The top of which is "Teehee, don't ask me, I'm just a girl!"

That ends it right there. Stupidity is the ultimate in mood killers.

Oldfart 04-03-2002 05:04 AM


Second only to:

"With the $50 from this I can afford my sex-change"

skipthisone 04-30-2003 01:47 PM


Loulabelle 04-30-2003 02:01 PM

One incident comes to mind.....and if he reads this (which is possible!) he won't be best pleased, but what the hell.

We were getting a little naughty (ok a lot naughty since he wasn't mine to play with) and I was getting a little carried away and started to dig my nails into him. He asked me to stop and I apologised for my over-enthusiasm, that I hadn't wanted to hurt him. He replied:

'It's not that, I'm just thinking of the fact that you'll leave evidence'

Shoulda broken the deal there and then, but foolishly we carried on. Oh well, only sexual 'mistake'/ one night stand I've ever had, so I think I'll live.

skipthisone 04-30-2003 02:07 PM

Damn i must be a sicko, i read that and got turned on....

gekkogecko 04-30-2003 02:09 PM

Say something like "I'm a racist smoker in a supposedly monogamous relationship who's lying to my partner". Pretty much covers all the bases.

BlueSwede 04-30-2003 05:29 PM

Someone not willing to use "protection" and/or someone who is honest enough to tell me that he/she has herpes or HIV, etc. I mean, I'd be happy that the person was honest about it, but I'd prefer to not take any chances if this was just a matter of lust. Also would be totally turned off to someone with poor hygiene or who is conceited, bigotted, a drug user (especially one involving needles), or super conservative sexually or politically. I know...I'm picky.

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