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Ok Ok I am finally take the plunge (I think lol) and get my first tat. I've only been talking about it forever and a day. So I am a big chicken I can't help it. Anyways I am getting it just above and a little on my left breast I've already decided on what (a faerie) and who (a great local artist).
But what I want to know especially from women is this (if you have one) 1.Did it hurt REALLY bad or just a little? 2.Did you have any problems putting on your bra afterwards? (theres no way I can go without one in public lol gravity is a bitch) |
Ive got a tat and it didnt really hurt. I have been told it does hurt near the bone....also more men pass out from them then women.
I dont really know about the question cause i dont wear a bra!:) |
If you say a tat doesnt hurt your lieing. Although some take pain better than others. I have to say that i loved every damn Min i was in that chair and crave more everyday. I dont have any art on my boobs, as hubby isnt to happy about tats and wouldnt like his fav part tatoo'd. But since I have seen that you have big boobs like I hehe, if you get it on the breast bone it will hurt alot. From what im told. Now if you get it where there is alot of clevege lol then it wont hurt as much. You are picking a tender spot for a first tat tho my dear. My first was on my ankle, and i had to hold my friends hand for the first couple mins. Then after that all was ok. .. I really dont know what else to tell you tho..Sorry. Oh and to wear anything over a tat it will hurt. So if a bra rubs on it its gona be tender :(.. Why dont you email me and ill give you some good tips on how to care for it tho so that it doesnt hurt to bad. OR maybe you can come see my tat artist :D hehe that will give you a reason to come down here rofl
Sar |
mine didn't hurt it just felt hot but then I have a real high pain tollerance.. mine is on my left pec wich I know is diffrent from a brest but at the same time its kind of the same oh well now i'm rambling... any way the bra will hurt but most clothes are going to rub alittle.
titty ink... okay. first off, after you decide what you want, make sure you know how you want it placed. on breasts (big 'uns especially), ya got pretty much two choices on that kinda placement. one, the way it's gonna look with yer bra on. and two, the way it'll look when the breasts rest naturally. that's first. as far as bras, it'll be in yer best interest, as well as the integrity of the healing and eventually healed tattoo to at the very least wear a loose bandage over the tattoo while it heals if you plan to wear a bra during the process. otherwise, it'll hurt much more, compromise the quality of the tattoo once it's healed, and prolong the aftercare process. the most important aspects of the tattoo experience take place in the following weeks after you leave the shop with a fresh colorful wound. it's up to you. the artist can't follow you home to see if yer takin' care of it the way ya should.
painwise, any tattoo session isn't meant to be pleasurable. however, it's almost always never as excruciating as you'd imagine. sure, it can sting a bit, but so what? the finished product and feeling it gives you is what's important. if you want sumthin badly enough, why let anything so nominal and meaningless as pain keep you from it? comin' from a gimpy dude who found his true passions by becoming heavily inked, i say tear it up. i can guarantee you won't be the same afterwards. oh, and Sarriah, i guess i'm a filthy fibber. i had one of two reactions to every single second of chairtime i've logged: pleasure and/or instant fulfillment. *shrug* it's all perception. |
Thanks all ...... I do feel a bit better .... I think lol
Speaking from experience...
I have a tattoo of a heart with a rose entwining around it on my right breast. It was somewhat uncomfortable, but not the searing white-hot pain I had psyched my self for. I whipped off my top and my bra (removal of the bra was optional) Okay, so sue me, I am a bit of an exhibitionist....anyway, I love it. I get lots of compliments on it especially when I am in a situation where I can show it in its entirity. I was told that the more breast tissue the less it would hurt. But the best part for me was when he finished I realized i had done something tht was completely out of character for me without a care about what others would think. That was the beginning of the process of letting the "bad girl" out....GO 4 IT!! YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID!!!
i have LOVED every second that i was in the chair, I dont know what you mean by what you said but I never regreted any time in the chair and sometimes would go just for a touch up just so I would be there again.. Granted I have only needed one touch up rofl and that was cause my cat scratched me on my leg and messed up a thin line :D i didnt need it fixed just wanted it fixed so that i could be in the chair again.. I have prolly put only about 20hours in the chair but im sure there will be more.. Thats 20 hours in less than a year..... Sar |
you said sumthin about "anybody that says they don't hurt is lying". sumthin to that effect.
i've logged around 50 or so hours in roughly eight months. were it up to me, and i didn't hafta work around my slinger's terrible schedule, i'd have finished my bodysuit months ago. that prick bastard... how i love him. |
yes it does hurt, but its a different kind of pain, not like getting your hand cut off but like umm i dunno, like good hard sex or something. It does hurt, even my artist and some others have said it does hurt. BUT its a good hurt......
see, what i'm sayin' is, it doesn't hurt for me. i don't care what other people (who, coincidentally enough, aren't me) hafta say about MY personal sensations. if anybody knows how i feel, chances are it'll be me. i felt actual pleasure whenever i got inked.
It didn't hurt for me, but then I only got a shoulder blade and ankle done. but then it wasn't pleasure, more a tickling/pricking sensation like the hairs on your skin getting raised.....but hey each to their own.
yah thats a good way to put it MissX i guess when i said it hurts, thats a strong word for it. shoulder and ankle didnt hurt as bad as my lower back did tho i can say that :D
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I finally got a pic of my tat!!
Sarr: mine is on my lower back and I must agree, although idiot me got it 3 inches.....
Bama great tat!! love it.
I have 2 tattoos, and I love both of them. I have a hawk on my
left tittie and a red feather on my ankle. Neither one of them really hurt that much. I say "Go for it !!!!" |
Thanx PW although I did get one.. about a month after I started the thread.. and I loved it there was slight pain but it was a good pain :D so I am planning on getting more in the future
Does anyone know of some good sites to find potential tattoos? I've also been considering one for my lower back of a very elegant Geisha...so far all the geisha designs I've found have been very ugly...I want something beautiful! Any site or book suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks!
My tat
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Sharing mine.....
Me again
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Another "view".....
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I have 7 tats 2 on each boob.I felt that it was a rush .The outlines
seemed to hurt a bit more than the filling in but i enjoyed it:) |
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My dagger tat.
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I have one...its in the middle of my back under my neck **not sure if that made any sense**...i hope the pic i attached works...i love it, it hurt for me, but it was my first one & the only peircing i have are the ones in my ears that i got when i was little so i wasnt used to any kinda pain that wasnt sexual...it was a rush though, im totally addicted, if i had more money id have gotten a couple more by now but....***sigh*** im poor
I'd be lying if I said they didn't hurt, have one on each arm, the pain wasn't bad enough to keep me from getting a second one, the outline hurts the worst b/c it is done w/ a bigger needle, coloring in isn't too bad, just be sure that whoever does it is good at it!
I have a celtic cross on the bone in the middle of my shoulders.. When its on the flesh withought much bone beneath it.. it burns more than hurts.. but on that bone.. and I'm talking the middle of the cross is where your spine crosses your shoulders.. I think it hurt like a bitch.. not that that is going to stop me from continuing to express myself through body ink.. My husband has 6 tats.. He has a tiger on his pec. that he claims only hurt when they got near the nipple.. a dragon on one bicep.. not bad.. 2 large tribles wrapping his bicep with the thickest parts on sensitive skin and even that he said wasn't bad.. He also has a cross on the other bicep and flames circling his wrist and he said none were bad.. It depends on your pain tolerance.. The problem I had was that I psyched myself out because I expected it to hurt bad.. If I had went into it saying hey what the hell.. lay forward and enjoy the ride it probably would have been much better... The best part... The alchahol swab at the end.. cause that skin gets HOT!!!
BCG---On your computer,write in tattoos.Then hit search.There are many sites,but any reputable tattoo artist,will design whatever you want.I have three and I told the shop owner,what I
wanted for the last one.He drew it out&I OK'd it.He drew it on a transferable paper & put it on my arm to get the placement.I had a chain drawn around my left biceps.The chain links are outlined with a dark color.The lnks are then filled in with green. Irish P.S.They don't hurt!There is a slight stinging sensation. |
Welcome to your new addiction. I am glad you got your tattoo. I can't wait to get my next Tat! They are fun, and Sexaaayyyy!:p
I've been talking about getting one for years now, just not brave enough so far, lol, but now I'm feeling I'm missing something by not going for it after listening to you.
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