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RipCord 07-10-2001 03:10 PM

A tragedy has happened
This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do...

I am here tonight, not to read or to play, but to inform you all that Amour was involved in a head on collision. She was hit by a car full of drunk teens this morning on her way home from work.

Her daughter is in critical condition and it dosen't look good...

As for Amour...she was killed instantly.

She leaves behind a 12 year old daughter and the 15 year old daughter which is in the hospital.

I am in shock and at a loss for words, but thought you all should know.

She will be sadly missed by many people.

Amour, my love, may you rest in peace.


bogeyman 07-10-2001 03:59 PM

My thoughts are with her family!!!
That is very disturbing news...

I know that I will be saying a prayer for her daughter and family tonight.

RipCord, keep us informed of her daughters condition...

Armour will be missed.....

honey_pot 07-10-2001 04:12 PM

im sorry to hear
all my love goes out to Amour's family i can not find the right

words but i would like to say Amour will be missed by everyone


i will also be praying for her daughter and like bogey said please

keep us informed how her daughter is getting on

Amour rest in peace

JennyD 07-10-2001 04:55 PM

My deepest regards to Amour's family. I too don't know what to say except I will keep them in my prayers and send my love.


Gyzsmo 07-10-2001 05:08 PM

My thoughts and prayers are with her family.


sapphire 07-10-2001 05:20 PM

Peace be with you...
We will all miss Amour's witty remarks.

My prayers go out to her family and her closest friends.

You will be remembered by us all!

Lovediva 07-10-2001 06:53 PM

Please don't drink and drive!! (M.A.D.D.)

I have been sitting here reading this and I can't beleive it!
I was talking to Amour yesterday! OMG... this is so sad!!
Damn drunk drivers!

My heart and prayers go out to all of Amours family and friends but most of all her oldest daughter... God better not take her too!

I am sorry all.. I am also at a loss for words....this is such a shock!

Ripcord.. I know you and Amour were very close... I am so sorry.....and if there is anything at all I can do...please let me know...

I will sadly miss my new found friend...God Bless You Amour.....
And may you brighten the heavens with your lovely smile and sweet personality....as you have brightened this forum...

Rest in Peace Amour.....

MrCuriousUSA 07-10-2001 07:56 PM

May God bless Amour and her loved ones
I have only been around Pixies Place since 4th of July, but several people have tried to make me feel welcome. Amour was one of the sweetest, and sent me a couple of very encouraging PMs. I will truly miss this lovely new friend.

I pray that RipCord and Amour's many other friends and loved ones will be comforted in this time of loss, and that Amour's daughter will recover rapidly. I encourage all of you praying folks of any religion to remember them in your prayers also.


John_L 07-10-2001 10:05 PM

This bard, with saddened heart, must bid fair well to one he wishes he had known better. It is with grief and pain that I must attend her final curtain call.

Though I had not had much chance to chat with her, she touched me with her warmth and humanity. My thoughts and prayers go out to her and those she has left behind.

RipCord 07-11-2001 03:11 PM

More sad news
For those of you who wanted to know, Amour's daughter passed away this morning, she is now with her mother in heaven..

Her other daughter hasn't spoken a word since the accident..

The four kids that hit Amour's car all walked away without a scratch..but the driver did get charged with drinking and driving causing death x 2 and a bunch of other fines..

I still can't beleive she is gone....
I know she would be so touched by all the kind words that you have all said... and that goes the same for me..thank you.

"To love and to be loved is to feel the sun from both sides"

Amour was my sun.....as I am sure she was the sun to many others that have had the priveledge to know her....

Take care.. and thank you once again for your kind words.. I will print them up and give them to her family in the near future..

Dunchad 07-11-2001 06:25 PM

A great Loss
A great loss indeed. My heart goes out to the family and friends of Amour. Ripcord, I can't imagine that you are going through. May the Goddess and God bless you and all her family. She will be greatly missed by this user and many more.

sba6996 07-12-2001 06:59 PM

saddness for us all


Leggy 07-12-2001 10:02 PM

God bless you Amour

What heart breaking news. My thoughts and prayers go out to Amour's family and friends.

Her sense of humour will be greatly missed.

maestro 07-13-2001 10:36 AM

Why is it always the innocent who come off worst in these sort of things. The cops should throw the book at these little *******s and throw away the key.
Amour will be sadly missed

David 07-14-2001 10:09 AM

The Love of Our G-d!
It is with a sad heart that I have read this tragedy! My thoughts and prayers go out to Amour's remaining daughter, family and friends. May G-D be with you. David :confused:

RipCord 07-15-2001 06:34 AM

Thank you all
I have just returned from Amour's very sad funeral and I want to thank everyone who posted here for their kind words.

I also want to thank LoveDiva for flying down here and attending her funeral. Which was a very big surprise! When she asked for info, I thought Lovediva would just send flowers, so it was certainly a surprise to meet her! Thank you for coming! It was a pleasure meeting you. :)

I have asked Kim to remove Amour's pics out of respect for her, and I think it was the right thing to do, since she is no longer with us to respond to them.. Sorry guys..

I will end this saying "Goodbye Amour (and her daughter), may you both rest in peace".

And like Whitney Houston sang.. "I will always love you".....

Stinger 07-15-2001 09:17 AM

A very stunned and sadden couple

HotAsJuly and I have just read this and are very saddened that two great people were lost.
You come into these places not knowing what to expect, but this is a community of friends.
We could tell from your posts how much you love her.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and all of her family.

Amour god bless you and your daugher. :'-(

MaxDWolf 07-15-2001 10:06 PM

My deepest condolences and sympathies. :(

Docc 07-15-2001 10:33 PM

My condolences go to You and the Family. I'm new and came to enjoy Amour's wit and her thoughts. She will be missed.

A prayer to You and Yours, for Amour and her daughter.

OzJack 07-17-2001 08:20 PM

Love will always be there
From a new member here. It seems Armour was one of those special people. Friendly, caring, always ready to help out. It is difficult to find any sense in her passing, especially given the circumstances. To all her friends, I believe that each and everyone of you is a great person for the kind words you have left on this board. Maybe sometimes we forget to speak these words and to tell our friends and loved ones how much we care. Don't wait and tell them today. To those who have teenage children, tell them as well because a lot of the time they are out of control looking for some kind of affection or belonging. Take care all of you.

Fang 07-24-2001 12:25 PM

I have been on vacation and was wondering what had happened to Amour. She was a beautiful and witty woman. I am quite torn up by this.

Ripcord and LoveDiva, I feel like you represented a lot of us at the funeral. Thank you for your kind words about Amour. Although I never met her personally I regret not having that opportunity. She is sorely missed.

I lost a very close friend to a drunk driving accident several years ago. It's a wound that has still not healed and is compounded everytime I hear of something like this happening.

I guess I don't have anything to say, but hopefully Amour is getting hers in the great Forum in the sky.

If you can log on from heaven Amour, we miss you. Maybe you can see fit to visit some of us in our dreams. God bless.

Mercury_Maniac 07-24-2001 02:11 PM

May God be with her in heaven
I don't know who this person is but i feel sorry for her and her family, my condolences to the family and i hope the young girl gets well soon

PurpleLayc 07-25-2001 08:08 AM

Thoughts and prayers go out to her children and family
May God bless

nutworld 07-25-2001 08:35 AM


I was utterly stunned at the news. not to mention terribly saddend. Thank you to lovediva for being a symbolic representative of all of us from Pixies.

As many have said. my thoughts and prayers to the surviving daughter, and the rest of her family.

SexyCowgrl101 07-25-2001 11:40 AM

God Bless
:mad: My heart and soul goes out to Amour and her family...God Bless you and my thoughts and prayers are with you.

RipCord 07-26-2001 03:35 AM

Thanks everyone for your lovely remarks and condolences. I am sure Amour is very touched...

I was going to print this up today and give it to Amour's family, but I think I will wait a bit longer..they are not doing so well, since it's only been 16 days since her passing :(

Damn!...I miss her...alot.

Dunchad 07-26-2001 06:11 PM

It is never easy to deal with the lose of someone you love. I didn't know Aour that much but I definitely miss her presence here. We all the fel the pain of her lose. So if you ever need to talk about it, you know were we are. :(

Lovediva 07-27-2001 02:43 AM

((((((((Ripcord)))))))))) ...... If you need to talk you know how to get in touch...

Take care and missing her is ok...I miss her too...

Duggary 08-24-2001 05:05 AM

I haven't loged on to the site and checked out the posts for quite some time now. my girlfriend was hit by a car whilst crossing the street recently. So this is the 1st time i have logged on in some time. i have just read about the passing of dunchad and now i have found out about amours death as well. I woke up happy this morning for the first time in over a month and i am deeply saddened by these events. both amour and dunchad were here long before me and they did there best to make me feel very welcome. i never met them and i didn't know them but i know that i will miss then greatly. Our loss is heavens gain, my thoughts and prayers go out to all those who new amour and her daughter.

for the sake of a coupple of drinks, we have all lost a truely great person,

rest in peace.

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