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osuche 09-20-2007 03:16 PM

I want to be NAUGHTY!
I've been in a time deficit recently, but I WANT to be naughty. I just find I've been running out of energy to do anything very sexy. I'll lay down and plan on having an orgasm, and then I fall asleep before I get there....

...I think I am turning into an old, dried up husk of a woman. :rofl:

Here's my question ~~~

If I wanted to engage in a little low-commitment naughtiness, what would you recommend I try?

IowaMan 09-20-2007 03:27 PM

It depends, are you talking "steppin' out on hubby" naughty or "something I can fit into my time constraints" naughty?

citrus 09-20-2007 03:30 PM

Yes, with me! Speaking strictly for myself, It's the spirit. I hope you're one of the fortunate ones whom has the will and the freedom to assert self to the little pleasures that keep the spices in lifes varieties!!
I'll be there in a frame.
Now, What did I do with that can of movie magic? That instant appearance stuff.
:irish: :booty: :p

Aqua 09-20-2007 03:50 PM

Originally Posted by IowaMan
It depends, are you talking "steppin' out on hubby" naughty or "something I can fit into my time constraints" naughty?

I think she may be talkin' "not necessarily getting to the orgasm" naughty. Is that it osuche?

WildIrish 09-20-2007 03:51 PM

I suggest heading upstairs a few minutes early. Light a scented candle and dim the lights.

Lay in the center of the bed, with pillows propping you in a very comfortable position.

Put on a blindfold. Put in some ear plugs. Lay there for a few minutes before doing anything and just take in the silence...the darkness...the solitude.

Let your hands wander slowly, with no real purpose. Feel your body, and feel it responding to your touch. Your skin tickles, your nipples stiffen a little, and warmth slowly spreads across your body. Eminating from your core.

Eventually, your hands will wander to the moist folds of your most intimate of areas. Your secret place that you long to have serviced...to have worshipped. Your fingers will trace the outlines of your lips, relishing the slipperyness before beginning the achingly familiar dance across your clit. Soon your breath is roaring in your ears, and the darkness is interupted by the bright flash of your climax.

And your arms go limp by your sides. Your heart slows and your breath evens out.

A calm settles over you, and your tiredness returns. Don't fight it, just let it take you away.

With luck, you'll never know he saw any of it. You'll never know he was desperately struggling to stay quiet as his fist became a blur in his lap. And how he had to bite his lip to keep from moaning out loud when he came.

Until you slip in the puddle tomorrow morning. :p

Enjoy the night and report back in the morning.

citrus 09-20-2007 04:01 PM

Eventually, your hands will wander to the moist folds of your most intimate of areas. Your secret place that you long to have serviced...to have worshipped. Your fingers will trace the outlines of your lips, relishing the slipperyness before beginning the achingly familiar dance across your clit. Soon your breath is roaring in your ears, and the darkness is interupted by the bright flash of your climax.

Goddam WI. That was a good one. OK osuche, your turn! :nana:

IowaMan 09-20-2007 04:03 PM

um yeah, what WI said. :hot:

osuche 09-20-2007 05:20 PM

Originally Posted by citrus
OK osuche, your turn! :nana:

Well, it's easier to do *nothing* than to do something.

What if I just wore a skirt to work and let everyone know that there was no underwear on underneath. Perhaps the one I have with the looooooong slit up the side?

Maybe if I just PM'ed a couple of people and told my husband that I'd forgotten my morning thong?

Do you think that would be just a little bit naughty? ;)

Aqua 09-20-2007 05:28 PM

That sounds like a nice little bit o' naughty. ;)

campingboy 09-20-2007 09:22 PM

I'm sure that if you PMed PF to tell him that you were not wearing any panties, he would think you were being very naughty, and under dressed.

Coaster 09-21-2007 12:20 AM

Originally Posted by osuche
Well, it's easier to do *nothing* than to do something.

What if I just wore a skirt to work and let everyone know that there was no underwear on underneath. Perhaps the one I have with the looooooong slit up the side?

Maybe if I just PM'ed a couple of people and told my husband that I'd forgotten my morning thong?

Do you think that would be just a little bit naughty? ;)

Ummmmm.... PICK ME please to PM!!!!!!!!! :molest:

Casperr 09-21-2007 01:35 AM

Pic me, pic me!!!

Get it! Don't just TELL me you're not wearing underwear, but show me! ;)

And yes, it'd be naughty and oh so hot!

LixyChick 09-21-2007 06:33 AM

Is today the day?

Hope she gets pics...as CTG suggested!

Oldfart 09-21-2007 07:09 AM

Don't tell PF that you're not wearing any, for god's sake.

The knowledge that there's an extra pair in the house would probably be enought to force PF to drive across the country to break in and free them.

Fly little ones, be free!!

WildIrish 09-21-2007 09:18 AM

Originally Posted by Oldfart
Fly little ones, be free!!


PF...the Panty Liberator! Such a noble cause too! :D

Aqua 09-21-2007 11:24 AM

Yeah, and he could put them in the bag with the other 30-
000 pairs. :p

osuche 09-21-2007 11:31 AM

I am wearing a skirt....but with the thong. ;)

I was thinking Monday was a better day to go panty-less :D

WildIrish 09-21-2007 11:48 AM

PF will be relieved.

Rumor has it he much prefers to liberate them directly from the owner's body. :slurp:

scotzoidman 09-21-2007 12:08 PM

I thought most places have a casual Friday policy...does your place have a no-underwear Monday policy?

osuche 09-21-2007 02:31 PM

Today I have other naughty thoughts....Like how would it be to have steamy hot athletic sex on the gym room floor?

Or...even better...what if one of my breasts just happened to peek out form my low-cut top while I am at my interview today?

WildIrish 09-21-2007 02:33 PM

Originally Posted by osuche
Today I have other naughty thoughts....Like how would it be to have steamy hot athletic sex on the gym room floor?

Or...even better...what if one of my breasts just happened to peek out form my low-cut top while I am at my interview today?

Then you'd have to write a story. :D

dm383 09-21-2007 03:00 PM

Originally Posted by WildIrish
Then you'd have to write a story. :D

With pictures.

(And self-imposed bans on pictures are hereby suspended, by order of the Grand Pooh-Bah - I LOVE your breasts!!)

Pretty Please?


east 09-21-2007 04:44 PM

i like this line of thinking!

Coaster 09-21-2007 05:54 PM

Originally Posted by osuche
Today I have other naughty thoughts....Like how would it be to have steamy hot athletic sex on the gym room floor?

Or...even better...what if one of my breasts just happened to peek out form my low-cut top while I am at my interview today?

Or if you didn't wear a bra at all so your hard nipples made a statement as you walked into the room! :wtp:

sodaklostsoul 09-21-2007 06:22 PM

Do you get the feeling that these ^^^^ peeps wanna see some skin?

scotzoidman 09-21-2007 11:12 PM

Originally Posted by osuche
Today I have other naughty thoughts....Like how would it be to have steamy hot athletic sex on the gym room floor?

Or...even better...what if one of my breasts just happened to peek out form my low-cut top while I am at my interview today?

I'm betting that you'd get the job...

dm383 09-22-2007 03:07 AM

Originally Posted by sodaklostsoul
Do you get the feeling that these ^^^^ peeps wanna see some skin?

Bugger it......... so, what gave us away then?!?!?!?!



citrus 09-22-2007 03:19 AM

Something nicely naughty could be like maybe writing a name in bright red lipstick on those moist pink lips down there and telling her or him!!!!

lakritze 09-23-2007 09:16 AM

The road to naughtiness is PCH. I'll be down here in Santa Monica with the cure.

txgrneyes 09-24-2007 03:19 PM

Have you tried a set of BenWa Balls? or Love Balls?

I have a pair and sometime if I feel like being naughty and not putting alot of effort into it. It does make me have that something during the day. You know like a sexy secret that only I know. And the good thing about them is you are also able to exercise your muscles and get a little pleasure for the time that you have them in. Also all you have to do when you want them out is just go to the restroom...and place them in your purse.

Then if you have had them in for the most part of the day then you will be worked up at night and might be able to orgasm faster that night with out having to put alot of effort into them.

Also I have a HELPING HAND VIBRATOR that gets me off soooo fast. I am talking less than 5-6 minutes. IT IS REALLY GOOD. I really recommend it.

Just my thoughts.


GusAspar 09-24-2007 04:54 PM

Originally Posted by osuche
I am wearing a skirt....but with the thong. ;)

I was thinking Monday was a better day to go panty-less :D

So... this was Monday... did you go commando, you Naughty Girl?

willy53 12-23-2007 03:40 PM

Ah! Thinkin of going commando to work, Whish I worked with you, sounds like you may have some naughty fun at work----Showing with only eyes allowed could really get one warmed up for some lovin----Hubby could be thrilled when you come home from a day in commando mode, and jump his bone . :loveshowe Primed from a day free and jucie redy.
I envy your hubby , you got balls , go girl go.

dicksbro 12-24-2007 03:43 PM

Originally Posted by osuche
Today I have other naughty thoughts....Like how would it be to have steamy hot athletic sex on the gym room floor?

Or...even better...what if one of my breasts just happened to peek out form my low-cut top while I am at my interview today?

I don't recall getting any after-action reports on this. :slurp:

How'd it go? :hot:

osuche 12-24-2007 03:48 PM

I chickened out on both accounts....

But when I start my new job, I plan to have sex plastered up against the window of my 13th floor office in downtown San Francisco. :D

dicksbro 12-24-2007 03:50 PM

Rats, if I could make it out to Frisco, I'd ask for the address and see if there wasn't another building across the street at least 13 stories tall. :D

rabbit 12-24-2007 06:54 PM

Originally Posted by osuche
I chickened out on both accounts....

But when I start my new job, I plan to have sex plastered up against the window of my 13th floor office in downtown San Francisco. :D

That works!

BTW, congrats on your new job!


dicksbro 12-24-2007 07:11 PM

Originally Posted by rabbit
BTW, congrats on your new job! :D

Yeah, me too! Hope it's everything you hope it will be! :x:

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