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WildIrish 12-07-2006 03:47 PM

I'm looking for...
a picture of an MMF in which the female is laying on her back engaged in intercourse with one gentleman while the other is licking her clit.

I can't find one! And it's an arduous task searching through hundreds of pictures for it. :p

What're you looking for a picture of?

Irezumi Kiss 12-07-2006 04:37 PM

As many classic photos of Sylvia McFarland as I can shift+option+click to my desktop as possible. :cabbagep:

Lilith 12-07-2006 05:02 PM

A picture of me sandwiched between two or three Pixies men :D

FallenAngel5 12-07-2006 05:17 PM

Well now I'm looking for that, WI.

1nutworld 12-07-2006 06:20 PM

Originally Posted by Lilith
A picture of me sandwiched between two or three Pixies men :D

any particular ones that belong in that picture Lil?

I'll snap the photo.

Lilith 12-07-2006 08:28 PM

Sketch it. I promise to hold really really still ;)

Irezumi Kiss 12-07-2006 08:50 PM

There might be one or two areas on the men that'll quiver, though. :cabbagep:

IowaMan 12-07-2006 10:31 PM

I wouldn't mind finding a pic of me holding a big check for winning the Powerball. If I happened to be naked along with my dream woman draped all over me, (or on all fours in front of me) all the better. :D

osuche 12-08-2006 12:57 AM

Originally Posted by WildIrish
a picture of an MMF in which the female is laying on her back engaged in intercourse with one gentleman while the other is licking her clit.

I was looking for your picture, but I got a little...ummm.....distracted

WildIrish 12-08-2006 09:10 AM

Originally Posted by Irezumi Kiss
There might be one or two areas on the men that'll quiver, though. :cabbagep:

Ya think? ha ha

Lil - If such a sandwich were to exist...you wouldn't be able to hold still anymore than we would! Unless there were ropes involved. :p

IM ~ You don't see pictures like that on the news!

osuche ~ Focus, damnit! This is important! :D

FA ~ Happy hunting. :p

scotzoidman 12-08-2006 10:46 AM

Originally Posted by WildIrish
And it's an arduous task searching through hundreds of pictures for it. :p

The sacrifices one must make, WI... :blink:

You da man!!

Irezumi Kiss 12-08-2006 01:58 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Originally Posted by Lilith
Sketch it. I promise to hold really really still ;)

I tried sketching this, but the "holding really really still" part is kinda suspect...

Lilith 12-08-2006 03:25 PM

*gulp* ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

yeah just like that :hot:

WildIrish 12-08-2006 05:47 PM


In my quest, I accidently saw a webpage showing bisexual guys pleasuring one woman. :yikes:

I hate when that happens!

It might've been 37 pages. :p

GingerV 12-08-2006 09:58 PM

Originally Posted by Irezumi Kiss
I tried sketching this, but the "holding really really still" part is kinda suspect...


IowaMan 12-15-2006 07:45 AM

1 Attachment(s)
This is about as close as I've come to finding one like you're looking for WI. Not close at all really but hey, I'm puttin' in the time and will find one eventually. :D

WildIrish 12-21-2006 03:46 PM

And I do appreciate that effort! :D

I found something very close...but one of the guys was sunburnt to the point of hilarity. lmao

wrestlemark 12-22-2006 10:57 AM

hhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm .........
3 Attachment(s)
....................i've got a camera handy any pixies ladies wanna volunteer??? :69: :loveshowe :ewe:

first one ....its in the next scene really

2nd one ....he slipped and fell into sumpthin

last one.... the guy got busywith the wrong end of her

..............I"LL KEEP LOOKING THOUGH !!!!! :loveshowe

Fangtasia 12-23-2006 06:31 PM

I don't look for any of them sort of pics *LOL*

Mine are for purely educational purposes!!

IowaMan 12-25-2006 08:06 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Was really hoping I'd be able to post the perfect gift for you today WI but it's still on backorder at Pervs-R-Us. Hope this will do for now. Again, it's not really close at all to what you're looking for but.................. well, you've gotta admire this lady for giving it the ol' college effort! :thumb:

dicksbro 12-26-2006 03:58 AM

Try this one ... close anyway ...


Lilith 12-26-2006 10:13 AM

Hate that^^ :drool: :hot:

WildIrish 12-26-2006 04:19 PM

IowaMan ~ That's what I call a 96 :p

DB ~ That's damn close! Seems to work for ^^^. :hot:

IowaMan 12-26-2006 05:08 PM

Originally Posted by WildIrish
IowaMan ~ That's what I call a 96 :p

Ah yes, the old 96er. Eat the whole thing in one sitting and it's free plus she gives you a t-shirt. :roflmao:

I'm just glad it wasn't John Candy in this picture. :D

IowaMan 01-12-2007 04:58 PM

I'm still a looking for one for you WI. This is a tougher request than I thought. Seems as though when I find one I think could work, the next pic in the series has the one guy with the other guy's dick in his mouth and well, that just sort of takes the fun out of my search. :(

TinTennessee 01-13-2007 08:45 AM

Originally Posted by GingerV

Yeah..what she said!

WildIrish 01-18-2007 02:03 PM


This is definately close to what I'm looking for. :D

Aqua 01-18-2007 02:22 PM

It won't open, WI.

But I like the title of the pic. ;)

WildIrish 01-18-2007 02:32 PM

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Oops...damn security! :p

How's that work for ya?

Cobalt 01-19-2007 11:40 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Maybe this is what you are looking for?

WildIrish 01-19-2007 02:29 PM


Now if I could somehow be the one giving oral? :D

IowaMan 01-19-2007 02:37 PM

The search is over? I've been telling myself for quite some time now that I'm just doing research and that I'm not just an absolute perv. :(

Oh well, nothing wrong with being a perv. :D

Congrats on a job well done Cobalt! :nana:

WildIrish 01-19-2007 02:55 PM

Originally Posted by IowaMan
The search is over?

Remember the last line of the first post..."What're you looking for a picture of?"

Well? Surely there's something that tickles your fancy. Name your poison.

IowaMan 01-19-2007 03:02 PM

Originally Posted by WildIrish
Well? Surely there's something that tickles your fancy. Name your poison.

She says she won't post anymore pics though. :(

*IowaMan goes running for cover in case "she" reads that* :D

WildIrish 01-19-2007 03:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Originally Posted by IowaMan
She says she won't post anymore pics though. :(

*IowaMan goes running for cover in case "she" reads that* :D

Maybe it would help to see a picture that didn't make it's way onto the original thread?


IowaMan 01-19-2007 03:35 PM

If only that weren't the only one of the series I actually got to see. Oh well, I've got a pretty fertile imagination. Not that I have any idea what thread you may have been talking about. :rofl:

Cobalt 01-19-2007 10:36 PM

Originally Posted by WildIrish

Now if I could somehow be the one giving oral? :D

Wouldn't that be great!!!!!!!!!!!

osuche 01-20-2007 12:20 AM

Originally Posted by IowaMan
She says she won't post anymore pics though. :(

*IowaMan goes running for cover in case "she" reads that* :D


IowaMan 01-20-2007 07:54 AM

I'm sorry osuche. :( *hangs head in shame*

But in my defense, he DID ask and I was raised to always tell the truth. ;)

wyndhy 01-22-2007 03:01 PM

Originally Posted by WildIrish
Surely there's something that tickles your fancy...

lots of somethings, but you mentioned mmf...a bi mmf, to be precise, and so that's all that's tickling at the moment.

thank you.


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