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Magalicious 06-26-2006 05:56 PM

That's what they ought to call brazilian waxing. :boohoo: I think it actually hurt worse than all of my tattoos. This is the probably the look on my face every time she yanked a strip off :yikes:

alspals69 06-26-2006 06:04 PM

lol... well i was drink once and someone took loarge amoutns of my pubes off and yes... it HURTS a lot.

not sure why anyone would want to do that to themselves on a regular basis!!

Lilith 06-26-2006 06:05 PM

In the hospital recently they taped a dressing with that plastic surgical tape to my pubes. I suggested to the nurse that they warn patients so we can just go get waxed beforehand. It was worse than the surgery :D

Magalicious 06-26-2006 06:08 PM

It's at least ten times worse than ripping a band-aid or tape from skin. I though it would be nice to not have to shave every day, but I think I would rather keep shaving every day than have to go through this again. The lady even missed a few spots :curse:

Lilith 06-26-2006 06:10 PM

Did it bleed? Even my eyebrows bleed when waxed.

Lilith 06-26-2006 06:11 PM

I have to say though, that was my fave scene in The 40 Year Old Virgin

Magalicious 06-26-2006 06:12 PM

Not really, there was just one spot that hurt really bad. There was just a tiny spot of blood even there though. As if I hadn't tortured myself enough for one day, I had her wax my eyebrows when she was done with the bikini. My eyebrows bleed a little bit, but their mostly just beat red for an hour or so.

Lilith 06-26-2006 06:16 PM

But now you are one smooth hot babe! I bet a warm tongue run along those lines would make it seem worth it.

Magalicious 06-26-2006 06:20 PM

Yeah, but I could have been one smooth hot babe with a razor lol. Now I learned my lesson. I'm not letting Dom's tongue anywhere near me for now, I'm all puffy, sore, and bright red.

Lilith 06-26-2006 06:23 PM

do you have any after sun gel? you could slather that on

Magalicious 06-26-2006 06:31 PM

Yeah, I'll try some. I think that's what she put on me after she finished waxing. I had sticky stuff everywhere.

Aqua 06-26-2006 06:32 PM

Slather by itself isn't all that sexy...

Slathering combined with Lilith... Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm :hot:

Wicked Wanda 06-26-2006 08:40 PM

SOME of us have been getting waxed for a long time (years)

You sort of get used to it after a few times.

Hot wax is better! Less pain, and the heat is even a little soothing, sort of...

There is a myth that you won't get ingrown hairs with waxing. You get fewer, I think, but you WILL get them if you don't exfoliate.

(loofahs felp a lot)

After the first few times, you won't get red and irritated. I often get waxed the SAME DAY as a date.

Smooth and clean...


imaginewithme 06-26-2006 08:55 PM

I'll be doing this as part of my living soon......don't scare too many people off! :)

Loulabelle 06-27-2006 01:59 AM

I've never had a Brazilian, but I have had my bikini line done and a full leg wax....I actually found the back of my thighs hurt more than my bikini line, but it was definitely bearable.

My advice would be, to try a different place next time - maybe you just had a bad beautician doing it?

Magalicious 06-27-2006 08:09 AM

I think the wax might have been too hot, it burned when she first started. I couldn't feel it after a while, compared to having the cloth strips yanked off. She said it would be better next time, it was just bad now because the hair was strong, and thick. I'm not exagerating about the pain though, I'm no wimp. I've had lots of tattoos and piercings and this honestly hurt worse. I think I'm done with waxing.

WildIrish 06-27-2006 09:30 AM

Did anyone else become aroused when they read Lil's post describing that warm tongue running along the lines? :faint:

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