Howdy Y'all!! (take that, Dictonary thread)
The other day a buddy from work came up to me and said "hey Scooter". My name is Scott, so I can see there's a sort of connection there. What other names provide you with an "instant" nickname so to speak? |
People tend to shorten mine to 'Luce' which annoys me...particularly when I much prefer Lou. No-one every does that unless you tell them to.
I have a friend who's last name is Smith and he gets Smitty all the time.....
My real name is Anne and I get Anna banana or Annie Fanny from some cartoon in some nudie mag. |
My name is Leah and for some reason I get Lele a lot......
Now come one.....I saw Steph call you Leahtard once! :D |
Johnny on the spot....which sucks if ya think about it!
OMG how do you remember that!?!??!?! Actually my sister came up with that one for me...........ugggggg :eek: |
I can't say what MY sister calls me. This is the PG-rated portion of our show. |
Yeah, that is real crappy for you :D |
What a shitty reply!! |
I have an excellent memory.... :p |
No need to get pissy with me over it :D |
You've quite the potty mouth there missy!! :eek: |
Watch out or I shall have to have you tipped over :)
I quit....I am officially flushing this conversation down the toilet ;) |
Don't forget to put the lid back down too ;)
You're too much!!
I don't remember that but I won't deny it! Boyfriends tend to call me Steffers. Kinda cute, I s'pose. It beats the shit outta Johnny on the spot! |
just take it all to the Johnny on the spot
My sis calls me name is Teresa so I guess I can
My son's name is Alexander. And that's what we call him. But EVERYONE calls him Alex. They say "Aww..what's his name? Me- "Alexander" Them- "Aww..Hi Alex!" *cringe* Even when we told people they could use Lex instead. It didn't help.
I have the opposite problem. I go by Liz. But at work when a customer askes my name and I say Liz they say.. Oh okay ELAZABETH. Noo... I said Liz... Works on my nerves. |
Every once in awhile I get the person who calls me 'Mandy'... which I never go by, and no one is allowed to call me that but my grandma. :)
lizzardbits comes from my younger brother making fun of my middle name.
the one that kinda grates on my nerves is being called "Care Bear" ( as most ppl say it like "Care En") and there have been times that i want to revert to the correct pronounciation of my name (sounds like "Car In") so people don't have a chance to really rhyme it or associate it with talking multi-colored bears with Lucky-Charms on their bellies, and drive around in cloud cars. (someone HAD to be trippin' hard to come up with that one, i tell ya) |
Mr. Osuche calls me "snuggle" -- which has nothing to do with my name, but everything with what interests me. :D
His nickname is Rana, which in his language means "prince" but I think means "frog" in Spanish. And Rana is not a shortening of his real name, which is completely different. My mom's nickname is "cookie" -- I guess she liked cookies as a kid :rolleyes: |
"Lizzardbits....talking multi-colored bears with Lucky-Charms on their bellies, and drive around in cloud cars. (someone HAD to be trippin' hard to come up with that one, i tell ya)"
I watched "Heavy Metal" with a bunch of Care Bears once trippin' on windowpane....fuckin' awesome!!! |
For Steph you can just use her handy form "enter first name hereTARD" Quote:
You can belieeeeeeeeeeve THAT! :eek: |
For a name that is not very common, there seems to be a lot of noted associations.
I get “Roger the Dodger”, “Roger Ram-jet”, “Roger the Rabbit” ......... During the CB craze in the 70’s “roger” was a pain in the ass. "Roger O & O", Roger that Roger", "Roger Wilco" "Where's Wilco Roger?" I had some answers when it got to be a bother. "Won'tGo just kicked the shit of of him!" My son’s name is Michael with Mike as a nick. I would never allow him to be called Mickey. He was not going to be associated with some damn mouse, and he proved me right. :D |
Ok..I was debating about adding this, but some of you have been open about family nicknames and such.
Back oh 2 or 3 years ago, when I was in HS, I was a trumpet player in the Jazz band, and we had a drummer who was..well let's see, Laid back would have been a polite way of describing his demeanor. Anyway, we were playing this song which was very up-tempo and wild, and he had a drum solo that he did that just NEVER fit the style of the song. One day our Band director told him to "go nuts and hit the drums like ANIMAL of the Muppet Show would". He didnt like that nickname but the rest of the band also got Muppet nicknames applied to them...I became Scooter. That was one reason why it struck me as odd that Gary from work called me that. He was not familiar with my old nick. As it turns out he has a brother named Scott whom he also called "Scooter", like he does me |
"Scooter" has happened to me too...I guess it's no secret to anybody here that my real name is Scott also...long-time pixies have heard the story of my nick before, but for anybody that hasn't heard, I was dubbed Scotzoidman by a co-worker based on a song called "21st Century Schizoid Man" by 60s-70s era prog-rock band King Crimson... The most annoying nick I got saddled with based on the name was when that dreadfully sacharine song, "Watching Scotty Grow" came out...I've been wishing for a slow, lingering, painful death for both Bobby Goldsboro & Mac Davis (who wrote that POS song) ever since, and used to forbid anybody call me "Scotty" until after my 40th b-day (isn't it interesting how one's perpestive changes at that point?) |
[QUOTE=scotzoidman]"Scooter" has happened to me too...I guess it's no secret to anybody here that my real name is Scott also
ARRRGGHHHH!!!! Its a curse, I tell you, a curse. At least my parents didn't have the audacity to actually go thru with naming me JOHN. Before anyone takes offense, a JOHN THOMAS, is british "slang" for a part of the male anatomy, or so I have been told. |
My maidan name was Sparks, so all through school i was called Sparky because of my attitude.......kinda
only 3 nick-names I go by: G (which almost everyone calls me now), Kitten (my dad's nickname for me that kinda stuck) and the one one of my friends gave me, G-spot. He thought it was funny or something, I don't really remember how I ended up with it O.o
Yeah! :( Now you CAN’T respond when the wife says “Scotty, put it into warp drive!” rofl ;) |
God I hope that's not the case, since that NUMBER is staring me in the face. |
If i told you mine i'd have to kill ya!
Actually, that reminds me of the other downside to the name...the staggering number of people who think they're being original & clever by saying "beam me up, Scotty"...I sometimes respond with, "That's really funny, that's the first time I've heard that... ...TODAY!!!" |
beam me up Scotty!!
My name is Kelly. I have been called Kell....or KellyBelly. My neices and nephews call me Aunt KellyBelly.
In my personal relationships I have been called slavegirl, slavebrat, brat or bratty. In another forum I am a member of I have been called subwife or subbywife. OH and my Daddy tends to call me little one. I like them all (well except KellyBelly; unless it is my nieces and nephews call me that) |
Funny when I hear the name "Roger" ... sex come to mind... I could use a good Rogering right about now! :D |
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