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rzande1 01-12-2006 01:01 AM

How far has our society fallen?
So what does everyone think? Have we finally hit a point in society where "correctness" is no longer correct? Have we reached the point where saying hi to someone is actually grounds for a lawsuit? As I sit in all of my college classes i find it more and more interesting to learn how anything you say is now no longer acceptable. You cannot try and find a date without fear of being sued. You realize it that simply by saying hi to a woman can be constituted sexual harrassement and is actually grounds for you to have to pay reperations for "emotional distress"? I mean I read all about this and just cannot believe it. I mean i am actually fearful to even bother trying to find a gf! What do all of you think? Has politically correct led us to a nonexistant future?

Fangtasia 01-12-2006 01:05 AM

Political correctness is complete bullshit!

rzande1 01-12-2006 01:10 AM

You know where I really realized this? I was reading about a case where a woman said to many people that she was going to set a guy up so she could sue him for money. They had witnessess in court testify about this. She still received a huge settlement from the guy and his company. You know what he said? Hi how was your weekend. The law is written so anything that they person says is unacceptable is unacceptable. There is nothing that can be done to defend yourself. I mean seriously I dont get how people out there can get someone so easily! I mean seriously i am terrified that I will be arrested or sued or whatever for just saying hi. Hell yeasterday i just smiled and nodded hi to a woman outside of my class when we were waiting to go in and she just gave me a dirty look and walked away. Figure that out. I mean what is it me that i am that unlucky or what?

Fangtasia 01-12-2006 01:50 AM

What is falls back to is the ridiculous judge or jury that allow those sorta crap cases into court in the first place...and to let them win is complete bullshit

For saying hi ferfucksake....sad so so sad

fzzy 01-12-2006 02:25 AM

Well, I'd say that if you're a typical college student, you probably don't have to worry about someone plotting to set you up, cause for most college students, they don't have enough money to get through the month, let alone enough for someone to plot to try to take it away from you ...

The other thing I'd point out is that if you are all freaked out about this ... or anything else .... it will show through as you approach others when you are trying to meet people. I think that for the most part, unless someone is feeling threatened by you, you shouldn't worry about it, it will only add stress to the situation. Then maybe to increase your chances of getting to know someone, go to the places where people go on your campus to meet people ... When I was in college, I was totally clueless, it was years later that a friend told me that girls and guys that wanted to meet someone for dating relationships .... kind of just all "ended up" on a particular floor of the library ... I think she said in her case, it was the 3rd floor ... there are women who would love to meet a nice and caring guy .... women who would love to hook up with a "bad boy" too, you just have to learn where they go to meet the type of guy they are looking for and if you fit the bill, go to that place. Sorry, I know it sounds simplistic, but at your age, there are a lot of people looking for someone to be with, best of luck in your search!

Loulabelle 01-12-2006 02:35 AM

Hmm - I'm pretty sure that that wouldn't stand up in a British court of law, although, the one thing that a lot of people in this country dislike about our culture is how we are becoming more and more litigious like the Americans.....

Just to play Devil's Advocate for a moment though......if the only reason a guy is talking to a woman is because he's attracted to her, the chances are she will pick up on that. Remember that we are scientifically proven to be better at reading facial expressions and body language than men, so we can sometimes tell when a man has an 'agenda'.

There was a time when all women were treated with courtesy and respect by men, but now it seems only attractive women get treated that way. This comes from personal experience of having been very attractive in my late teens and early twenties, but being considered much less so since putting on a considerable amount of weight. Unfortunately, the 'unattractive' women are offended by being ignored by the male population and the attractive ones are offended that they're only being spoken to because they're blonde/slim/big chested/whatever.

Surely the answer is to talk to more women.....say 'hi' and smile to them without an agenda, and you may find the ones you're interested in might start to look at you differently, and not just assume you're only after one thing.

rzande1 01-12-2006 02:50 AM

I mean I have tried that though. I have tried saying hi and smiling etc. I get dirty looks etc. So far it seems the only interest women have in me is to be my partner for a project so they get an A. That is pretty much it. I know one girl was always talking to me and she was in my group. i asked her out for coffee and she didnt even bother to answer me. I am back into my year and a half of not bothering to try. It really does come down to being afraid of being single and alone for the rest of my life.

Loulabelle 01-12-2006 03:00 AM

What is it with guys these days? Once upon a time, guys at college were looking for fun and a good time with their friends, not interested in comitment and settling down with a girl.

Now, just as we've started to get women sorted out so they don't feel like second class citizens if they are single, the guys have started worrying about all this stuff!

Please honey, just chill out about it......worrying about these things only prolongs the process. Focus on things you enjoy doing and socialising with other people so that you become a broader more interesting person. That way, you're more likely to find that women become interested in you, and even if you don't you'll have close friends and a full life so that you won't feel like you're 'going to be alone forever'.

Fangtasia 01-12-2006 03:06 AM


lizzardbits 01-12-2006 07:21 AM

Originally Posted by Loulabelle
This comes from personal experience of having been very attractive in my late teens and early twenties, but being considered much less so since putting on a considerable amount of weight.

What weight? who says you are "much less so"? You are gorgeous and Super Steaming Hot Sexy (where's the :hot: smilie when you need it?)


Enjoy the single life now, that way when you are settled down, wife, kids, Ph.D. and all, you won't go through any mid life crises

Loulabelle 01-12-2006 07:39 AM

I can tell I am from the reaction (or lack thereof) I get from men when I walk down the street. It has changed a lot. I'm the only girl at work, who doesn't get whistled at when I walk down through the warehouse etc....

jbh3 01-12-2006 07:41 AM

Kill all the lawyers.

lizzardbits 01-12-2006 07:44 AM

Loulabelle~~they're blind stupid bastards then! Bunch of fokkin' muppets, the lot!

(i'll sue 'em!)

WildIrish 01-12-2006 12:33 PM

Then you need to come walk through my warehouse Lou! A mouth full of crackers wouldn't prevent me from whistling at you. ;)

rzande1 01-12-2006 02:03 PM

I have decided. From now one every man and woman has to wear a sign around their neck saying 1) if they are single, taken, or open to experimentation while taken; 2)if they are prudish or liberal; and finally 3) if they turn people down immediately LOL

Lilith 01-12-2006 03:46 PM

Originally Posted by rzande1
I have decided. From now one every man and woman has to wear a sign around their neck saying 1) if they are single, taken, or open to experimentation while taken; 2)if they are prudish or liberal; and finally 3) if they turn people down immediately LOL

Too bad we don't. Now you'll have to spend time getting to know someone to sort out all those questions:D

wyndhy 01-12-2006 04:12 PM

which puts him back at square one. :p:D

i think it's not as bad as all you're implying, rzan. sure there are the smattering of extreme and stupid cases, but for the most part, i don't think the average person thinks that way or acts that way.

rzande1 01-12-2006 04:34 PM

Ironically if it werent that bad i wouldnt be posting this. I really have hit that point already where i am desperate for any kind of ideas or anything. I feel like such a monster and a freak like I have some sort of infectious disease that everyone stays away from me. I am beyond all reasonable disconnection from society. Trust me it IS that bad. I am already to that hopeless status with women. Every single time i try something bad happens!

wyndhy 01-12-2006 04:51 PM

i should have been clearer. i wasn't questioning your own experiences. what i was addressing was your original question: i don't think politicall correctness has or will lead us to a nonexistant future. and that is because, in my experiences, i don't encounter people who act or think that way.

Oldfart 01-12-2006 05:36 PM


You probably wouldn't want to associate with people whose ideas of beauty are dictated by the mass media.


You only have to treat this like everything else in life. Be reasonable and be yourself. Get

yourself into some interest groups and you may meet interesting people who share your views or interests.

Some of these may be women and some may even be attracted to you.

If not, you're doing things you like with like-minded people. hey, sounds like Pixies.

rzande1 01-12-2006 09:06 PM

So on an interesting note. I met this interesting indian chick today. Really nice etc.

wyndhy 01-12-2006 09:16 PM

how wonderful! i can tell you're thrilled.

rzande1 01-12-2006 09:37 PM

Well not really thrilled. My automatic reaction is that oh she has to be taken, not interested, etc. See i already accept that i have no chance and as such will make no effort.

wyndhy 01-12-2006 09:41 PM

and yet you blame a modern-day cultural fad instead.

rzande1 01-12-2006 09:42 PM

Well when in doubt....blame. Remember I am a business student LOL. No but seriously i dont know how to proceed. I mean what do I do? I have no idea.

rzande1 01-12-2006 09:52 PM

I mean seriously though. How would i even know any of that stuff? Shit first off I have no experience with women and second of all I have not exactly received the most open reception from the women i meet. I just expect failure already.

wyndhy 01-12-2006 09:56 PM

there's great advice right here and in some other threads you have begun in the past. i suggest examining your own hang-ups, as well.

"change starts from within..."

rzande1 01-12-2006 10:06 PM

Damnit why isnt there just some instructional manual for every woman? BTW I already know i am totally screwed up. I am just looking for some how to tips here. I dont need another time of being told that I am just all screwed up and shouldnt try before i am all drugged up on psychological treatments. Look I am actually willing here. I am being crazy here and actually trying to get a social life.

marvel 01-13-2006 01:05 AM

the goal is to confuss us, make what is right wrong and what is wrong wright.
Ben Parker said itbest" with great power comes great responsibility"
us Americans live in a great free society with great freedoms,but no responsibility. We teach that to everybody especially our young, but then you turn on the tv and it tells us we can say what we want and do what we want to people,then we turn it off and face the world that says uh uh you cant do that here in the real world. Confusion!

Fangtasia 01-13-2006 01:17 AM

Originally Posted by rzande1
Damnit why isnt there just some instructional manual for every woman?

'Cause the bloodywell isnt one.....every other human has figured that out and isnt sitting there getting all riled with us that is trying to help

Get off ya ass...go join a group...get out there in society and stop making ya self into a leper...learn to like yaself before expecting anyone else to like ya

Ya negative attitude....sorry to say...is pissing me off

Get off the puter and get out and get a social life instead of complaining about ya lack of one

Steph 01-13-2006 01:40 AM

Originally Posted by Alassė
Get off ya ass...go join a group...get out there in society and stop making ya self into a leper...learn to like yaself before expecting anyone else to like ya

Ya negative attitude....sorry to say...is pissing me off

Get off the puter and get out and get a social life instead of complaining about ya lack of one

Yep. What she said times infinity.

Many Pixies have given you such wonderful advice & I find it insulting that you've discounted pretty much every piece of advice my family has offered you.

Loulabelle 01-13-2006 02:41 AM

The reason that women don't come with an instruction manual is because we're living, breathing, thinking, feeling entities.....not objects put on this planet for your, or anyone elses amusement.

And why you might be struggling so much to find a woman, is because women are finally twigging, that since they don't need to be in a relationship with a man to provide for them, chaperone them, 'protect' them from anything or even get them pregnant, they don't have any reason to put up with men with your kind of attitude in their life.

You have no idea how offensive I'm beginning to find your attitude toward us. I suggest that if you find us all to be such vile jezebels, out to sue you, manipulate you and cause you grief, you should explore the possibility of becoming gay. After all, why on earth would you want a relationship with a woman if we're such low creatures?

WildIrish 01-13-2006 10:06 AM

I have an instruction manual for my penis.

rzande1 01-13-2006 11:58 AM

it isnt that i hate women etc. Also dont think i dont appreciate the advice. It does mean alot to me that you care. I am just an emotionally cold person that people always think i am bitching at them even when i am not. Oh and btw who said i didnt take theadvice that tou all and my friends have said and am going to a therapist?

Belial 01-14-2006 06:15 AM

I think his lamentation of the lack of an instruction manual was probably a rhetorical one. It's something we hear a lot, indeed, something I've seen on this board before.

There are unfortunately some women out there who ARE vile jezebels. Obviously it is not rational to treat all women as if they are, but if you've dealt with one once, it is going to have an effect. Can't say if that's the case here or not. Society rarely blinks an eye when a woman scorned proclaims all men to be bastards, and maybe it's time we did, or allowed men the privilege of reciprocation, no matter how counter-productive it may be.

I don't really think misogyny can sufficiently alter someone's sexual desire that they become gay. You can hate women and still want to fuck them, plenty of men do that.

Fangtasia 01-14-2006 06:34 AM

Originally Posted by rzande1
I am just an emotionally cold person.....

Well that statement should give you some insight as to your women running a mile problem

Lilith 01-14-2006 07:02 AM

Originally Posted by Belial
You can hate women and still want to fuck them, plenty of men do that.

Scary statement and true. Prisons are filled with rapists who feel that way.

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