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-   -   the jeep didnt make it , (http://www.pixies-place.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26528)

nikki1979 10-17-2005 02:58 AM

the jeep didnt make it ,
but at least my husband did, yesterday as he was driving to work to leave for a deployment, it was really foggy and crappy out one min he was on the road the next he was rolling down the 8 foot hill and into the poor farmers field, he WALKED out, he has a skull fracture and a concussion , several cuts n bruises n scratchs but all n all he is EXTREAMLY sore, but he will be fine, the jeep is totalled , i cant even start to list everything wrong with it, *sigh* bad weekend

Lilith 10-17-2005 04:24 AM

I'm so glad he's ok!

dicksbro 10-17-2005 04:41 AM

Sorry Nikki for the bad weekend, but, like Lil said, I'm glad he's ok. Take a hug and our best wishes. :hug:

jseal 10-17-2005 05:12 AM


Sorry to learn that you had such a rough weekend, but I'm glad that your husband is OK. Hang in there!

Oldfart 10-17-2005 06:27 AM

Jeeps are easier to replace than husbands (mostly).

sodaklostsoul 10-17-2005 07:05 AM


PantyFanatic 10-17-2005 08:01 AM

...skull fracture....
a concussion ...
several cuts n bruises n scratchs ...
EXTREAMLY sore ...

OK? :confused:

Well,.................. I'm happy he came out better than the jeep. Please keep us posted. :hug:

wyndhy 10-17-2005 08:21 AM

glad to hear he's alright!!

gekkogecko 10-17-2005 09:31 AM

At least it was "only" the jeep , and not the husband, that was totalled... :x:

Aqua 10-17-2005 11:38 AM

Add my name to the list that is thankful Jeeping fared much better than the jeep. :hug:

WildIrish 10-17-2005 03:03 PM

Jeepers! What luck!

Good luck that is! I'm glad he's only banged up a little and will be ok.

Steph 10-17-2005 05:22 PM

Holy heart attack! When I saw the thread title, I thought you were referring to Jeeping!!!!

That sucks about the jeep, nikki. Thank God he's OK, though!!!

LixyChick 10-17-2005 05:30 PM

Oh (((((((nikki)))))))...count your blessings and take from us all the strength you need to get through this tough time hun!

Out of the ashes...the Phoenix shall rise!

nikki1979 10-18-2005 02:15 AM

thank you all !! ya were thankiong god daily that he mad it , when the wrecker service got it yesterday , they called and said , "theres no way in hell he walked out of that , u have got to be kidding me" we had to spend 10 min reasuring them , i think im gonna run n take pics of it today. shall i post em if i do or is that a bit morbid?

osuche 10-18-2005 10:12 AM

Please post them!

And any accident that you walk away from is a good one. Send him kisses and hugs from us! :D

nikki1979 10-19-2005 02:58 AM

ok took the piccy yesty , dear god its worse than i thought , as soon as i get them on the pc ill post them , the adjuster looked at it and are u ready???

$18,000 worth of DAMAGE yes i did mean to write 18K there, the jeep is only worth like 17K so it is DEF totalled, when jeeping does something he does it good!

scotzoidman 10-21-2005 10:07 AM

Originally Posted by nikki1979
thank you all !! ya were thankiong god daily that he mad it , when the wrecker service got it yesterday , they called and said , "theres no way in hell he walked out of that , u have got to be kidding me" we had to spend 10 min reasuring them , i think im gonna run n take pics of it today. shall i post em if i do or is that a bit morbid?

Modern vehicles are designed with "crumple zones" that are intended to absorb the energy of a wreck & spare the occupants, so often it's the cars that appear so trashed that one thinks, "no way someone lived thru that" that actually led to the fewest injuries...glad to hear that was the case, & he will be ok...

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