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Lilith 07-18-2004 11:49 AM

tick/tock~ Timing ~tock\tick
For those of you who watch porn with your S/Os...Do you usuully have sex before, during or after the flick? Or does one have nothing to do with the other?

I have not seen the ending to a porn movie in a long while now. Good thing I can usually pre-dicked the ending :hump:

Midnight Kiss 07-18-2004 12:10 PM

Hummmm, thinking about it, I don't guess I have ever seen the end of one before.......................

flutelady 07-18-2004 12:13 PM

I have to admit... with a blush... I am a "porn virgin". I've never watched porn with a partner. The last porn movie I saw was in 1976 at my bachelorette party.

It's on my "to do list" tho!

imaginewithme 07-18-2004 12:45 PM

I have had the same movie in the vcr for a long time...only need to hear that big moan to loose it for me.....

BigBear57 07-18-2004 01:18 PM

I guess this is just one more thing I need to address. Not having an SO sure has its pitfalls.

BIBI 07-18-2004 01:21 PM

I don't have any SO at this time but thinking about it now, I too have never seen the end of a porn flick when I watched it with my SO.

kathy1 07-18-2004 04:20 PM

always starts out during the movie and generally continues thru several rounds with the movie.....

Steph 07-18-2004 05:33 PM

They *have* endings?

BigJohnson9 07-18-2004 06:17 PM

^^^^^What she said...

fredchabotnick 07-18-2004 11:01 PM

Yeah, I know I've started them...and then at some point stopped them. But that middle bit is a blur. :-)
You don't suppose that there is actually a plot during the middle that we've been missing out on?
Well, since I'm without S/O at the moment, I could pay attention and find out...

sodaklostsoul 07-19-2004 12:49 AM

During and after, sometimes.

WildIrish 07-19-2004 07:57 AM

Usually during. We only shut it off if the scenes get annoying. I'll be damned if I'm gonna be hard at work while she is dicking around with the remote control trying to find a better scene!

Loren 07-19-2004 04:16 PM

Originally Posted by Lilith
For those of you who watch porn with your S/Os...Do you usuully have sex before, during or after the flick? Or does one have nothing to do with the other?

I have not seen the ending to a porn movie in a long while now. Good thing I can usually pre-dicked the ending :hump:

We haven't done it very often, but every such movie had ended up with us in bed, the movie ignored.

Aqua 07-19-2004 04:35 PM

It's been awhile.. but we would end up really busy during... and as Steph so eloquently put it... "They have endings?"

GingerV 07-19-2004 04:39 PM

Originally Posted by Lilith
I have not seen the ending to a porn movie in a long while now. Good thing I can usually pre-dicked the ending :hump:

Not that I'm NEARLY brave enough to do it, but damn that pun deserves a spanking ;).

I hate to admit it, but we're porn virgins. (oh my god....just kept reading and saw flutelady used exactly the same phrase. And I thought I was so original. Royalty check's in the mail, Dear ;) ) Watched it independently...but can't seem to watch it together without descending into uncontrollable giggle fits. Thank god I've got a sexy giggle (or so he claims).

Mackenzie 07-19-2004 04:50 PM

I haven't watched one in a couple of years....but I used to quite often...and I, too, am amazed to find out they have endings. Next time I'll TRY to pay more attention!

Pita 07-19-2004 09:16 PM

We use them to start off foreplay sometimes but always end up shutting it off. Trick is to get movies with only sex scenes and no lame stories and then you just start where you left off the next time. Eventually you will get to the end. :)

scotzoidman 07-20-2004 02:43 AM

Originally Posted by TinglingTess
Trick is to get movies with only sex scenes and no lame stories and then you just start where you left off the next time. Eventually you will get to the end. :)

That's what our collection is all about...who wants to see porn stars act? They're getting paid to suck & fuck!
How do we know when the movie ends...the tape runs out & starts rewinding...

Loulabelle 07-20-2004 06:23 AM

We tend to have sex during the porn. I have seen the end of plenty, because we tend to watch them a chunk at a time. So sometimes we'll start with the last scene and then end up back at the beginning. I'm not one to try to follow the storyline. :D

Steph 07-20-2004 06:39 AM

I'm going to guess that the money shot usually ends the story. A lot of videos tend to have several stories in a row so I guess I watch them in chunks like Lou (and FP, I assume? Ahaha, I'm funny).

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