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Irish 05-29-2004 08:40 AM

Amatuer Psychiatry?
This is my own theory of a conspiracy(sp?)I heard on the news(this morning)that the terrorists have attacted an oil refinery,in
Saudi Arabia(sp?)They influenced Spains elections,so why not try
here.If they disrupt the oil supply,the prices will go up,even more!)This will cause a detriment to our gas prices & also have an
influence on our economy!All in the long term effort for the Taliban,etc. to take over the world!Sound stupid?A bunch of small
bombs,can have an affect & you don't have to be overloaded,with
intelligence,to set off a bomb. Irish
P.S.I'm not really a Psychiatrist,I just play one on TV,+I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night!

Lilith 05-29-2004 08:59 AM

Gas is down to less than $40 a barrel.

Cheyanne 05-29-2004 09:40 AM

Would suggest to anyone writing the screenplay to have Mel Gibson play your part Irish.. :dizzy: JK

Sometimes I wonder those things too! But that picture is way to big for me to comprehend..........

Scarecrow 05-29-2004 10:12 AM

This is all a conspiracy of the American farmer. He wants the price of gas and deisel so high that we start to use soybeans and corn for fuel, and then we can just grow more when we need it.

Irish 05-29-2004 10:23 AM

Cheyanne---I forgot,Mel was in a movie,titled "Conspiricy Theory"
,wasn't he! Irish

Nice Guy 05-29-2004 12:06 PM

The problem is that if they start blowing up Refineries and the what not they will seriously peev off the countries that own them. Right now the Taliban are only really running from the US the last thing they need is to be chased by every other country on the planet.

Oldfart 05-29-2004 12:41 PM

The oil price is being determined by OPEC, a group of countries who,

while many are not terribly friendly with the mainstream Western world,

need the stability of a functioning world economy to keep making them rich.

The Taliban think they already control the world with the authority of Allah,

they're just having some trouble with some pesky die-hards who think that

their contrary opinion matters.

Irish 05-29-2004 01:20 PM

I just got gas for my lawnmower.I usually fill my car & the mower,
but my car didn't really need it!I usually have to force $5 in my little can.Just now,I put $6 in easily!The gas station was full.4 lanes=8 pumps.I didn't notice what the price was.I have an acre of grass & it doesn't cut itself.Plus my mower runs on gas! Irish
P.S.I'm on the MAIN highway,to get to the lakes + summer homes.
Trucks,Boats,cars,motorcycles,etc.They ALL need gas!

rockintime 05-29-2004 01:44 PM

Originally posted by Scarecrow
This is all a conspiracy of the American farmer. He wants the price of gas and deisel so high that we start to use soybeans and corn for fuel, and then we can just grow more when we need it.

Now...if they could just figure out how to bottle and use the methane generated by all the cows in this world to power our cars, trucks, planes, trains, lawn mowers, etc., the farmers would be kings!

jseal 06-01-2004 05:23 PM


From the BBC:

"US oil prices closed at a record $42.32 a barrel, after an attack by Islamic militants..."


The Economist, a weekly new paper, has also published a story on this subject under the headline "Terrorists are now targeting Saudi Arabia's oil infrastructure. How bad could things get?"

connor 06-01-2004 06:07 PM

The last time oil prices went up it was due to terrorist attack in Saudi, so this was no surprise.

It's not even so much OPEC as it is investors on the stock market. The get nervous and the oil futures price goes up.

This latest attack wasn't actually on a refinery or anything like it. It was on compounds and dormitories where Oil people (mostly non Saudi's) work and stay.

Almost every OPEC country right now is already pumping out oil above quotas. Saudi plans on increasing theirs also. Venezuela is the biggest voice against this.

Even if the Saudi's up the amount of oil pumped eveyday, don't expect prices to go down much. US investors will have to relax first. Also even with the prices the way they are consumption is still hitting new records.

To put it in perspective, the average summer road vacation is 800 miles. The increase in what you would pay for this trip this year over last year is $20.00, even with gas price what it is.

If people really want to get prices back down, then we're going to have to find alternative fuels and transportation methods. That would lower demand. More refineries to make the gas from the crude oil would help too. Lowering demand would be better!

Anyone up for a bike ride? lol

Irish 06-01-2004 08:15 PM

Anyone up for drilling in Alaska? Irish
P.S.Bikes wouldn't help much,when the foot specialist,told me,not
to use my feet,anymore than neccessary,due to neuropothy!

Casperr 06-02-2004 06:22 AM

The Taliban which, as we all know, is responsible for everything that is wrong with the world, including my sore toe, was the group of foreign thingies that we blew up in Afghanistan, when we were trying to kill the other group of foreign thingies called Al-Gebra or something. Al-Qaeda, that's it.

Anyway that's why we blew up that other foreign country thingi, Iraq, because we pretended the Al-Qaeda people lived there. Oh no, wait, sorry, that was because they were going to blow us up with nuclear weapons. Oh, no, sorry, my mistake, it was because they were mean to themselves and used nuclear weapons on themselves. Oh, whoopsie, nope wrong again it was because they were democratic like us. Yep, that's it, they were different.

ANYWAY, now these people that we're trying to kill are blowing things up and it's because they've got this plan, right, this plan to hurt us simply because we've invaded their country.

But in the end, we have the last laugh! Don't you see, this is the best possible outcome! Because these nasty foreign people blow things up too, we get to run around being scared and hating anyone who looks different, so that Dubya can be elected - not reelected, mind you, Americans weren't stupid to vote for him the first time, he got in because he's a naughty boy but we love him anyway - and then he can bomb more people! So we will have the last bomb!

Hooray! Down with the foreign people!

PantyFanatic 06-02-2004 07:32 AM


I’ve got the way to foil these evil doers Irish. And it’s something we can work on in your garage. How about we develop sails for motorcycles? Then we wouldn’t need their stinking gas and we could keep those conniving farmers from taking over the world too.;)

Irish 06-02-2004 07:39 AM

Casper TG---That wasn't AL-Qaeda,it was Al-Gorea!
PF---I sold most of my parts,but I worked for Mariner Yacht,so I might be able to get some sails at wholesale! Irish:p

Lilith 06-02-2004 07:48 AM

I get sea sick^^^^^:D

Irish 06-02-2004 07:59 AM

Lilith---Puking IS allowed! Suggestion: Don't puke into the wind!

thedog 06-02-2004 08:31 AM

When the government figures out how to tax sunlight, we'll have readily available solar power.

Casperr 06-02-2004 08:53 AM

LOL @ thedog

Too true :)

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