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Lilith 10-13-2003 06:05 AM

What 2 people living or dead, famous or infamous, would you like to make up your 3 way?

jseal 10-13-2003 08:05 AM


Helen of Troy & Cleopatra

LixyChick 10-13-2003 08:06 AM

Oh Wow! This is a real thinker! Where do you come up with them Lil? Geezzzzz!

Um...ok.....lemme see........Steven Tyler (of course), and Freddie Mercury (I don't care what you think you know......I'll have that man if it kills me!....Sorry Casper...but I'm stealing him for this gig!!!)) and moi!

platinum 10-13-2003 08:13 AM

Linda Lovelace and Julia Childs....Snicker!

LixyChick 10-13-2003 08:25 AM

That sounds like a tasty.....but hard to swallow dish there platinum!
Oh wait.....or is it that the way to a man's cock is through his stomach?


platinum 10-13-2003 08:40 AM

She's a backdoor girl.....I know it!

Vullkan 10-13-2003 12:14 PM

Betty Page (inf her prime) & and Jane Mansfield

Of course it would be nice, if M. Monroe was sitting in reserve should either Betty or Jane gets worn out, Ms Monroe can join in.

paprclphd 10-13-2003 12:16 PM

I would take Will Smith on one side and his wife Jada on the other - we could just make it a family affair and I would be happy!

Loulabelle 10-13-2003 12:56 PM

I'll have Alex Parkes and FussyPucker please......mmmmmmmmm

Scarecrow 10-13-2003 01:19 PM

Lets see

1) Lilith & Lixy
2) Steph & BCG
3) Lou & TGE
4) ah hell any two pixies ladys :slurp:

Did not mean to leave anyone out just trying to get idea across :hot:

Sharni 10-13-2003 01:23 PM

Orlando Bloom (Duh :D) & Michael Vartan

Couldn't pick a woman with Orli....cause then i might have to share!!....and that just wouldn't do at all!!

MikeR89 10-13-2003 04:53 PM

I would have to say...

Sandy Bullock and

My wife -

If the two of them got together, I would more than happy to sit back and die a happy man!

(However, I think if would lean to Jennifer Garner, if she were to explore that side!)

rabbit 10-13-2003 06:35 PM

My wife and her best friend. OMG...


Lilith 10-13-2003 06:38 PM

Originally posted by rabbit
My wife and her best friend. OMG...


tsk tsk tsk...going straight to hell for that one. ;)

Ankh 10-13-2003 06:48 PM

Interesting quandry....

How about Liv Tyler & Elle McPhereson. I'm 6'6" so a little height on a gal would do nicely. ;P

Fairy-Bird 10-13-2003 09:29 PM

Lance Bass and Orlando Bloom *hides from Sharni*

Sharni 10-13-2003 10:08 PM

*raises an eyebrow at Fairy-Bird*

There can be no hiding when one touches My Precioussssssss ;)

pinkbutton 10-14-2003 02:29 AM

oh my god loullabelle ! alex parks i take it u mean the same alex parks that won fame academy? its just that i like her aswell and i never thought id be like that towards another woman but theres something about her. but anyway my other person would have to be will young! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!! !!

dicksbro 10-14-2003 03:48 AM

Have to be my wife and ... one of the Pixie ladies. Yep, that'll do it.

Scarecrow, you've got good taste. :)

nikki1979 10-14-2003 04:13 AM

mmmmmmmmm vin diesel and hubby


FussyPucker 10-14-2003 04:41 AM

Originally posted by Loulabelle
I'll have Alex Parkes and FussyPucker please......mmmmmmmmm
I'll have what lou's havin' :D:D

Casperr 10-14-2003 05:23 AM

When LixyChick's finished trying to convert him, I'll have Freddie Mercury and..... erm..... well.......

... if I can escape the Dark Eye of Sharniqua, then Orlando Bloom! But if, as I suspect, she would fight too fiercely over him, then I'd settle for Vin Diesel! But only if I had to! :D


PS Hey Fairy-Bird - I'll hold Sharni back while you have your threesome with Orlando, if you hold her back while I have mine? Teeheee!

LixyChick 10-14-2003 08:25 AM

Originally posted by platinum
She's a backdoor girl.....I know it!

LMFAO! And you can tell this by....what? The way she handles her rump roasts?

We are still talking Julia here....right?

LixyChick 10-14-2003 08:27 AM

Originally posted by Scarecrow
Lets see

1) Lilith & Lixy
2) Steph & BCG
3) Lou & TGE
4) ah hell any two pixies ladys :slurp:

Did not mean to leave anyone out just trying to get idea across :hot:

OH.....weeeeeeeeee! Sounds like fun hun! Count me in!!!!!!

Zetacon4 10-14-2003 09:16 AM

I'm getting the best kicks from reading this thread.
You guys have the most fun time here!

I think I'm with Scarecrow on this one!!
Any of you hot chicks here would be a great pleasure!
(and, since I'm Bi sorta, any of those hot hunks would be fine also)

nikki1979 10-14-2003 09:18 AM

"settle" for vin diesel ?!?!?!?!!!!!! hmmm only if u can tget him outta my grips! LMAO ok ok ok ..u can have vindiesel but only if u share him w me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!


Originally posted by CasperTG
When LixyChick's finished trying to convert him, I'll have Freddie Mercury and..... erm..... well.......

... if I can escape the Dark Eye of Sharniqua, then Orlando Bloom! But if, as I suspect, she would fight too fiercely over him, then I'd settle for Vin Diesel! But only if I had to! :D


PS Hey Fairy-Bird - I'll hold Sharni back while you have your threesome with Orlando, if you hold her back while I have mine? Teeheee!

Loulabelle 10-14-2003 12:41 PM

Originally posted by pinkbutton
oh my god loullabelle ! alex parks i take it u mean the same alex parks that won fame academy? its just that i like her aswell and i never thought id be like that towards another woman but theres something about her. but anyway my other person would have to be will young! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!! !!

Of course it's the same one pinkbutton! I'm totally obsessed with the woman.....she's the sexiest thing I've ever laid eyes on and she's one of the main reasons I've been so absent from Pixies lately.....I was glued to the TV the whole time, watching the live streaming and I normally HATE reality TV, so that's saying something!

OK - I'm embarrassing myself now...I'll shut up. :p

Sharni 10-14-2003 01:35 PM

*turn her dark eye onto Casper*

Ya best be settling for what nikki1979 will share sonny

*holds on tight to My Precioussssssss....grabs his weapon and prepares to battle for his One Ring!!!* :D

nikki1979 10-14-2003 02:35 PM

LMAO @ sharni!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lilith 10-14-2003 02:50 PM

You know I love you people and always do my best to protect you, to keep you safe but if you are thinking about fucking around with Sharni's elf you are on your own :D:D:p

Fairy-Bird 10-14-2003 04:18 PM

Sharni's starting to sound more like Gollum more and more each day...

Navarre 10-14-2003 05:34 PM

Marquis De Sade and "O".

BigBear57 10-14-2003 06:15 PM

So many Pixies so little time. There's even a few who would be the equivalent of anybody's 3some by themselves. Heheheh but I ain't sayin' nothin' else.

Lovediva 10-14-2003 09:11 PM

Darryll and his other brother Darryll.

platinum 10-14-2003 09:19 PM

Bob and Doug McKenzie!!! With a stubby Canadian bottle...lol

Oldfart 10-15-2003 01:21 PM

Surprise me. Not that big a surprise, Casper.

quisath 10-15-2003 10:32 PM

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Well................AAAAAAAAAAAA okayokay................... Sofia Loren (in her HEY DAY) and Miss Jenkins (my fourth grade school teacher) lol

rabbit 10-18-2003 08:58 AM

Originally posted by Lilith
tsk tsk tsk...going straight to hell for that one. ;)

Oh, I know. If my wife ever knew that the thought was even in my head.... :eek:

What can I say? The thought of me fucking her best friend is just so...so...so fucking lusty!



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