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Vullkan 10-12-2003 03:44 PM

Halloween wishes
Holloween is nearing

And should a fallen angle happen upon you and offers to grant you any one dark desire wish to be fullfilled. what might that be?

It would have to be something you have not done before.

jseal 10-12-2003 03:49 PM


Communicate well.

nikki1979 10-12-2003 03:51 PM


good question, wud prob have to be a hot night of sex by a wonderfull lazy waterfall


Lilith 10-12-2003 10:19 PM

I wish to be bitchnapped by an evil monster:D

Vullkan 10-13-2003 12:28 PM


If this monster slaps you with something soft and wonderful in the most tender places, then I can understand that....but to get rowdy with a evil beast...Owh!

XxdarkfemmexX 10-14-2003 04:17 PM

not die when I try to be a vampire (the whole sucking blood+pain=pleasure pleasure central...i think that'd be pretty cool!

Booger 10-14-2003 06:39 PM

to become an evil monster and bitchnap Lilith

skipthisone 10-14-2003 07:35 PM

Life to have a rewind button...

Lovediva 10-14-2003 09:09 PM

To be the subject of a romantic trap! ;) :D

platinum 10-14-2003 09:21 PM

Tooo have a NEATO Magic Carpet!

LixyChick 10-14-2003 09:26 PM

Make my monitor a gateway!

platinum 10-14-2003 09:28 PM

Make mine the recieving portal!!

tightnwet 10-14-2003 09:31 PM

I'd like a plane ticket to California.. and a LONG, paid vacation from work ;)

platinum 10-14-2003 09:33 PM

I'll take the Caribbean then!

Vullkan 10-19-2003 11:27 AM

my Halloween wish would be to make all the ones I have read come true...it is always better to give then it is to recieve.

Loulabelle 10-19-2003 01:48 PM

In that case Vulkan....I want a night of passion with FussyPucker AND the woman of my dreams.......

Vullkan 10-19-2003 06:05 PM

hmmmmmmm wish that I could...thought perhaps FussyPucker need not be enchanted to grant you this wish. As to your dream girl whom ever that might be I am not so certain

What this sight needs is a "WISH LIST" where members can make a wish to be with another and if both parties are in aggreement...well why not, you only live once

dicksbro 10-19-2003 09:01 PM

How about this year's premier adult costume for ladies would be the "Lady Godiva" one. :D :D

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