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Michael Smith 05-31-2003 06:07 AM

World's Greatest Lover
Imagine that you just had the most erotic night of pleasure with someone. It was so great, you have unilaterally decided to crown them with the title of “World's Greatest Lover”. What were the characteristics or traits that this person possessed that caused you to crown them with this title?

dicksbro 05-31-2003 06:52 AM

I'll really have to think about this ... but my first thought was ...

She was my wife and if I wanted breakfast ... (sorry, but it was my first thought).

:D :D

Michael Smith 05-31-2003 08:03 AM

Haha! That was a funny one! :) My intent is to try to gather information about what makes someone a fabulous lover. I did like your reply, though. :)

Casperr 05-31-2003 08:34 AM

Well, the look like me, talk like me, act like me, smell like me, think like me and.......... ah hell let's just be honest here, I AM the Worlds Best Lover!!!

Even if only in my own head! :D

PS Sorry, sorry. Someone be serious here, ok?

Lilith 05-31-2003 08:54 AM

They are gagged and cuffed to my ankle:p <jk>

I love a man who talks!!!!! Tells me what he likes, taunts and teases me with sweet sexy words.

BlueSwede 05-31-2003 09:21 AM

I will give it more thought, but my immediate thought is that I wouldn't give anyone that title, because I don't believe that "one size fits all." For the most part, I don't believe there are really any bad lovers, just lovers who are on a different wavelength than I. It wouldn't be a matter of "this person is the very best lover to me" (i.e., in my opinion...). It would be, "This person is the very best lover FOR me." It'd be a custom fit for me and certainly not for everybody since we're all on different "sexual wavelengths." Sorry, that's just my first reaction to the question. :(

Steph 05-31-2003 09:23 AM

A man who derives pleasure from pleasuring me, a man who moans and groans and shows his passion . . . a man who will try new things and isn't afraid of the woman taking charge - not too much to ask for, is it?

Michael Smith 05-31-2003 10:17 AM

Thanks for the replys. Excellent point, BlueSwede. I agree with your "one size fits all" take. Perhaps I phrased the question wrong. I was looking for the traits that a great lover possesses. Perhaps I shouldn't have mentioned "World's Greatest Lover". I was just looking for a little more creative way to phrase the question to get the answers I was looking for. I loved your "different wavelengths" theory. That's one that's new to me and one I haven't ever considered before. I feel I learned something. :)

Michael Smith 05-31-2003 10:22 AM

Also, thanks to Steph and Lilith for providing some traits that you feel a great lover would possess. That's exactly the kind of information I was looking for.

And thanks to dicksbro and Casper for your humor. You guys made me smile. :)

Lilith 05-31-2003 12:30 PM

open- minded- ness!!!!!! No squeaminess!!!!

BlueSwede 05-31-2003 06:18 PM

All I know, Michael, is that since I reentered the dating scene again after my ex-husband and I separated, I have been blown away (no pun intended) by just how much people can differ in what they like sexually--what really turns them on. It's amazing to me that we manage to find a compatible partner at all, especially when you throw in all the other variables, such as technique, sex drive, physical attributes, sexual orientations, and the amount of give and take by each participant.

airhog 05-31-2003 08:29 PM

This may sound a bit straightfoward, but I want a women who can suck the lead out of a pencil :D

hitachi 05-31-2003 08:35 PM

This is a tough one for me to answer as I do not consider myself a “good lover”, although my wife tells me different (I think she is stroking my ego). The simple fact that I have never learned how to hold off from climaxing for an extended duration, I tend to lose it after about 5-7 minutes of thrusting. I am not quit sure what the average length of a love making session is but I just feel like I should be able to hold off longer than I am able too. So with this fact firmly in my every waking thought I have tried to learn Quality instead of Quantity. If you are looking for a list of techniques to add to your repritor just browse through this form as there are plenty of good ones. But if you want what I have learned from my 17 years of experience with the same lady 12 of them in wedlock (that in and of itself it quit an accomplishment) of what it takes to please and satisfy your partner I will be honored to pass it along. Michael Smith you may be a little disappointed in this advice as it is not a physical act. Instead what I have found through countless hour of research and many, many sessions of trail and error. Several of which where out of this world and many of which where disastrous failures, that what it takes for a man to be a good lover is to be attentive and considerate of his sexual partner. To put her desires and needs ahead of his own, it’s like just like Christmas “it’s better to give than receive”. What I mean by this, is that if you take the time, and have the patients to listen and learn what your partners body is saying with all of the little minute expressions that a women in an aroused state is trying to tell us. Then you will be able to adjust your own touch and technique to better meet the needs of your current partner. Since women differ in their wants and desires there is no one magical end all be all method that you can use on just any women. This is also true off just a single women, some days during foreplay my wife likes for me to lightly caress her whole body, other times she wants me to skip over her so called “action spots”. Sometimes she wants light circular motions other times she like firm direct strait strokes. I could go on with at lest a hundred different combinations of what has brought my spouse to a quivering mass of hormones but I think you probably get the picture by now. As with most of life truths the best ones or simple and straight forward, the same goes for making love. Do not go into it with any pre-conceived game plan it’s not football after all. Just pay attention to your lovers body and how it responds to what you are doing, listen for the little gasps of breath she takes or how her breathing will accelerate. Watch for her skin to get goose bumps or her body to shiver, pay attention to how she changes her touch on you. If you do a thing well she will most likely responded with a touch of her own. Look deep into her eyes; they are windows to her soul, when you hit just the right spot her eyes will show it. Another good tip is once you find a spot that on her body that drives her wild or a thing you do take takes her breath away, do not focus to much on hit spread your love around. The WHOLE body is a temple, be sure you worship it as such. Touch her every where and take your time in doing it, go about as slow as you can stand then cut that down a little. This should be just about right for her. A women is just getting heated up about the time us guys are finished, believe me I learned that one the hard embarrassing way. I hope this helps you remember a good lover is patient and considerate of his partner.

Lilith 05-31-2003 09:12 PM

Michael~ *see above*...dreamy:spin:

hitachi 05-31-2003 10:53 PM

Why thank you lilith I'm glad someone thinks this is not all BS. I reread it and thought it sounded a little to foo-foo for most people.

don73153 06-01-2003 11:29 AM

No hitachi, not foo-foo at all. Because I, like you, treat each time different. No two days are alike. She isn't in the same mood every day, so, get the lay of the land, so to speak, and treat each encounter as seperate, keeping in mind that you know what she likes, gives you a general idea of where to head with it, but allowing for each individual experience to itself. In other words, it can't be choreographed. You can have an idea of what, and where, and when, but other than that, let the experience flow and come alive with pleasure, loving, and go with the flow to the point where you become oblivious to everything else but pleasuring your partner, reading her emotions as they happen, and getting the ultimate pleasure from seeing hers.

Just my 2 cents worth, but that's how it happens for me.......

LixyChick 06-02-2003 06:23 AM

Originally posted by airhog
This may sound a bit straightfoward, but I want a women who can suck the lead out of a pencil :D

I've been told I could suck a golf ball through a garden hose.......Does that come close enough? LOL!

To answer the question............A wonderful lover is someone attentive to my reactions to his actions. Sort of like following the bouncing ball........knowing the perfect "what comes next" when I react a particular way.

quisath 06-02-2003 10:23 AM

Yeah................I had that dream..................................But then I woke Up.

Bardog 06-02-2003 12:42 PM

Originally posted by LixyChick
I've been told I could suck a golf ball through a garden hose.......Does that come close enough? LOL!

Lixy I think I'm in love :love:.....well heat at least! :lust:

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