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horseman12 03-06-2003 03:47 PM

unwanted names
First and foremost let me just say this is merely looking at the lighter side to names you would most NOT want to have. and Lilith if this is a bad idea please just pull the thread. I know that we cannot help what our names are considering we did not name ourselves but thier are times when i hear or see a name that i think to myself damn i believe i would change it if it were mine.

My for Instance,,,,,,,Dick Trickle

to me this just does'nt seem like a very positive name

and please let me say i am not making fun of anyones name

Scarecrow 03-06-2003 04:20 PM

Dear world;
What are we coming to, you write a one line statement and a 6 page disclaimer. Oh for shame, for shame.:(

Stillwater 03-06-2003 04:42 PM

poor names for children reflect insensitive parents.. the famous singer fiona apple is supposedly named fiona apple maggot.

lettermen once did a top ten list about unwanted, unusual or humour names, with each individual appearing personally and holding up their license.

i think about changing my name and it's not even dick trickle, perhaps i should wait until it becomes nessicary due to an indiscresion with the spanish mafia :D

Lilith 03-06-2003 04:49 PM

How bout.......
Buster Cherry?????


Lillianna Tinklepough????


Freeda Brest ??????


IAKaraokeGirl 03-06-2003 05:07 PM

Some of these have *obviously* been made-up...others I'm not sure. ;)


Anita Mann
Anne T. Biotic
Barbie Kew
Carrie A. Load
Colleen Allcars
Ellie Vator
Helen Bakk
Ida Hoe
Kerry Oki (my favorite, of course)
Lisa Car
Rachel Equality
Robin D. Cradle
Wendy Day


Ben Dover
Bob Upendown
Colin Sick
Don Key
Drew A. Crowd
Frederick O. Hollywood
Gus T. Winds
Ken U. Dance
Lance N. Shield
Mel Tingpot
Noah Goodjoke
Ray O. Sunshine
Sal Iva

jennaflower 03-06-2003 06:36 PM

Okay this one is true...

somewhere in the south... (won't say where) resides my EX brother in law.. (my sis's first husband)... anyway... his name is Richard Head Jr.... Yep... and would you believe that his father actually goes by "Dick Head"... Yeppers..

BlondeCurlGirl 03-06-2003 07:09 PM

Stillwater... her name is Fiona Apple Maggart...not quite maggot! ;)

BIBI 03-06-2003 09:03 PM

Three siblings living in my neigborhood...

Jade Green
Hunter Green
Kelly Green

Then there are the Cockshaft family!

fzzy 03-06-2003 09:15 PM

LOL .... I used to work in a clerical job where I saw literally 10's of thousands of application forms for insurance coverage .... we had a list of names from the files

Harry Ennis (just say it - if you don't get it from looking at it)
Holly Wood
Polly Wog
German French
Frank Tucker (you guessed it ... someone input the name wrong and we got told off BIG time about the obscene mail he had been getting for "Trank F...er" .... LOL)

of course then there are the daughters of the politician in Texas I believe ... Ima Hogg and Ura Hogg

and the guy who invented the Lear jet named one of his daughter's .... Chanda Lear

sometimes amazed at the torture a parent is willing to inflict on a child!!!! LOL

Booger 03-06-2003 09:34 PM

had a sub teacher back when I was in school named Dick seaman

airhog 03-06-2003 10:01 PM

An X-gf of mine wanted to name her 2 kids a name in the city followed by north and shouth dakota

like Bismark north dakota.
and Aberdean south Dakota.

txgrneyes 03-06-2003 11:49 PM

Just to add I know a little boy that his parents named him

Justin Case

kinda cute but....

scotzoidman 03-07-2003 12:19 AM

Then there was an older fellow well known here in town, passed away a few years back, named Harry O. Balls...

Steph 03-07-2003 12:40 AM

Then there are the Donald Donalds - why give the kid the same first and last name.

My pet peeve from my days as a reporter - people love seeing their cute kids in the paper so I took lots of pics of kids but some of the spellings of the names were crazy! When you give your kid a name like Sara but spell it Seareah, the kid's going to waste so much time in her life explaining her name!

Uncle Silky 03-07-2003 12:43 AM

friend uh mine was a counselor at a camp with twins named Lemonjello and Orangejello. then there's Ron Tugnutt.

FussyPucker 03-07-2003 05:18 AM

I know of 3 brothers called:-

Harry Bull
Terry Bull
Ivor Bull

There are some extremely warped parents out there !

horseman12 03-07-2003 07:11 AM

other names~ Buddy Butte,,,,,,pronounced Bute, but?
Harry Ball

BlondeCurlGirl 03-07-2003 07:14 AM

For a short time in high school, I worked at a grocery store...the most common prank call to the store was "Could you page Mr. Seymour Butts?" One night I was working to close, and with nobody in there, we did it just for a good laugh :p

Going back to the double names...my best friend has an ancestor named Evan Evan Evans...there's the triple whammy.

LixyChick 03-07-2003 07:26 AM


I had heard Ben Dover as the name of a proctologist......Dr. Ben Dover! (in response to IAKG's reply)

Oh......and I actually know a guy named Richard Johnson (least that what he says his name is)

me_carl 03-07-2003 08:06 AM

I know a "Richard Seaman" He stopped letting people call him "Dick" a couple years ago. I wonder what took him so long.

BlondeCurlGirl 03-07-2003 11:09 AM

There are also 2 Dr. Bonebrakes around here...thank goodness they aren't orthopedic surgeons... :o

incitatus 03-07-2003 08:34 PM

Apparently there's a ship in the Navy called "Seymour Johnson".
I do the ol' Beavis and Butthead laugh every time I hear it.

I actually went to school with Mike Hunt.

For the longet time the Inspector General for the United Nations was Sherman Funk.
I know that's not particularly funny... I just wish I had a name that cool.

Pussy Willow 03-08-2003 10:03 AM

When we sold our co-op and moved to Astoria, our lawyer's name
was Goodsell. He and his wife were real estate lawyers. I thought was pretty funny.

BIBI 03-08-2003 10:50 AM

Here in town we have a doctor who is known for performing vasectomies...........Dr. Loveless

Dr. Love is a pediatrition

BIBI 03-08-2003 10:56 AM

This reminds me of when I was a kid and there were a bunch of book titles making the rounds..

"Open Kimona" by Seymore Hare
"Brown Spots on the Wall" by Woo Flung Poo
"Rusty Bedsprings" by I.P. Knightly

Nobody Special 03-08-2003 05:32 PM

I once had a an instructor call Micheal Hunt.... and he went by Mike..........
it was also a Joke in the first Porky's Movie.....

You Know Looking for Mike Hunt......


runt57 03-10-2003 08:39 AM

went to school with a girl named Holly Wood. also know of a guy around here named Donald Duck. worked with Rich Topping. know a Ben Blue.

katekate42 03-10-2003 08:45 AM

Somewhere in the hills of TN
In a town that I went away in to school, there is a guy my roommate and I ran across in the phonebook by the unfortunate name of Beauregard Shagnasty... I think that one takes the taco...

MontereyGirl 03-10-2003 09:35 AM

I went to grade school with a boy named Ricky Mister. We used to giggle all the time when we would have to address his dad as "Hello Mr. Mister".

MikeR89 03-10-2003 01:56 PM

DO NOT name your boy Benjamin if your last name is Daily -

He will end up being - BJ Daily for the rest of his life!!!

Aqua 03-10-2003 02:25 PM

Originally posted by BlondeCurlGirl
Stillwater... her name is Fiona Apple Maggart...not quite maggot! ;)

It's maggot if you're from the southern U.S. :p But then you also have words like tar, ie., "My car got a flat tar." And then there's that city up further north... "Chicargo." And that state way over on the coast... "Warshington."

Lilith 03-10-2003 02:28 PM

Here in the south we "irn" (one syllable) our clothes and I hear tell up north they iron them.

scotzoidman 03-10-2003 08:06 PM

Actually it's just tranferance...since they lose the "R's" in areas like Boston, i.e. "pahk the cah", they just turn up in places you don't expect. like in East Tenn. where they "Warsh their hayr", & then "rinch it out"...

IAKaraokeGirl 03-10-2003 08:14 PM

My mom, from western Tennessee, talks about the "crik," "shurrriff," and "an eeench on a ruler."

horseman12 03-11-2003 07:04 AM

And lets not fergit the word "fixin" and that does not mean repair, it means i was fixin to do that!

Gilly 03-11-2003 08:04 AM

On the day our youngest child's birth announcement was in the paper, there was one for a little boy born.

First name Jack, middle name Daniels. With the S. Very deliberate.

And like mentioned above, I also know of someone actually named Justin Case. He was my grandpa's cousin. Dick Trickle is actually the name of a race car driver in the nascar series, though he's definatly more of a local guy around these parts, than national. (I point that out, cause my dad's a huge fan, but when he goes to races with his dick trickle sticker on his bumper, most people have no clue he's even a driver)

incitatus 03-12-2003 10:34 PM

I think "Beauregard Shagnasty" and "Sherman Funk" fall under the category of names that I'd like to have.
I just wouldn't want my last name to be Lipshitz or DeQueer...

One of our teachers in High School, Mr. Titsworth, used to always joke that if he had a daughter he was going to name her Ophelia.

My uncle went to school with Mary Christmas.

Southern Charm 12-03-2003 04:37 AM

Sorry to wake the dead....
I know this is an old thread but I had to throw mine in. I have a friend named Will C. Love. When he introduced himself to me for the first name I will never forget what he said. He shook my hand and said, "Will C. Love: Its not just a name.....its a promise."

BigBear57 12-03-2003 05:11 AM

A teacher friend of mine came back from a conference around Atlanta with a story about a child whose name is spelled Shithead and pronounced Sh - thede. Talk about mindless cruelty.

White Noise 12-03-2003 05:33 AM

I used to know a Dr David David - his nickname, SQUARED

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