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krzykrn 02-24-2003 04:18 AM

Age difference
Ok, well I am sure this topic has been discussed, but I was wondering about everyone's thoughts on the difference of age between two people? Now I know, age shouldn't matter, if two people love each other, are on the same maturity level there should be no problem, but I was wondering about your experience in this realm? Have you ever been in a relationship where the person you were with was much younger or older than you (by this I mean say 8+ years at the least either way)?

I never thought I would be interested in someone younger than me but, well...it happened lol. We talk, we get along, and I know it is a long road ahead to see if we are right for each other, but just wanted some feedback, thoughts, comments as I always like to hear what others have to say.

BigBear57 02-24-2003 05:06 AM

At the age of 42 I had a 27yr old gf for about 8 months. It was pretty intense too. Her "creativity" with the truth was the cause for its ending. The age difference didn't seem to have a lot to do with our getting along.

jennaflower 02-24-2003 09:58 AM

At the age of 30 I was involved with a man who was 48... and the age difference was not a negative at all. The only reason our relationship didn't progress further was the 4 hours that stood between us... 3 years later I still consider him to be one of my dearest friends on earth..

I don't think that age difference is a big deal.. like you said Krsykrn, it is all about the maturity factor..

I am VERY very VERY happy for you tho... and I will keep my fingers crossed that this becomes a positive relationship for you. This also explains why you aren't on yahoo IM much lately :)

Steph 02-24-2003 02:56 PM

I was 21 when I met my future husband. He was 42. We're not divorced but it wasn't because of the age difference. It was because we were in different places in our lives.

I'm now 29, my boyfriend is 24 - - - OK, it's not the eight-year difference you asked for :P but it's a change from an older man. Age doesn't have much to do with love if you ask me. Values are more important. Both men I've just mentioned were raised Catholic, too. Same type of family life . . . no matter the age, similarities in other aspects of life probably make the biggest impact.

juju 02-25-2003 06:31 AM

I think that it's important that both partners be at the same level of emotional maturity. If your parner is too young, then they'll see being with you and "taking" you as a victory. Like they're fucking the president or something. They'll see being with you as winning a prize or stealing from the forbidden cookie jar. This isn't really so bad at first, but sometimes that kind of admiration for you just never wears off. They'll see you as being on a pedastel because you're older.

Now it is good to be adored, but I've found that long-term relationships work best if the two people view each other as equals. So, as long as they're not constantly introducing you to their friends and giving them looks like, "Yeah.. take a look at what I tapped last night! High five!", I'd say you'll do okay.

On the other hand, if you're just looking to get laid, and aren't aiming for long-term stability, then that power-dynamic can make the sex pretty fun.

celticangel 02-25-2003 12:05 PM

most of my long(ish) term partners have been a bit younger than me----from several months to 4 yrs--------------------all ended for dif reasons------------------Dm is older than me, but only in years----------he's just as mad and as much fun as anyone I know-----and I love him to bits!!

krzykrn 02-25-2003 04:30 PM

Thank you all for taking the time to post your experiences and input. Yes Jenna, it is just one of the reasons I am not around a ton on Yahoo (although school is really kicking my ass).

denny 02-26-2003 02:45 AM

My wife is 10 years younger than I and I had a gf that was 15 years younger. Love conquers all.

TinkerBell69 03-01-2003 12:43 PM

When I was 15 (I know, bad, bad me) I was seeing a guy who was 20. It was all great fun for a start, then he just started using me. I guess I asked for it in a way.

BigBear57 03-01-2003 02:00 PM

TinkerBelle, ummm if you don't mind my thoughts.... You didn't ask for it. I mean nobody asks for or deserves to be treated badly. Even in a no strings relationship I think one deserves the right to know the direction they're headed and respect for their feelings. I'm sorry if I sound like some blowhard, but it worries me to see a person think they deserved disrespect.

BlueSwede 03-02-2003 02:36 AM

I totally agree that it is most important to be at the same emotional level of maturity and to see each other more as equals. Plus, a difference of 8 years or more can make a big difference or not depending on how old you both are at the time. In other words, 8 years would be a heck of a difference if one person is 15 and the other is 23. If you are in your 30s and 40s, 8 years probably won't be that big a deal. I'm 55 and my fiance is 42 and right now that is no problem at all. My only concern is whether he will still feel the same way when I am 70 and he isn't even 60 yet.

Vintage Vixen 03-03-2003 09:43 PM

I'm 42..dz is 35.......works wonders for us:)

Blaze 04-10-2003 11:04 AM

I'm 13 years younger then my husband we've been married 2 years now but met when I was 16, As it turned out he wouldnt even think about dating me even after I turned 18 because he felt our ages were to far apart but he didnt think that after I told him that I loved him and then I seduced him, now we're together and happy and we make light of him being older then me.

69SuperSport 04-15-2003 12:13 PM

I've Only been with women older than myself all my life. I always found them to be on more of a even playing field with me. When i started dating they were just 3 or 4 yrs older. My first wife was 6 yrs older.Didn't last long,she was better at playing games than i was..lol My second wife was 12 yrs older than me. I was 23 she was 35 when we married. We were married for 7 1/2 yrs, before she came up with the idea that she couldn't always keep me interested as she got older. That was not the case though. That was just her being afraid of being alone at a age she thought would be too old to start over.

To answer your question. Age is just a state of mind. Like all minds, that change, a couple with many yrs difference between them will work, but only for a season. So enjoy it while you can.

babybunny 04-15-2003 12:35 PM

I cant help but say older guys are very much a turn on for me. Mature, more apreciative of the lil things, gentle....the list goes on.

I also knew a couple that were about 20 yrs in age difference, were married for almost 20 yrs. They were made for each other. Totally adored each other. It was sad to see the wife die of cancer though. Broke his heart. He swore he would never be able to replace his soulmate.


NaughtyGirl 04-16-2003 07:04 AM

age doesn't matter
Ages makes no difference.

I have an aunt who was married for many years to my uncle who was 9 years older. Now she's remarried (my uncle died) and her new husband is younger by about 10 years, but the age difference doen't matter. They just joke about it!

If you find someone who makes you happy, age shouldn't matter!

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