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Tattoo Thread
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I was reading Vamp's post in the advice sextion and I thought maybe we could all share pics of our tattoos, for those of us who have them.....BTW when you get yours vamp i hope you plan to share!
Same tat
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Funny...i have that same tattoo....my first one i ever got in 88
I only have one......
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And before you see it I just have to say this before skip or PF or CK say it first.......
"De plain boss" Whew! I feel better. My fly..........still a little red and the cream dried over it in a glaze as it was only 4 or so days old here! Scuse the bra pic....it was the better of all the tat pics I have. |
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Here is mine.. got it 3 years ago.. and it has great sentimental value to me.. lots of different meaning intertwined through-out..
I am happy to say that it is an original that was drawn just for me and that will never be done again. :) The animal.. the elephant is sentimenal not only since it is my favorite animal on earth but also because it was the theme for my babies room. The song it is tooting out of the trunk is "Open Arms", my favorite. The two roses signify both of my sons (the one that I am blessed with here on hearth and the one that passed away). so there goes it :) |
Lovely tats ladies......still working up the nerve and deciding what I want and where. Any tips on where not to get one?
They say that the closer to bone you are.. the more uncomfortable.. in my experience.. the opposite was true.. :(
I plan on getting 2 others.. one on my ankle (a train of elephants trunk to tail)... and someday.. a tat of a mates initials on my breast bone. |
I was gona post my tats here, but i have to many to post right now.. Up to 18 or so.. I know in some of my pics you can see the back ones and im sure i did a shoe thread where you can see the others too.. All of mine were put together by ME and my Tat artist. Lilith make sure you put lots of thought into what your getting its not something that when your sick of it you can get rid of =) Also the lower back is THE MOST PAINFULL place to get tats, thats the only tat that I sat through and was glad it was over. All my other tats were just ease for me hehe.
PS I like all the tats im seeing here they are lovely =) HUGS |
yeah, mine was on the lower back, my inker bought me a coke b/c he was afraid I'd pass out and he'd botch it lol I guess thats what I get for getting a 3 inch tat...
Next tat for me........sunset at the top of the cleavage of my bum! Baby sis is getting the sunrise there.....(like who would know the difference).........so we can say that as sisters.....the sun rises and sets on our ass! LMAO!
And I do have an idea of a poison ivy vine I want from the bottom of my foot.....up and around my ankle. I get poison ivy so much and so easily that I figure I should wear it permenantly. Some artists won't do this for me cause they say it will be too painful but I have a high pain tolerance and I'll find someone to do it. Lilith........No matter what you decide it's the outline that is the most painful.....and don't let anyone fool you.........it IS painful! But after a while the numbness sets in and the tolerance is easier. The smaller and the less detail.....the less pain. Also......the more delecate the skin the more painful.....ie: the underside of the arm (for those Celtic bands), the inner thigh...etc. So choose a tough spot......ie: calf or lower leg or your back..... for the first one so you know what to expect in-so-far as pain tolerance! I was out last night and the cook at the pub we were at had his head shaved and the crown of his head was a full tattoo. In some states that's against the law.......I think. Not to mention.....OUCH! |
my man and I are getting our puppies name and his pix tattoo'd on us. I'm not sure where I want 2 get his name(maximus) he passed away.I swear that was my son. Not that I was ever against tattoo's jus never new what I wanted.
my man is getting it on his left inside of the arm or his back. I'm thinking my lower back (maximus) then his pix above. We are going 2 one of our friends who has been winning awards 4 her tat's. So I know it'll be good. When we get it done someone will have 2 tell me how to post a pix. |
my tattoo..
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Hi everyone! I have been floating around Pixies for a while and decided to finally post and figured this was a good place to start!
I got this about 3 months ago and its a tribal sun. and i'm going to put a symbol of some sort in the center, but that is still undecided! |
Re: Tattoo Thread
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Thanx Wisper.. I have had my tat since April and originally posted in womens pics .. but here is a pic just of my tat to give you an idea of size she is just about 4 1/2" from her small wing to the bottom of the stem and 2 1/2" wide at her widest point |
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Heres a pic that better shows where she is located :D
Lilith---A good reputable tatoo shop or artist;will design whatever
you want.If it's like the last one that I got;my tattoo artist and his commercial artist wife designed it;drew it on transferable paper for my approval.I OK'd it,he transferred it to my arm and he needled over it.They didn't have what I wanted in the pictures on the wall.It is a custom chain;with links going around my left biceps The links are outlined darkly and then the links are filled in with green!Just tell them what you want & they will draw it for your approval. Irish P.S.They cost a hell of alot more then when I got one on each forearm;25yrs. ago!Have it done professionally.Mistakes;can't be erased! |
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I've got 4 altogether, but 3 are on my right arm and are part of a big picture...
This one I designed myself - the Chinese word didn't come out Quite like I expected, but I like it! The two hearts represent my 2 daughters. . . my eldest passed away nearly 6 years ago, and I was going to get the top one inked Black. . . but I decided to leave it, and remember her as vital and alive. . . ANYWAY, here it is. . . I hope! :confused: DM |
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This is my other (right) arm . . the two tigers are "standard" inks, but messed around with a bit and the bamboo & grass etc. added in by the artist (Phil) . . . of the writing - that was done later. . . the top two words (and apologies to any Chinese ladies/gentlemen if it's wrong!) say "Year of the Tiger", which is my birth-year;- the bottom one is just made up (I hope!!!) by me, and is a joining together of the symbols for Pisces and Aries, which are mine & my very best (female) friend. . . we are VERY close (but not sexual) freinds, and it seemed the right thing to have a permanent reminder!!
BTW, if the Chinese characters are wrong. . . umm, tell me (I think!) DM |
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I'm sure I've posted this on here somewhere else but here it is. The very beginning of my full back piece. This was before she was colored in..so as soon as I get the full color pic I'll post it as well.
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I got this about a year ago.
Just One of Four Hidden........
I have four Tat's. (I was defineitly a Salty Sailor) The one I present now though was done when My Daughter was born...........I hadn't drank or anything like that..............I just wanted to do something out of the ordinary. I went to a Young man that showed me a drawing of a single strand piece of Barbed wire. I then asked him if he thought he could overlap it to make it take on a different look. He did good and My Baby is Now Sweet Sixteen.............she reguards this Tat as a reminder of her Birth. (she thinks her Dad is Very COOL) :)
quisith---You must have started something popular.You should
have copyrighted;or trademarked;it.Before I had my last one designed;my wife&I;looked at the ones pictured on the wall! You can get an approximate price;by asking the price of 1-?. That is one of the ones that we considered.And YES;it was a double wire!(Like Barbed Wire) Irish |
I know Exactly what you Mean.......
Yep..................Irish...........I began seeing Tat.s like mine about 6 years ago............then some of the ceremonial Bands ..............I guess I may have started something.....................but I grin and bear. No Biggy. It actually humbles me to see them. :)
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I finally got around to getting a picture in color of the faerie so here she is
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Ok here is a little peep at mine. I have had it since 1993. It was a wedding gift from the artisit.
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heres a pic of one of my tats
and just to let everyone know, its NOT easy trying to figure out EXACTLY where I wanted the bite marks placed, LOL |
excellent andvari I love that!!!!! Great tat!
andvari.....very well done piece of ink
Years ago a friend of my had a link chain tattoo around her ankle.
But she didn't have it done by a tattoo artist.Her cousin did it with a needle and ink.I look back on it now and realize she was pretty lucky it didn't become infected.I think because of that is why I never got a tattoo even though I like them.Both of my sisters have one on their ankles.As for me I'll take the chickens way out and use the fake ones....LOL :D Oh and BTW.Great tattoos everyone.:) Penny |
sylverpenny---There is nothing to fear except fear itself!I have
three,my 59yr old wife got one last year,my youngest daughter has one,my oldest daughter(34)had one for years and got another one(that signifies her kids)last year.All were profession ally done&didn't offer any trouble.Two of mine,were done over 25yrs ago.I got another,last year,and the conditions are much more sterile NOW! Irish P.S.The price is much more now than 25yrs ago! |
how IS the new addition holdin up, Irish?
Uncle Silky---Very good,Thanks!All healed.Instead of the ointment
that they give you,I used a triple antibiotic ointment that I get for multiple purposes,at Wal*Mart.It was all healed up in less then a week! Irish |
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hello everyone at pixies here is one of mine
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and another
G'day pierced8 :)
The first one is writing yes?....what does it say? |
Raymond its my uncles name that was killed three years ago and also my name
Silky~ love the new ones! The feet are gonne be great when they are finished.
diddo |
When we finish the left sleeve, I might throw some others in.
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My turn.. :)
This is the Koi on my inner bicept. |
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The crab on my outer arm.
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the stick figures on my ankle.
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