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Kim 07-18-2003 02:14 AM

Important: The Beginning
Howdy Campers,

Well I know you have all been very disappointed by the demise of Pixies-Place.

Fortuneatly it seems a solution has been found!!! In fact I now predict that Pixies-Place will become a lot bigger and perhaps a lot better!

Somone else will be taking over from now on, but the good thing is that they do not wish to change anything, so life will go on as normal. The database and all the files will be transferred over to their new home over the next few days and then we have to switch over the DNS. The result will be that very recent posts will be lost in the transfer, and probably a days downtime whilst the DNS sorts itself out!

But for you guys Pixies-Place will remain, and will always be at pixies-place.com and it will now be here for a very long time! If I could make a request - please do advertise Pixies-Place on the web by adding a link to it on your homepages/yahoo profiles etc. whatever - the more different sites that link to Pixies the bigger it will become....

Anyway this all means that my work here is finished. I started Pixies-Place over 4 years ago and have been very happy with the results. It is sad that I must leave but my life has moved on now and I have new commitments and adventures to lead.

So goodbye from me


fzzy 07-18-2003 02:38 AM

Wooo hoooo .... thank you Kim for your ongoing efforts to keep all of us Pixie-ite campers happy .... Your mark on this site will be a lasting memory of you ... whether you choose to visit here again or not!!!! We love ya! :)

FussyPucker 07-18-2003 03:16 AM

WOO with an extra HOO oh yeah oooooo yeah *doing the super happy dance*

FussyPucker 07-18-2003 03:17 AM

oh and yes THANK YOU for all your hard work Kim I do hope you'll sneak in and visit the "new" pixies


flutelady 07-18-2003 03:28 AM

Kim, This newbie sincerely thanks you for all you have done to establish this site and to keep it alive. I wish you all the very best in your next adventure. I have and will keep on spreading the word about Pixie's.

speedy 07-18-2003 03:33 AM

Kim for the longest time I was the closet member.Well i was sadden when I heard the news.I understand people move on with their lives and all I can say is THANK YOU FOR LOOKING OUT FOR SOMETHING YOU CREATED AND THE MEMBERS THAT ENJOY WHAT CAME FROM YOUR WORK I FOR ONE NOW OUT OF MY SHELL GREATLY APPRECIATE IT.WISH YOU THE BEST IN YOUR FUTURE ENDEVOURS.

Sharni 07-18-2003 03:41 AM


It has been a wonderful journey over the years made possible by you....i'm saddened that you have to depart....but realise that peoples paths change over time....i certainly hope you can at least drop by and say G'day every now and then

When i think of Pixies...i will continue to think of you...the founder....for without you Pixies would have never come to be

Thank you for your tireless effort in improving the site and for keeping all of us natives very very happy

*hugz* Wishing you all the best on your chosen path

dicksbro 07-18-2003 05:04 AM


We'll sure miss you. While it's good news that Pixies-Place will continue, that news is tempered thinking you'll be gone. You've made this place very special.

Best of luck to you in everything that you do! ;)


LixyChick 07-18-2003 05:14 AM

Oh Kim! TY so much for your efforts in trying to find a way to keep Pixies together. And thank you from the heart for ever starting this site in the first place! We'll never forget you and I hope you will drop by from time to time and say hello! If it weren't for you.....us Pixies might have never met......and I can't imagine that thought! Everyone I've met here seems to have been meant to be in my life.....you were the catalyst.....and for that I am truly grateful! ((((((((Kim)))))).....My best wishes go with you in you future endeavors!

IAKaraokeGirl 07-18-2003 05:14 AM

Kim, this is a *most* awesome way to start my day. You have done a terrific job, and I feel fortunate you've found a way to continue on the tradition.

Bilbo 07-18-2003 05:42 AM

happy, happy days

The largest Thank you goes to Kim, from humble beginings to, who knows where.

To Kim, you will always be a very important part of pixies, your presence will always be here while we have the capability to let future menbers know of the work and family community thet you have started.
And now to know that the community will continue, so will your presence continue, right here where you belong, held comfortably and held forever in our hearts.

Where ever you go, what ever you do, remember youwill always be welcomed home with open loving arms.

as the song goes, we wish you all of the very best things in life.


David 07-18-2003 05:59 AM

Kim, from an oldie a BIG THANK YOU for your efforts in keeping Pixies a life! :banner: Thank you for all your work and upgrades over the last four years. Looking forward to still being a Pixies Camper. :)

jennaflower 07-18-2003 06:07 AM

Fantastic news :) Thank you Kim for all your effort... I am soooo glad to know that I won't be "lost" now...

skipthisone 07-18-2003 06:16 AM

Hugs to the creator....

2-4-tea 07-18-2003 07:21 AM

Kim you ran a class site in my eyes you are a class act I wish you sucess for the future and I hope we see you

MilkToast 07-18-2003 07:22 AM

thanks for the wonderful news that this place will remain...

however, re:

Anyway this all means that my work here is finished. I started Pixies-Place over 4 years ago and have been very happy with the results. It is sad that I must leave but my life has moved on now and I have new commitments and adventures to lead.

So goodbye from me

Sorry that you have to go... you started a wonderful site/community and I wish you the best of luck in your endeavours.


Bogart 07-18-2003 07:38 AM



Lovediva 07-18-2003 08:06 AM


I know I haven't been here in awhile and I miss this place sooo very much!! I was very sad and felt helpless when I heard you were closing up shop. This was my home. And deep down it will always be my home. I just can't visit my family as much as I want. :( ...But knowing the family will still remain is a big relief for me as well as other family members! The only thing missing will be THE BOSS of this steadily growing family.... We all have to make changes in our life sometime or another. Sooooooo.....

I wish you NOTHING BUT THE BEST in your new adventures!!!!

You shall and always will be remembered here and in our hearts!

You take good care of yourself now ya here!!!!!!

As for the new someone else....you are in for one HELL OF A RIDE!!!! WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!!!!!

!rebeccakohl! 07-18-2003 08:22 AM

I'm so happy to hear that Pixies is striding forward into a brave new world. I'm left with a slight melancholy air knowing that you must leave us but you're a talented person and I'm sure the future holds great things for you, whatever else you decide to do.

BTW, who's our new "boss" going to be? Will she or he join us down here in the barracks?

Sugarsprinkles 07-18-2003 08:40 AM


What wonderful news to wake up to!!!!


I am so happy that Pixies will still be here! Pixies has been such a big part of my life for the last 16 months. In fact as many, if not most of you know, Pixies has been the catalyst for many changes in my life, major changes. I didn't know what I was going to do without it. It's the first place and last place I go whenever I fire up my computer every day. Hell, PIXIE'S PLACE is my HOME PAGE!!
I really had no idea what I was going to change that to. But now, thankfully, I don't have to worry about that anymore. I don't have to worry about losing all my very good friends, thanks to Sharni being proactive and starting her Pixie's Orphans Yahoo group, and thanks to Lilith deciding to keep the chatroom open, and now thanks to KIM turning over the responsibility of Pixie's over to someone else. Thank You, Kim for Pixie's!!!

Now, will the new Leader enter and sign in please??????

PantyFanatic 07-18-2003 08:46 AM

Thank you Lady Kim.

The only gift you could have given me after bringing Pixies Place into my life is that you have seen that it will continue. Your steadfast stewardship and innovation of our home has only been exceeded by this unselfish act to perpetuate your creation and our existence.

Thank you!:)

Steph 07-18-2003 09:08 AM

Thank you, Kim. You've left your stamp on this place and I look forward to hearing about your new plans - running for President, by chance? :)

T-S 07-18-2003 09:31 AM

Today just got a load better, joins Fussy in the happy dance.

But every silver lining has its cloud, a big thanks Kim for this wonderful place. :)

dadaist 07-18-2003 09:39 AM

Kim, please don't say this will be it from you, with all that you've done. I understand passing the baton, but....
Well, anyway, good luck.


RandyGal 07-18-2003 09:49 AM

Excellent news! But I echo Milktoasts sentiments...I'm sorry that you have to go.

This site is an important connection to many people and I'm thrilled to see it continue on.

cowgirltease 07-18-2003 11:16 AM


Midnight Kiss 07-18-2003 11:46 AM

Such wonderful news to read today!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for all you have done Kim to make pixies a home for us, because that it what it is to me and so many others here. I understand how people's lives change and I am so glad that you made arrangements to keep the rest of us happy :). I wish you all the best in whatever you do. Thank you for making pixies what it is.


Aqua 07-18-2003 12:03 PM

Kim... we will always have you to thank for the family we have here at Pixies. It is such a bittersweet feeling to hear of a new beginning for Pixies, yet see the final words; 'Goodbye from me.'
You may not be running the show, but I do hope whatever new direction your life is taking will not keep you from saying hello and checking in on the family now and then. Good luck and God bless!

babybunny 07-18-2003 12:09 PM

OMG! We are saved! :D TY Kim for creating such a wonderful place...Good Luck to you and your endeavors.

Cobalt 07-18-2003 12:11 PM

Thank You !!!! KIM, you have created a family here beyond you r wildest dream I believe, but it has become the type of family because of your ideals. We all owe you more than we could ever give you in return. I just wish you the very best of luck and happiness in your new ventures, and like everyone else, I hope you will stop in every now and then to atleast say Hi from the boss, the creator of this wonderful home for us all. Again thank you!!!!!!

We all Love you and wish You the very best!!!!


foosballfan 07-18-2003 12:17 PM

woo hoooo!!
I'm hapy as hel l the site is gonna stay around!! hope to see you more often.

Loulabelle 07-18-2003 12:26 PM

I'm soooooooooo happy! Fussy told me while I was at work and I couldn't wait to come home and see it for myself! :D

And I'm also soooooo sad that Kim is going. Just as everyone else does Kim - I wish you all the best and hope you'll pop by sometimes to see us all. And as Fussy said before, I feel I owe you a special debt of gratitude for this site - the place I met the man I'm in love with.

And finally - thanks to our new boss(es) for rescuing us! :D

Scarlett 07-18-2003 12:39 PM

Good news indeed!

Prophet Reality 07-18-2003 12:42 PM

This is amazing news. I am so grateful to you KIM for all your dedication, and thank you for finding a way for little family to continue.

Christine 07-18-2003 02:09 PM

That is wonderful news, Kim! :)
Thanks to you all for your hard work and I wish you all the best for the future...I'll be forever grateful to you for creating this site.

mindboxer505 07-18-2003 02:24 PM

........is where friends are waiting to comfort you, tease you, share in your ups and downs, give you a hug, pat on the back, or a good scolding......this is what Pixie's is to me......and will be for a long time.
Kim, I cant add anything else but thank you for this "home away from home"........like many here, its meant alot to me. Wherever the wind blows you, may fortune and a warm hearth always be awaiting, may the sun shine and the trees bend to shade you. May your life aways be filled with friends to be there for you, like Pixie's has been for us.

Scarecrow 07-18-2003 02:31 PM

Kim your the Boss and will always hold a special place here at Pixies. God speed and may you always chose the right path to follow.

dm383 07-18-2003 02:37 PM

Wonderful news Kim.... thankyou ThankYou THANKYOU!!! :)

Ditto to EVERY sentiment expressed ^^^.... but you'll ALWAYS be "The Boss" to me.... so the new person/s in charge will have to be..

The Gaffer!!

I wish you well in all your futures Kim..... and THANKYOU!! (Did I say that already? ;))


lorri 07-18-2003 03:28 PM

Oh my! I just heard this news .. it is so wonderful. I was so upset when I heard of pixies demise, I couldn't even bring myself to post anything to explain how I felt ... but this is just simply the best news :D

And to Kim ... you have built such a wonderful place here ... you will always be thought of with great fondness by your very extended family.

As you can see, I and everyone of us here wish you well in everything you do - please come back and see us sometime


Sodbuster 07-18-2003 03:34 PM

Thank you for finding a solution for us! I hope you come back and see us sometime.

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