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Summer 09-20-2002 10:10 AM

Summer's Halloween Party
Hanging the last bat over the fully stocked bar I stand back to get the whole view of all the cool decorations for the very busy night to come. Turning to enter the house I glance at the clock. It read 6:27. "Crap! The guests are going to start arriving any minute!" Dashing to my room to quickly freshen up and slip into my genie costume that I had made the week prior. The door bell rings as my last slipper slides on.

Eagerly I rush to the door to see who it was. There was a pirate, Black Pussy Cat, Spiderman, and even an Umpa Lumpa (from Willie Wonka and The Chocolate Factory), I showed them to the back because they were the employees I had hired for the evening. The Pirate and Pussy Cat were going to man the bar and Spiderman and the Umpa Lumpa were going to fix and prepare the meal and snacks. After I showed them to their places my guests begin to arrive.

Lilith comes in as a Demon Goddess (which is different from her usual self?!?) and all ready to party with a huge bottle of Mudslide mix. I take the bottle to the bartenders as she helps me greet all our masked guests. Some I recognize and some I do not. ((((you can become a character or one of the four workers mentioned above))))

I begin to lead everyone through the Haunted House to the back where the Bar and Buffet tables are. I grab my bottle of Vodka and kick back a few big swigs. The music starts playing and I move out to the dance floor. Lilith laughs, "Hey look Summer is a Genie with her Bottle!" I grin and keep on dancing taking a sip here and there. More guests arrive and join us in the back. I glance to see who has come and I recognize everyone now but one man. This tall dark creature dressed as an Arabian Sheik with fabric covering all of his face but his eyes. I look at his deep dark blue piercing eyes. I could feel him undressing me and I liked it.

Casually I start walking over to him trying hard not to grin. Looking up I ask him, "Would you like to rub my bottle?" While releasing the fabric in front of his face, he reached out and took a big drink from my bottle. As he hands me back my bottle I notice his big grin. Grinning back at this sexy man who seems so familiar I turn and present my butt towards him. Trying not to giggle I say, "If you rub this, I will grant you three wishes!" He reaches his well tone arm out and grabs my ass very firmly! Strong hands are such a turn on to me but I am SOOOO trying to contain myself. In his deep masculine voice he says, "My first wish is that you take off your entire costume." Being the nudist that I am I gladly granted his wish. I began to slowly to remove my costume making sure I didn't rip it. I worked hours on making it and no matter how sexy he is I be DAMNED if I will mess it up. Carefully I hang my costume over the back of a chair bending over just a bit more so he can get a good look. He walks over and picks me up off the floor caring me off into the dark yard towards the fake graveyard. Laying me gracefully on the damp grass in front of a tombstone he removes his costume revealing his very well defined muscular body. "So what in pretell is your second wish?" I ask him. He looks deep into my eyes as he begins to kneel down beside me. Leaning over me to where I can get a good sniff of his familiar cologne, he begins to kiss me deeply. As we kiss I feel his tongue moving inside my mouth gracefully intertwining against my tongue. I become weak from passion. Longing for more. Our lips part and he glances back at me. "Hi Summer!" he says with a big grin. Just then it clicks. I know who my mystery man is. "Coach, oh my, Coach!" hugging him hard with my arms and legs. With his devilish smile and quick wink, he just simply says, "Summer Summer Summer, yes it is me." ..................

Coach Knight 09-20-2002 10:24 AM

I push her arms back over her head moving my mouth to her ear, gently licking and nuzzling it. My tounge moves back, across her pinkish cheek and back to those full, rosebud lips. I trace the lips with my tongue before running it back down, flicking across her chin and down her neck before sliding it down her breastbone between those two perfect boobs. I hold her hands over her head, as I lift up, look into her eyes and say, "I am going to take you, right here, right now."
I slowly bring my mouth to a ripe nipple, standing erect in the cold late October air, my lips encircle it and tug on it gently.

Meanwhile, back inside the party ...

skipthisone 09-20-2002 10:42 AM

I look around shaking my head, the party is only 5 minutes old and the hostess is alread naked and moaning on the grass. I just pick up my tray and look out through my spider-man mask and walk towards the lovely demoness before me.

"Teanie weanie ma'am" I ask her.

"No thanks i prefer mine much larger", she replies while taking a big sip out of her bottle, letting some run down her chin.

"I am sure that could be arranged later ma'am" I said and she turned away from me with a wink.

So having been rejected I pick up my tray and begin to walk towards the other people, the middle part of my costume pointing the way.

Lilith 09-20-2002 11:12 AM

The night is young and I have already been made an offer I can barely refuse, I think wickedly, watching Spidey's ass as he glides back into the kitchen...... this is gonna be my kind of party. From my throne (my usual spot on a barstool behind the bar) I people-watch or rather scope the scene for possible victims. In the distance I can hear the faint sounds of pleasure coming from the graveyard...just as it should be:p I reach up and turn the music up just a tad to mask the moans. Kids....sheesh!...I think to myself. I scout the crowd noticing those that mingle and those that stand aloof...hmmmmmm..... so hard to pick just one:p
Having made some mental notes, I decide I had better check on things in the kitchen.....wonder if that web slinger needs any help;)

Summer 09-20-2002 11:14 AM

Realizing it is only a few minutes into the party I grab Coach's head giving him a quick kiss and I say, "Coach, my dear sweet sexy Coach. I must go make sure everyone is having a good time. Let's continue this later." Very understanding as always he helps me to my feet. I bend over and pick up his costume helping him get it back on. Then I stroll back to the chair to get my costume. As I start putting it on Coach slaps my ass and gives me a wink.

Costume fully back on plus a few bits of grass on my back I was good to go and mingle. Plus my bottle is empty and I crave another drink. Walking up to the bar I see Lilith watching Spiderman's ass as he walks away. Hmm, I say to Lilith, "Yes, Spidey has a nice ass! Why don't you follow that web slinger and see what else he is making in my kitchen?"

Hanging out on the bar stool, waiting for my Margarita to be made, up walks another thirsty person.

Coach Knight 09-20-2002 11:28 AM

I walk up to the bar, ask for a drink as only my eyes peer above the scarf covering my face. I look at Summer, gazing deep into her eyes as her perfect ass perfectly hugs the barstool.
I remove the scarf, take a sip, give her the "come hither" eyes one last time. I smile and walk past the kitchen where I see ...

skipthisone 09-20-2002 12:32 PM

In the kitchen....

I was standing by the counter cutting up limes to go with the tray full of Shots of Quervo, cutting one lime and then downing a shot again and again.

"Well if I am going to get rejected I'll just boost the come on power a bit", I told myself as I put back another shot.

Just then I feel a pair of hands on my ass and my spider sense centered right in the front of my pants tingles. A tongue reaches out an licks my covered ear under my mask and I feel a pair of breasts pushed up against my back. I dont turn around just letting the stiffining nipples press against my costume.

Then she whispers in my ear, "Instead of wasting your lip movements on talking to yourself, i could give your mouth something chew on".

Lilith 09-20-2002 12:45 PM

Pressed up against him I could feel his tight ass clench as I crushed Spideyboy against the counter....

When I release him enough to allow him to face me I reach behind him, grab a lime and some salt. I wipe the lime against my cleavage making the warm spot between my breasts wet and sprinkle some salt on making it adhere. I hand the web master another shot and gently pull his mask up just far enough for him to get the job done;)

skipthisone 09-20-2002 12:54 PM

Me being the type to never pass up a good offer. I take the shot from her and look her in the eyes. She cannot see my eyes behind the mask so my intent stays hidden from her. I tilt back my head and drink the shot letting the tequila stay in my mouth loving the taste. I swallow and lean down and stick my tongue as far down as it can go and begin to lick upwards between her breasts. I lick up slowly my tongue flat on her chest going across the salt letting the lime juice flow over it.

I stand up and lick my lips and move my head foward to kiss this demoness before me. She quickly places her hand on my chest and pushes me away.

"I am in charge here, they dont call me the evil bitch for nothing", she exclaimed. With that she stood there and gave an evil laugh.

I pulled down my mask. Picked up the tray of drinks and disapointedly walked back out to the party to serve the guests.

Prophet Reality 09-20-2002 04:23 PM

Arriving as the sun sets I walk through the crowd of numerous people. I can see a Genie at the bar talking to a Sheik and a Demon Goddess rushing towards the kitchen. The Demon Goddess must be Lilith, I wonder who her victim is, the lucky bastard. I slowly and carefully walk to the bar and ask for red wine and offer my own thin wine glass. The bartender looks it over and fills it with wine. I lean against the bar and look throughout the crowd. I hear the Sheik and Genie whispering, and then I hear Summer's name. I slowly edge over and say, "So how wishes does a Vampyre get from this gorgeous Genie?"

Glyndwr 09-20-2002 06:17 PM

The heavy beat of music drifts over the night air as I make my way up the path to the party place. I spot the hostess surveying her guests and adjust my tri-corner hat and highwayman's mask before strolling over.
"Hi Genie, great party" I say as I reach her side. She turns as I speak, reaching towards her I pick several strands of grass from her hair.
"Part of the costume?" I ask and I notice her blush behind the veil. I cast flashing green eyes around the crowd wondering if there is anyone here with a bottle of tequila and a navel to drink it from....

Coach Knight 09-22-2002 09:03 AM

Noticing now that my genie has several men drooling over her in her costume, I decide to wander further around the house. I can hear the moans and screams coming from the other rooms. Knowing that Lilith will not give it up THAT quickly, I realize the kitchen is a good place to get a shot.
"My god STO," I say, "how many shots are you doing? You need to be able to get it up later."
I look around the room and notice a trail of salt crystals disappear between Lilith's tits.
I give them both a :) and a ;) and move on. Of course not being completely jealous but also knowing I have another wish or two to be granted from my super sexy genie, I look back at her behind the bar, finding the men picking sticks and grass out of Summer's hair. I wink;) at her and she just shrugs her shoulders for it was me that was responsible for putting a little too much of the outdoors into her hair ...

Summer 09-22-2002 10:14 PM

My sweet sexy Coach has decided to go get some snacks and mingle. "Have fun!" I say with a sweet innocent smile.

Sitting alone at the bar I caught myself starring at this sexy Pirate Man making me another margarita, which feels like a few days more than a few seconds. Just then I hear someone asking me for a wish. Smiling I turn on my bar stool to see this handsome Vampyre grinning at me flashing his teeth. Being very charmed by his wicked grin I give a little smile (tilting my head and brushing my hair away from my neck) "Yes you may have one." He leans in and I feel the warmth of his breath on my neck and the coldness of his hand on my breast. Then he slightly bites on my neck just grazing me with his teeth. Standing back up he gives me one more wicked grin and walks off into the crowd to mingle.

Just as he walks off I turn to my other side as the "Highway Man" says Hello. "Well hello!" I say grinning from ear to ear. He then begins to make comments on the grass in my hair. He even picks out some. Talk about embarrassing. "Thank you. It is so nice to see you here." He grins and flashes his gorgeous green eyes. "Since I am a mess, I think I shall go take a shower and change. It seems if I have gotten a bit to dirty already this evening. I will see you in a few."

I head inside to go upstairs. I enter my quiet room that seems to be the furthest point from all my guests. I open the closet and pull out the mystical Fairy Costume from the year before and gently lay it on the bed. Walking into the bathroom I carefully take off the genie costume and lay it on the counter. I start the shower testing the water before I hop in. "Ah yes!" I say as I get in the warm streams of water. Reaching for the shampoo bottle I hear the door. Just then the lights went out. "Hello! Is there anyone in here?" No one answers but I know someone is in here. Feeling a little bit weary I ask one more time. "Is there anyone in here?" ....

Prophet Reality 09-22-2002 10:23 PM

"Just your friendly Vampyre. Have I scared you? I saw you wander away and thought that maybe I could get more than just a nibble this time. But you seem to be showering.. and I do so love a sexy woman that is all wet. Can I offer a cold hand?" A small, soft light fills the room as a candle is lite from my billowing clothes.

skipthisone 09-22-2002 10:29 PM

I've gotten a little too toasty with the tequila...and have been wandering from room to room almost forcing the drinks upon people. Some highwayman took about half of them and started calling out "I come for belly buttons...give me them now", the he ran off. Anyway my tray was half empty and that was good cause to me the room was tilting left so that evened things out.

I went upstairs handing out drinks as I go and heard someone in the master bedroom. I peaked in the door and say a man in flowing robes holding a candle in the steamy room and was talking with someone...He didnt look like he needed a drink. Just as I turned to go I heard a crack....like the crack of a whip and felt a tap on my shoulder.

Summer 09-22-2002 10:34 PM

"You!" Taking my hand and slapping his arm. "You scared me something awful!" He just smiles and laughs. "Well, since you like a woman all wet. I guess you could wash my hair." Now being able to see a bit better from the candle I feel a bit more relaxed. I hand the shampoo bottle to my sexy Vampyre man. He gently washes my hair and rinses all the suds away. Grabbing his face I plant a soft sensual kiss on his lips. Just then I hear this loud crack. Hopping out of the shower to see what it was. Then I see them, poor Spidey if he only knew. Laughing to myself I return to the shower.

Lilith 09-22-2002 10:50 PM

"Going someplace?" I growled, as the web slinger attempted to exit, using my whip to punctuate my query. I glared through his mask into his Spidey eyes as he slowly backed up, step by step, til his tight, spandex covered, ass was flat against the wall. The bump sends his tray clashing to the ground. Never breaking the gaze between us I reach down and place both hands on his hips. Slowly I drag my hands upward tracing his firm torso, never stopping til I force his long lean arms above his head, pinning them together there. With an unsuspected swiftness I use my famed, trusty, whip to lash his wrists firmly to the well affixed wall sconce. I lean in, roll his mask up partly, and gently run my slick, wet tongue across the inside of his top lip...pressing close enough to him to get a good feel of his web shooter;) "That will have to hold you for now...don't go running off", I purr, with an evil grin as I turn and stride back out to the party.

Coach Knight 09-23-2002 08:55 AM

Hearing the water running upstairs and then quickly shutting off, I decide to liven things up a bit.
Skipthisone, Lilith and Summer know as soon as they here the song come on the stereo that it is a ploy by me but what the hell.
The first two lines blast through the house and are like a call for the three of them to find me to dance.
"Two trailer park girls go round the outside, round the outside, round the outside."
I can hear the laughter as they come find me...

Summer 09-23-2002 08:56 AM

Getting back into the shower for a quick rinse I hear a knock at the bathroom door. I look at my Vampyre gentleman and he shrugs his shoulders. Realizing it isn't him I grab a towel and open the door. "Summer," says this gorgeous creature with her black hooded latex Cat costume on. "Yes" closing the door behind me leaving my friend in the steam filled dark room. "I just wanted you to know that poor Spiderman is tied up. Do you think I should let him go?" she replied with a bit of concern in her gorgeous eyes. "No, but I have something that you can do for me." eagerly I tell her. "Please take off your costume so that I may wear it and in return you can chose from my two. I have one laying on the bed, which is my Fairy one. Or you may get the Genie one from the bathroom, which has the sexiest Vampyre I have ever seen, who could use another wet woman." With her very sexy grin she begins to slide out of her form fitting costume. I try not to stare at her elegant figure. Her nipples become erect from the cool crisp air touching her warmed body. Part of me just wants to reach out and touch those beautiful breasts. She smiles at me and I regain my thoughts. "Thank you!" I say as I completely towel off and slip into the sexy Cat costume. She replies, "No thank you!" As I open the door and head out of the room I think to myself, I wonder what costume she will choose. Looking up I make eye contact with a swaying Spiderman dangling by his wrists. I ask him would he like to lay down and he replies very slowly, "Yes, please." I untie him and take him to the room with the Iron Post Bed. Carefully laying him down I pull out a pair of handcuffs from the side table. I ask him nicely to please stretch his arms up. He eagerly does so. Then I cuff his arms above his head to one of the posts. Rubbing my face on his suit I giggle and get up and run out of the room stopping only to grab the key to the cuffs and Lilith's whip. Pouncing down the steps I spy Lilith talking with a few soon to be victims. She sees I have the whip and immediately gets her angry face. "Wait wait. Hear me out. He is cuffed upstairs on one of the beds. Here is the only key to the cuffs." Grinning her wicked grin she snatches the key from my hand and proceeds to put it between her breasts. I smile and start to head outside to do some dancing. Just then I hear this god awful music. Lilith and I look at each other. "Oh NO he didn't!" we both say walking towards the outside bar.

skipthisone 09-23-2002 10:15 AM

As i lay on the bed, all but ignored, but not complaining due to the views I am getting. After summer leaves a naked creature comes out of the bathroom, gives me just a glance and begins to put on a costume lying on the bed. She puts on the costume and leaves the room giving the pup tent in my pants a wink and shutting off the light as she goes. Just then as I am wondering what I am going to do alone tied up in the dark, I here the unmistakable music coming from downstairs...and laugh.

Lilith 09-23-2002 10:19 AM

Outside on the deck by the bar we find the sheik smiling like a Cheshire cat knowing that song would draw both the pussy cat and Lilith to him (most likely to kick his ass:p). Lilith and Summer just grin and begin to bump and grind against the sheik both making contact with his hardening cock and his tight ass as often as possible. Soon enough Lilith leaves the sheik with his pussy and heads back to the bedroom to check in on her victim.
To her delight she finds Spidey cuffed precariously to the bedpost......"Naughty, naughty superhero...How are you supposed to save the day if you can't even save yourself?"
"I'm not sure I want to be saved" he replies.
"What you want is irrelevant" Lilith whispers with a wink as she takes the handle of the whip and slowly drags it down the middle of his chest til she reaches the bulge in his suit, where she delicately traces the outline of his steadily growing cock. Lilith crawls, straddling his lean torso, bends over, now resting on all fours. "Go fish" she hisses as she offers SpideyMan her cleavage and his opportunity for freedom.

Coach Knight 09-23-2002 10:26 AM

Watching Lilith wander off back to the bedroom looking for her trapped superhero, I continue to bump and grind with my sweet pussy, Summer ;). Our bodies move as one with the music, first facing eachother, legs entertwined, crotch to crotch, her breasts pressed up against my chest.
Then I turn her around, her round, firm ass pressing into my crotch. She turns around and gives me wanting eyes as she feels my dick hardening and rubbing against her ass. My arms wrap around her, gently touching one of her tits every few seconds. My cock continues to stiffen as my hands move all over her while we continue to grind ...

Summer 09-23-2002 10:32 AM

Dancing with the Shiek has gotten my all hot and bothered. As I feel his cock stiffening beneath his costume I in turn begin to feel myself moisten from delight. I turn back around to face my handsome dancing partner and plant a passionate kiss on his delicate lips. Wrapping my arms around his neck I feel him lift me off the floor as we continue to dance and sway to the music.

Opening my eyes I spot the "Highway Man" .....

skipthisone 09-23-2002 10:32 AM

Not ever passing an offer to go spelunking, my tongue drives foward. I reach foward as these lovely breasts are forced into my face adn my tongue glides between then licking the sternum below. Tasting the lime from before and them coming in contact with something metal and them i understand, its the key to the cuffs. My mind thinks quickly and i want no part of the key. I back away and move my head to the side pushing the bra aside with my face, instead of seaking freedom I take a hardening nipple into my mouth and enjoy...

Lilith 09-23-2002 02:08 PM

Not exactly as I had planned but a most pleasant turn of events.....Lilith thought to herself, as she tilted her head back moaning softly as Spiderman sucked her nipple deeply into his warm, wet, mouth. "Not so fast" she hissed, " I can't give you what you want .... not yet. But I can give you a taste" and with that she rose up on her knees making sure she was just out of his reach. She slowly began rolling up the layers of her gown being sure to raise the edge high enough to reveal her delicate pussy, shaven clean with the exception of a small strip of well trimmed hair. Holding the edge of her dress up with one hand she placed two fingers of the other hand in her mouth and licked them getting them nice and wet, the whole time never breaking the intense eye contact with the Webbed One. Then she took her fingers and began to softly rub her pussy, rocking against her hand before finally shoving her fingers in her hot, wet, cunt. Still maintaining the gaze she droped her gown, leaned forward on one hand which once again revealed her breasts to him ... immediately causing him to break the gaze to look at them. Lilith leaned in close to his face and whispered against his lips..."just a taste for now... if your a good superhero you may earn the rest later" and with a wink she slipped her slick wet fingers between his soft lips.....and with out hesitation he lapped at them greedily, licking in between her fingers as if not wanting to miss a drop. Removing her fingers from his mouth she stood quickly, "rest now... you will need your strength for later I assure you" and with that promise she was gone.

Coach Knight 09-23-2002 02:25 PM

I watch Lilith come back into the room, a weird, strange smirk upon her face, she winks ;) at Summer, apparently some girl thing that the two of them basically know that they have been naughty.
I decide, aroused as I am, to allow the others at the party to get a glimspe of what I know I will be having later on. I lean into my Summer's eyes and whisper, "I want you to give me a lap dance."

I move to a nearby chair where I sit back and watch Summer move her hips to the music as she dances in her best "stripper" dance. I notice the other men and some of the women in the room gather around and watch as she begins to move closer to me.

Summer 09-23-2002 04:15 PM

Dancing around and strutting my stuff has made this little Pussy very thirsty. I lean into Coach as he sits there waiting for me to bounce on his lap, which I really would like to do. And whisper in his ear, "Dearest sexy man I must go get something to wet my pallet." He grabs my butt and pulls me on his lap. Looking dead into my eyes his says, "Not until I at least have a kiss." Flashing my innocent eyes and giving my pouting lips I return to an upright position. Giggling to myself I walk towards the bar. Coach sits and shakes his head. I notice that a female figure is now dancing towards him. (( Could use a new female character. Pick your costume and start dancing.)))

Walking towards the bar my eyes are fixed on the Pirate Man. He makes eye contact, smiles, and starts blending me a drink. I am so flattered he remembers what I like. There are a few other guests that I haven't met at the bar. I figured it was hi time I go say hello and welcome them to my humble home. (((Everyone is welcome to participate.)))

Glyndwr 09-23-2002 05:55 PM

Sat in the corner of the bar, leaning back in the chair, black polished boots on another chair, the highwayman surveys the scene. The party seems to be warming up, couples have been practising their dirty dancing and there seems to be have been some costume changes. Unfortunately the spider waiter who had been supplying drinks earlier seems to have disappeared.
"He's probably tied up with something else" I think to myself and rise to my feet. Looking around for another waiter I wander in search of a drink or, better still, a maiden to hold at pistol point....

jjjjbo 09-23-2002 07:20 PM

Ah, I have arrived ... late ... as usual, but the party seems to be in full swing and I gravitate toward where couples are dancing ... I've been looking forward to this party, a chance to get out and let loose a bit, wander toward the bar and grab a 7-up to sip on. I look around and then stop to adjust the top of my "lusty wench" costume, the plunge only barely covers the pink shades of my breasts and if I move too quickly, well there's no telling what will end up showing! It's the very reason I chose this get up ... the black lace up cumberbund pushing my breast up and out.

The costume seemed like a good idea when I made it, but in the middle of so many people, well.... I'm not so sure. I turn and walk right into that dangerous highwayman, try to step back, but his finger has caught in the lacing of my cumberbund and he tugs downward.

Lilith 09-23-2002 08:27 PM

As I exit the house and step out onto the deck. I spot a collision and rush to help the wench as she begins to explode from her costume, her bosom spilling out over the edges of her cumberbund......the Highwayman being the gentlman that his is of course offers to help push it back in for her:p "No thanks" I tell him as I show the wench the way to the restroom and offer to help her get trussed back into her sexy, voluptuous costume. The wench seems to have matters under control so I pop my head in to check on Spidey who seems to be enjoying his solitude. As I come out I stop to introduce the busty wench to the dark brooding Vampyre knowing how much he would enjoy such a tasty morsel.
I quickly head back outside to follow that naughty highway man.....
I see him strolling further out into the darkness beyond the party and knowing that he can be up to no good I decide to follow him. I don't make it very far before I realize I have lost his trail. That is when I suddenly feel a presence behind me. The highwayman gains speed quickly and before I know it I can feel something hard pressed against my back side and a sexy voice whispers through my hair into my ear..." Don't make a sound and you won't be harmed" but somehow I'm not nearly as frightened as I am intrigued...... I turn to face this greeneyed stranger but by the time I make a full rotation he has vanished into the darkness.
Stunned by the intensity of our brief contact I head back towards the party stopping by the bar for another mudslide on my way to see if mudslides taste better when lapped off the belly of a studly superhero.......

skipthisone 09-23-2002 08:57 PM

The tequila's having put me to sleep, I wake up spinning a little but quickly regain my composure. Then i hear what woke me the shower is running and moaning is coming for the bathroom. I look on the bed and see a scarecro costume and blue dress and basket lying there..."Huh, looks like Dorothy is gettin a little straw in the shower" is say to myself. I hear a chuckle...no a wicked evil laugh at that from the doorway. There leaning provoctively against the frame is the demoness she is sipping from a bottle of something.

"Can you let me out now" I ask.

"I have something better in mind" she says and walkes towards the bed the whip dragging the whole way.

jjjjbo 09-23-2002 10:42 PM

I smile at how quickly that dark-haired vixen (some calling her demon goddess) has shifted me away from her prey and am certain with her generosity of spirit that she will have directed some other fine maile in my direction .... I'm looking forward to learning about what she has planned .... and once I've done that, well then maybe I'll go looking for a windswept moor to see if I can have another run-in with that mysterious highwayman .... maybe when the she-goddess is busy with one of her other men. :)

Lilith 09-24-2002 07:03 AM

Originally posted by skipthisone

"I have something better in mind" she says and walkes towards the bed the whip dragging the whole way.

The whip dragging behind me like my security blanket, I prowled towards the helpless figure on the bed. Dipping 2 long blood red fingernails deep into my cleavage I produced the only key to the cuffs. "I am gonna unlock you now...but only because it suits my purpose." I sat at the corner of the bed between Spidey and the bed post, his arm rested to the side of me near the head board. I fumbled with the key in the lock for a bit and then *click* the Webbed One was free but instead of running he rubed his sore wrist and simply replied,"Yes Ma'am".;).......

skipthisone 09-24-2002 07:50 AM

Not really knowing if I was enjoying or was feeling disapointed about my new found freedom I did need a drink and took a sip from the demonesses bottle.

"I am tired of drinking from the bottle" she said and grabbed the front of my outfit and pulled my shirt up and my pants down. "Now isnt that better".

She bent over and poured just a little mudslide into my navel with just a little dripping down lower. She leaned forward, sticking her tongue out and took a deep lick. Letting off a loud moan she stuck her tongue in and cleaned the last out. Her mouth then trailed down from my navel and just under the tip of my member. She turned her head and looked up at my mask covered eyes and reached out her tongue just touching the head of my cock.

Then she sat up looked at her bottle and said "Looks like I need more mudslide, go mingle, but be ready to come back to me when I get back from my run". With that, she pulled up my pants, got up and walked out the door. I hopped off the bed and decided I'd better get back to work.

Coach Knight 09-24-2002 08:24 AM

Now I am just sitting here in the chair, turned on and nowhere to go.
I see Spidey come back into the room, a little worse for wear. He is rubbing his wrists, obviously scarred from the handcuffs his Demond Goddess had placed on him.
I decide to head outside for a bit, to cool down and see if there are any party-goers getting in on in the glow of the moonlight. I hear some moans and screams I walk toward them when suddenly ...

Glyndwr 09-24-2002 06:15 PM

Wandering in from the garden where I have enjoyed myself by spooking a demoness I head for the Hot Tub I had noticed earlier. Having shed my clothing, except for the highwayman's mask, I step down into the teeming waters of the jacuzzi. The warmth rises as I lower myself to sit on the shelf that runs around the side. I relax and let the bubbles work their magic on my fatigued body, I can feel the aches and pains of contact sport easing with each passing moment. Unwinding even further my legs start to float as I give in to the flow, I close my eyes and drift. At first it is just a feeling, then I know that someone is close, watching. Through half closed lids I can make her out, still like a statue gazing at where I am lying. My body is almost horizontal in the foam, my hips bobbing up and down, penis appearing occasionally above the surface of the water. I decide to tease her and let one of my hands glide down to my abdomen, letting it gently rub the top of my thighs before starting to stroke along the underside of my cock.. Before long I am fully erect, the shaft laying hard along my stomach, I arch my back lifting my hips clear of the water, gripping the base of my member and sliding my fingers slowly towards the tip, dragging the skin up to cover the plum coloured end. Then sliding back down to the base, letting the water be the lubricant, I deliberately let out a long low moan of contentment.
"Are you just going to stand there all night?" I open my eyes wide and grin wickedly at her. "Or are you going to get in here before this hard on wears off?"

jjjjbo 09-24-2002 06:27 PM

I have a sense of deja vu' as I see the handsome highwayman floating there and showing his sexual excitement. I am startled by his question and think what the heck .... life's an adventure .... I remove my costume as I approach the tub, step in close to him and hope he'll like what is being offered.

Prophet Reality 09-25-2002 01:26 PM

Having slipped into a slight stupor, I regret stopping for a bit before my arrival. Seeing that Summer has left, I hastily return the party downstairs. I see the pussy cat dancing around and realize that Summer has changed her outfits again. I can see the Fairy wandering around and decide to leave her be for now. I scan the room and see that all the ladies are occupied. I quietly glide to a corner and pull my robes closer about me and watchand wait for another oppurtunity.

jaida 09-25-2002 01:47 PM

I arrive at the party ... go to knock on the door, but it opens with the first push of my hand against it ... I look down at my costume and take a minute to adjust it .... making sure everything is in its proper place. The clingy skin colored fabric blends with my own skin tones .... but upon very close inspection, I know my nipples are visible, it is only at my waist where the costume changes to the appearance of ocean waves that the peek-a-boo show ends.

The cool night air has made its way through the fabric and left my nipples hard and even more visible. I pinch them once, just to make sure the effect lasts and walk through the door - Aphrodite rising from the Sea - newborn, but full grown --- has arrived.

Coach Knight 09-25-2002 02:07 PM

I wander around to the front door and notice Aphrodite walking in the front door, I cover my face, walk in the door behind her. I place my hands over her eyes and whisper, "guess who?"

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