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sodaklostsoul 05-09-2007 10:40 PM


Feeling a bit overwhelmed.


osuche 05-10-2007 01:32 PM

I'm sick and I really shouldn't be at work

I have the most godawful headache

I have a stream of evil conference calls and meetings today

IowaMan 05-10-2007 02:14 PM

-- Pleasantly surprised to run into an old friend, whom I hadn't seen in about 7 or 8 years, earlier today.

-- Stopped in to check on a distant cousin here in town (that I never knew existed until last fall) and she gave me a copy of all the research she has done on the family tree on my dead father's side. June 27, 1881 my ancestors arrived in New York from Hamburg, Germany.

-- Very relieved that osuche has her MRI scheduled for tomorrow. And am sending her nothing but positive thoughts. :nod:

flutelady 05-10-2007 04:16 PM

I watched two very interesting surgeries today during clinicals

I'm getting my hair cut in a couple of hours

My feet are sore

cherrypie7788 05-10-2007 06:40 PM

Looked at a bigger SUV today (Honda Pilot). Even though it's a honda, its still not going to get good gas mileage. I cringe everytime I have to fill my tank..so I might keep what I have

I spent all morning unpacking and decorating and arranging for someone to move into the old house/have stuff brought here.

DBF has a job offer that would get him onto dry land anyway.

Mae 05-10-2007 07:50 PM

- bad headache
- queasy stomach
- got my paperwork done, though. :)

IowaMan 05-11-2007 11:34 PM

~ First time I've ever received a shot with a needle in my mouth. Wasn't bad at all. Got a bunch of 'em too.

~ Bought a bottle of Maker's Mark bourbon, I've never tried it before but heard great things.

~ All of the new windows are now installed in my house. Now it's just a matter of the guys siding the final two sides and then finishing the interior window trim and such and I can get to work on the flooring in the kitchen and my hardwood floors in the living rooms.

osuche 05-11-2007 11:50 PM

I took a long nap this evening with Mr Osuche, and it was heavenly

I rescheduled my MRI to next Thursday, doe to a work meeting

I have been experiencing explosive sneezing spells all day today

IowaMan 05-12-2007 01:26 PM

I wish I hadn't decided to stay here at home instead of visiting them in Des Moines. Not having any real problems from having the wisdom teeth out. Oh well, guess I'll go next weekend.

Sort of odd looking thru the family tree on my father's side. It's pretty interesting stuff but I sort of wish there weren't so many pictures of my dad.

I apparently have really bad timing today.

osuche 05-12-2007 05:50 PM

I had the most fantastic workout - and it included some reading of Cosmo...great distraction

I've had sex twice today and I still want more

I have a party to attend at a school friend's house tonight - going stag since Mr Osuche is out of town

Pita 05-12-2007 05:58 PM

I didn't kill my kid while swimsuit shopping. :thumb:

The house is once again all sparkling and sanitized.

Like Osuche I had sex twice and could go for some more. :brows:

Eastern 05-12-2007 06:27 PM

1.went to a free spring fair with family
2. the job i had has been removed from the table (long story)
3. i don't want sex with my mate as i might kill him.

Fangtasia 05-13-2007 01:57 AM

I'm already not looking forward to work tomorrow

I'm about to go do the food run for the critters

I'm enjoying my time here

osuche 05-13-2007 01:01 PM

I'm headed to wine country
I must clean house today
My butt hurts from my work out yesterday

IowaMan 05-18-2007 09:16 PM

~Spent the majority of my day in doctor's offices today. How can that not be fun? :spin:
~Looking forward to a little trip tomorrow because I get to see my old buddy Sarge again. :D
~I'm afraid a little surprise I'm planning for a Pixie isn't going to turn out as well as I'd hoped. Good thing I can keep trying until I get it right. :p

Lilith 05-18-2007 09:22 PM

I just got back from a spa party

Me and Jose (Cuervo) are dancing once again

I gave a student his day today and he made it all worth my effort.

sodaklostsoul 05-18-2007 10:02 PM

I remembered I can sleep in for a couple of extra hours tomarrow.

I'm still a bit stressed but better then I was.

I want chocolate ice cream.

IowaMan 05-26-2007 11:54 AM

Wow, can't believe this thread has been silent for over a week. :eek:

1~~ No floating the river today. I guess we'll give it a try again tomorrow if it doesn't rain. Just came home quick to grab my meat........... to take out for a cookout. :p

2~~ 8 yrs ago today I bought my car brand new. Had 4 miles on the odometer as I drove it off the lot. Just turned over 50,000 miles on my way back to the house a couple of minutes ago.

3~~ One year ago this weekend I moved in here. The temps were in the mid-90's as opposed to the upper-50's we've got right now. Still have a few boxes I haven't unpacked. :spank:

Neige 05-26-2007 02:38 PM

I am soooooo glad GreenChef is the kind of guy I can call at 5 am for a ride home from the bus station!

I think I am beginning to tan!

I wish Canadian Coca-Cola tasted like the American one.

rabbit 05-26-2007 02:46 PM

1) Golf this morning...I played well. :daisy:

2) Lawn this afternoon. :mad:

3) Dinner out tonight! :D

Lilith 05-26-2007 03:43 PM

I'm heading to a graduation party.

I cleaned house allllllllllllllllllllllllllll day.

I wish I were watching a man slurp clams today.

osuche 05-26-2007 07:51 PM

I saw my sister in law get married this afternoon

We have TONS of family and friends over (and I am getting a little claustrphobic so I am taking a small siesta)

Mr Osuche is getting sick and I've been doubling as wedding planner and nursemaid

IowaMan 05-27-2007 05:49 PM

~ Not a good day for me to be left to myself. I woke up horny as hell and never got over it. Gonna need fluids, Vitamin E and maybe even an ice pack for my right wrist. :p

~ Sent a birthday ecard to a friend by mistake and of course the damn site I used won't let me stop the damn thing. :mad:

~ I wish my left hand wasn't so damn useless. :D

rabbit 05-27-2007 07:48 PM

1) Made a monster breakfast for the family this morning: banana pancakes, sausage, grapefruit, assorted cheeses, orange juice, and coffee.

2) Took the kids to see Shrek the Third.

3) Took a wonderful two hour nap today with the windows open and the rain serenading me.

osuche 05-28-2007 05:53 PM

I got 2 hours of sleep between when the wedding ended and when we had to leave for our flight

I have a very very sick husband and I am tempted to cancel our visit to the wedding

I am still smiling over how well the wedding went yesterday

dicksbro 05-28-2007 07:23 PM

1) Had breakfast with our daughter and her two children before she left to head home to Indianapolis.
2) Attended a very beautiful Memorial Day service in Peoria
3) Watched our new "Letters from Iwo Jima" DVD

Irezumi Kiss 05-28-2007 07:47 PM

1) Did laundry at the crack of dawn despite the demons of sloth and laziness pushing me back down on my comfortable bed.

2) Bought the new edition of notorious Japanese fetish photographer Nobuyoshi Araki's erotic photobook from Taschen. The original limited edition version of his complete works that came out six or seven years ago was in large format and cost well over a thousand dollars. The new version is better and smaller (but heavy) and goes for $60 retail. It cost me $20 less because of the store credit I planned to use buying it for. He is one of my ideals in the realm of erotica and just having this book makes me feel creative inside. Can't think of a better personal symbol of enjoying the freedoms of this country grants me on Memorial Day.

3) Work was mild today, thank Buddha. And I have tomorrow off, thank Buddha twice.

Neige 05-29-2007 12:39 PM

I am leaving Montreal tonight, probably only to come back in the fall. What will I do apart from GreenChef for so long?????? :(

I learned this morning that I have a contract back home starting the day after I get back from France, with very decent pay!!! I am hoping that this means I won't need a huge loan for school in the fall.

I wish traveling wasn't so expensive.

osuche 05-29-2007 06:41 PM

I wish Neige a safe and fun journey ((((neige))))

I had an unhappy homecoming at work today - I'm disappointed with my boss' lack of progress while I was gone

I need to start looking for a new job

sodaklostsoul 05-29-2007 10:30 PM

Wishing Neige a safe journey.................and take lots of pics!!!!!

I'm really tired and I have one more day of work and have not started packing.

Got blasted in the face with floor cleaner at work tonight. I'm fine, was lucky I wear glasses but my tongue can still taste the crap. Only had a bit touch my eye and it's not burning.

maddy 05-30-2007 05:21 AM

I really wish a few people would take a long trip to another dimension/planet/galaxy.

I bawled last night while trying to fall asleep with thoughts of work whirling through my mind.

I have yet another cold sore starting on my lip, my body's indication of being overly stressed. As if the bawling wasn't indication enough!

osuche 05-30-2007 03:21 PM

I'd like to give maddy a hug...and some vacation time

I think I am coming down with my husband's flu

I made someone very happy with a gift today

Lilith 05-30-2007 04:58 PM

I'm off!

I'm off!

I'm listening to cake :p

Irezumi Kiss 05-30-2007 08:17 PM

I'm listening to DeBarge's Greatest Hits CD.

I got my drawing mojo back after having a pseudo-block for about a week and change due to just being tired and letting some work stress get to me.

I also got my drawing mojo back thanks to my monthly cycle of rising horniness and need to get my fantasies out onto paper. And not the tissue paper, either.

ReaperWoman 06-01-2007 11:30 AM

Just back today after being on a shoot the last few days - really looking forward to moving there and getting more and more and more experience and work.

Driving in the city for the first time since I passed my test was a terrifying experience, but I think my driving has much improved over the 4 days, and my driving style has changed now I'm back home.

I can't wait till college is over.

cavegirl 06-01-2007 12:04 PM

Tired and in need of my bed

Worried about my shrink appointment next week in case they lock me up and throw away the key

Worried about how my OH will cope if that happens as he's not in a good way himself right now

Eastern 06-01-2007 12:46 PM

1.. went shopping for book , alway fun to me
2. got some good news on job.. i start the 11th
3. my family is fine after the accident and that is all that matters

wyndhy 06-01-2007 12:57 PM

it's our anniversary today, 11 years and a lifetime to go
i can't finish this fekkin crossword and it's pissin' me off
i had a mocha ... caffeine restrictions be damned:p

IowaMan 06-01-2007 05:34 PM

~ Had a change in my California trip plans today. Thanks to a bit of ...... well, I'll call it good hearted urging, I'm going to fly rather than drive. Bought the tix today. Still same timeframe but it gives me a bit more time to spend with my folks. That's a good thing............ right? :wish:

~ The inside work on the house is essentially complete now. Time for me to really get down to the business of making the place look like I want now. :D

~ Spent the afternoon out at my best friend's parent's place. God I love those people.

Pita 06-01-2007 09:38 PM

I went shopping!

I ate way too much and don't feel a bit of guilt for it.

I will be having steamy, hot, passionate sex in about 30 minutes.

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