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Irezumi Kiss 03-15-2007 02:34 PM

- I'm midway thru a special St. Patty's Day erotic drawing, but it's not the drawing I initially had in mind to do, which would've required a much earlier start because of the issue of color. For doing something whimiscal and showoffish on this holiday theme, it's not a big deal. But in order to achieve my personal artistic goals, I have to enable better focus and dedication to my ideas, to sit ass down to chair and just do them. But I have so many ideas exploding in my brain, which is the problem...

- I got paid today! Yeeesssssssss! My mood is on an upswing outside of everything else and I'm grateful for this state of mind, but straight up, it's NO fun not having money.

- If I have a chance, I will treat myself to a good burger from this keen place close to my apartment if I get out of work early enough, but they might be closed by the time I get there.

osuche 03-17-2007 04:56 PM

My pitch in Entrepreneurship class went pretty well today

I got my new cell phone - and I like it - but I need to transfer my number. :banghead:

I have lots of work to fit in tonight, around a dinner with family friends

sodaklostsoul 03-19-2007 07:17 PM

It was diffently Monday!!!!!!!

I gots PMS when I should'nt be having PMS yet.

Wishing the next 30 days was over. :(

Irezumi Kiss 03-19-2007 07:23 PM

Today was such a middle of the road kinda day. I feel like I could've been doing something more productive with my lifespan but also feel like it wasn't anything to complain about.

I wanna go out but need to be responsible.

Thinking about seeing Zodiac after work.

jay-t 03-19-2007 08:58 PM

1. Son-in-law and I cut trees out of the fence rows
2. Moved a car port to my brother-in-laws and about 4dz. concrete blocks
3 going to set in the hot tub for at least an hour tonite!

mara 03-20-2007 07:00 PM

1. Got outside for a nice walk in the sunshine. Definitely needed it.

2. I can now say that I have a nice guy friend.

3. I just had carrot cake for dessert...yum!

Irezumi Kiss 03-21-2007 02:43 PM

- I'm so buzzed from last night's drunk. Had a nice time, so happy.

- I'm eating cold spaghetti from last night's takeout right now. I added chili oil to it and it's spicy....goooooooooood....

- I'm crushing on the Quentin Tarantino-Robert Rodriguez' Grindhouse trailer. That's my kinda movie.

IowaMan 03-21-2007 04:17 PM

Learned something new, and actually pretty significant, from my lung specialist today that hopefully will help a lot in my treatment.

It felt great to be someplace where the stoplights were actually used for something other than a decoration on Main Street.

I rubbed yogurt all over my meat and am letting it sit for 24 hours. :slurp:

maddy 03-21-2007 06:38 PM

I didn't accomplish much today, but had an interesting albeit long/leisurely meeting.

I'm really hungry in the evenings, I can't seem to stop eating once I walk through the door.

I'm ready for the weekend!

osuche 03-21-2007 10:03 PM

I dealt with more fallout from a firing today

I also am working on hiring, feeling the death/life connection

My task list it too long to get done, ever. It makes me tired

grl2naughty 03-22-2007 11:21 AM

I made it through my surgery and feel pretty good today. Thanks to a few of you and your good thoughts for me as I was going through this procedure. :)

My mom has one more surgery to go and then she will be like a whole new person. :)

I have been pampered all this week and I have to say that I have enjoyed it.

IowaMan 03-22-2007 12:29 PM

Lots of "meaning of life" kinds of things going thru my mind right now. More than usual, and that's saying something.

Still can't find a computer that will let me get into the site to create an IowaMan M&M. Something about the flash player blocks me out. :mad:

I indeed made the right decision. I really did.

Lilith 03-22-2007 02:32 PM

There's no place like home
There's no place like home
There's no place like home

Irezumi Kiss 03-22-2007 02:54 PM

- There's a biiiiiiiiiig $10 sale on the Global Underground DJ series in the dance/electronica music section at Virgin Megastore. The CDs are in 2-disc sets and were originally $26 apiece.

- Getting over an all-night drunk isn't the easiest of days to go thru and I feel it the day after the next, when my body wails for the nutrients I burned. So it's been veggie soups, pasta and grapefruit juices ever since. I'm making a vow not to go the distance again for a while.

- Tonight is the last day I can see that Iwo Jima flick on the big screen, so I'm going to check that out after work. I normally would see something more "fun" but a movie like that is better seen large with booming sonics. Watching it at home would not do it justice.

osuche 03-23-2007 12:09 AM

I found two strong job candidates today

We ate cereal for dinner

I was the first one in and the last to leave work

IowaMan 03-23-2007 02:14 PM

I think I'm having some slight side effects from an antibiotic I just started taking yesterday. Believe I'll take a friend's advice and see the doc about it. Over the last half hour I've realized that my left eye is about half way swollen shut. :yikes:

Very happy to hear from an old friend via email and loved that she reminded me just how good I was at my old job. :p

I need Florida, Oregon, North Carolina and Georgetown to win their basketball games tonight.

Bonus thing: I'm still frustrated as hell by not being able to create an M&M IowaMan. :hair:

osuche 03-24-2007 04:53 PM

I drank too much wine last night

I have a final to complete, but I feel incapacitated because of ^^

I have aparty to go to tonight, if I can stomache it and if I finish the final

osuche 03-29-2007 11:51 AM

I think I killed the thread....

I'm planning on having lunch with Mr Osuche today
I've worked 35 hours this week through Wednesday night...and I have 2 days left to go.
Looking forward to a romantic weekend, I hope.

Lilith 03-29-2007 09:30 PM

1. It is possible to urinate in a graham cracker bag.

2. Urine soaked boy socks are grosser than regular boy socks.

3. I'm losing them and I don't know if its the battle or the war.

osuche 03-30-2007 12:59 PM

Tonight I plan on taking a walk with Mr Osuche, fixing tuna steak for dinner, and cuddling on the couch

I am still desperately behind

I did a big about face and I'm wondering if my judgment is right

IowaMan 03-30-2007 02:26 PM

Skipped out on a doctor appointment today. Can't ever recall doing that before.

I wish I was someplace else, pretty much anyplace else. I do have a place in mind.

I'm absolutely frustrated as hell about something I have no control over.

Irezumi Kiss 03-30-2007 02:28 PM

I'm totally broke for the next two weeks and will have to shun all my extraneous pleasures and transform my mindset into a pure Luddite disciplinary state of being.

I took a short vacation to get into a groove, but didn't get into that groove until I came back to work.

I absolutely have to do laundry tomorrow.

grl2naughty 03-30-2007 02:32 PM

I wish I had the right words for a good friend of mine. :(

Today has been a successful day in all other matters.

I need to make a decision here soon.

WildIrish 03-30-2007 03:37 PM

I feel needed, which for me is sooooooooooooo important, but I hate the stress that goes with that and miss not being needed.

I spent way too much time taking care of something that a professional could've done better and faster, and that frustrates me greatly.

I have a good looking penis....I guess you could say I'm having a good penis day. :roflmao:

Pita 03-30-2007 04:06 PM

I couldn't stand it another day and went into the kid's bog and cleaned it. :sad:

For an afternoon break I was stripped naked, put over his knee, spanked, diddled, and made thoroughly wet and satisfied. :brows:

The damn apartment complex was messing around with the water today and I have a washing machine full of brown towels!! :mad:

sodaklostsoul 03-30-2007 04:15 PM

Bummer Tess, don't they hang notice's when they do that?

Pita 03-30-2007 04:23 PM

:ranting:No, the stupid woman at the office just giggled and said they didn't know the water department was coming out today or how long it would take. The towels have been washed in two cups of bleach and are now soaking in a cup of Biz and detergent. I see fading! :rolleyes:

IowaMan 03-30-2007 04:26 PM

But you did get diddled Tess, that's got to take at least some of the sting out of the messed up towels doesn't it? :p

themi01 03-30-2007 04:47 PM

Osuche sounds yummy and fun have a nice night... me ? well it's lent so lunch might have been my last meal tunafish salad sandwich (too early here NJ for fresh tuna)

sodaklostsoul 03-31-2007 06:30 AM

Work is going to be 8 hours of hell.
Hell would have to be more fun then a store closing.
If I can make it thru the week without taking a customer's head off then I can make it thru anything.

osuche 03-31-2007 12:19 PM

I'm headed on a bike ride today, then dinner in South Bay with a friend.

My muscles ache and I feel awful

I have lots of work to do, but I'm planning on taking some time off today

IowaMan 04-01-2007 12:49 PM

Not feeling very energetic today.

Been thinking a lot about my brother in law. He used to be my best friend but our relationship has been extremely strained the last 3+ years since he cheated on my sister. I really miss our friendship but I don't know that I can ever forgive him for what he did to her and my nieces.

Can't wait for tomorrow when the Cubs start their season and all is right in the world once again. :nana:

Irezumi Kiss 04-01-2007 12:52 PM

I had an INTENSE "extended play" creative erotic drive last night that went on into the wee dawn hours of this morning. Cleaned up and organized my scattered porn "reference" around my workspace. Worked on two new drawings. Had an incredibly vivid erotic dream that I'll be putting to paper before I forget about it.

Because I stayed up all night, I didn't do laundry in the morning like I was supposed to. But that erotic dream I had in place of it for those two hours was worth it.

I rescued a still-useable folding 4-door shoji screen divider from a trash pile the other night. Only the guaze paper over the screen is natted, torn and dirty; the finished wood is unwarped, completely fine and the hinges are unrusted and swing perfectly. I plan on cutting away the rotten screen paper, repainting the wood black and replacing the paper over the screen doors with large panels of my art, which will be erotic, natch. The effect will either come off like a faux stained glass window or multiple panels of a wordless story, depending on how I set it up. I'll document the process here once I get it started. This will probably take a while to do, but I've always been interested in doing something like this and I need a deep-rooted, interior space-justifying project to keep my artistic flow going. Also, I get to really recycle something useable. Just never felt like buying a brand new shoji screen only to fuck it up. One person's trash really is another person's treasure.

osuche 04-01-2007 01:48 PM

I woke up feeling like shit, an dcancelled a dinner date

I need to get my blood flowing again

Mental health days are just what the dr ordered.

themi01 04-01-2007 03:05 PM

Had a great Palm Sunday experience If your interested PM me

sodaklostsoul 04-02-2007 08:47 AM

I'm tired, can't sleep well with this cold.
The OTC meds are not helping much and I won't spend the money to have a doc tell me to ride it out.
I can understand having a summer cold but its Spring!!!!!

osuche 04-02-2007 10:58 AM

I'm working from home this morning...but I have actual work to do

I'm looking forward to the game tonight

I may have to let another employee go. :(

grl2naughty 04-02-2007 11:15 AM

Well the decision I was going to make has already been made for me.

With that ^^ being said, I will not be working for this company as of the
end of this month. They are closing shop!!

Thank God that I do have a job to go to when I am done here.

Irezumi Kiss 04-02-2007 01:40 PM

Instead of being sloth, I woke my ass up and finally did my friggin' laundry today.

During the dry cycle, I went back to my apartment and finally washed my stinky umbrella. It had gotten a little gamey after a season of deluges from tepid rainwater plus my carrying it around everyday in my tote...and everytime I'd take it out it'd have that faint whiff of "whew"...got tired of smelling that shit...what a difference it makes...

After laundry, I managed to get in a working sketch of my inspiration from the erotic dream I had the other night before coming to work today.

osuche 04-03-2007 04:47 PM

The other employee is gone

I have a headache

My boss is fighting me and I want to fight him back

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