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IAKaraokeGirl 08-10-2004 09:56 PM

1. Kleclere and I were up entirely too late last night, discussing important stuff. I feel much better, though, because of it.

2. We're both under waaaaaay too much stress.

3. I'm getting ready to sign off of here and have some awesome sex. :slurp:

flutelady 08-15-2004 01:47 PM

1. Despite growing stress, I'm feeling pretty good today

2. I'm on day two of "no coffee", and haven't killed or maimed anyone yet.

2. I think I'll shop for shoes today. I'll be the mother of the bride in less than a week, so I guess it's time to find some.

Steph 08-15-2004 05:58 PM

~I have some wine
~I have some weed
~I have some Thai

(I need shoes, too! :D)

osuche 08-15-2004 06:41 PM

1. I actually feel accomplished today ~ good workout, mowed the lawn, cleaned, took pics for the house rental website, played online, oh....and got some ;)

2. I leave for TN tomorrow ~ and I am bummed cause my SO leaves for Seattle on Tuesday. Another few weeks of not seeing him :(

3. I think I am finally getting serious about getting my life back in control

darogle 08-15-2004 06:53 PM

1) I'm on my 5th Diet Coke and 2nd energy drink and still tired as hell.
2) I just got off the phone with CGT and I'm already missing her so much I ache.
3) I wish the natives here would learn to play well with others.

flutelady 08-15-2004 07:47 PM

1. I looked, but didn't buy shoes. I'll wear some I already have.

2. I have some wine... a very nice merlot.

3. I would love to have some weed.

IAKaraokeGirl 08-19-2004 04:29 PM

1. I really, truly do not understand people. They expect me to change things that are really not in my control, and get snippy when I can't.

2. I worry about my son, who apparently has heard some things from his father that should not have been discussed with him or in his presence.

3. I hopefully will know the answer to a big question by 9:00 tomorrow morning--or so I've been promised by the person I've been speaking with about it. I've *definitely* got my fingers crossed.

IAKaraokeGirl 10-25-2004 02:35 PM

1. The resurrection of this thread is *way* overdue. :)

2. I'm home with my daughter today, who seems *intent* on giving me her bad cold. :rolleyes:

3. I've got a goregous new ring, and a wonderful man who gave it to me.

flutelady 10-25-2004 03:03 PM

1. I'm glad IAKG bumped this thread and that she's got a gorgeous new ring! I hope she doesn't end up with a cold to go with that ring.

2. My hair is long enough to be in a french braid, which tells me it's haircut time.

3. I had a nice long conversation with my dear friend in Tucson.

Lilith 10-25-2004 03:19 PM

1. My dean hunted me down for a good reason today.

2. I got a good grade on a test that I was not so sure about.

3. I feel quiet, reflective, and small today.

osuche 10-25-2004 05:18 PM

1. Went to the rheumatologist and she gave me some new drugs....which MAY (if they work) allow me to get pregnant in 18 months without the worry of birth defects.

2. Avoided temptation when someone got too close ~ and realized that my priorities had changed.

3. Realized that I've gotten entirely too fat and out of shape...and this state of affairs is NOT OK (which I've been telling myself I'd only slipped a little). And now I'm going to DO something about it.

joe_someguy 10-25-2004 05:48 PM

Hmmm....three things about me today...

1. I'm as smart as a horse
2. I'm hung like Einstein
3. I'm stuck in dial-up hell

Don't you all feel enlightened now? ;-)

BlondeCurlGirl 10-25-2004 11:40 PM

1. I started a temporary, seasonal part-time job today in order to make some $$ til I find my next big job.
2. I'm falling hard for an older man.
3. I planned the final details for my little brother's surprise 18th birthday party on Saturday.

IAKaraokeGirl 10-28-2004 01:11 PM

1. The people who make the glue to put on patches without sewing lie.

2. I have a nightmare of a weekend ahead of me--with five children, me, kleclere AND my parents in my house as we try to move my piano and last remnants of possessions out of my former home.

3. Can I come see any of you this weekend? :D

WildIrish 10-28-2004 01:45 PM

Originally Posted by IAKaraokeGirl
3. Can I come see any of you this weekend? :D

Not if you're bringing five kids, Kleclere and your parents too! :D

And make it early...I have a party to go to that afternoon.

1. Kittens fit between the transmission housing and firewall of new Chevy pick-up trucks.

2. My hands don't fit between the transmission housing and firewall of new Chevy pick-up trucks.

3. My orgasm comes to a screeching halt when someone walks into the restroom.

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