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shadowsfate 01-30-2009 02:39 PM

Originally Posted by Lord Snow
I wish they would bring back cellular for an addon. It puts whispers in their own little chat window. Makes it easier for me to tell who I'm talking to and I don't have to shift a window back if I can't reply right away.

I've been using an add-on called WIM that does that same thing. And for keeping up to date on addons, I use WoWmatrix, which is how I found WIM.

smoothballs 01-30-2009 06:02 PM

i'm on the euro servers,
level 80 resto druid, been playing four years or something
got lvl 70 alts mage/hunter i just cant be arsed to lvl and a 64 dk ofc
did all the tbc end game stuff cleared black temple etc, all wolk instances done on heroic, bored with running 10 and 25 man nax atm waiting for rest of guild to get geared so we can move on :)
but got myself a lovely girlfriend 3 weeks ago and not been on wow since :)

Jude30 01-31-2009 01:27 AM

Originally Posted by adamnfineman
Just signed up this last x-mas(2008). Playing a BE warlock lvl 28 on dawnbringer. Just started a Tuaren warrior and a BE rouge last night. Not a member of any guilds. just dont see the point.

It's rogue goddamnit!!!! Sorry pet peeve, I played a rogue in EQ, and got tired as hell of people calling me red cheek make up.

Plus I've been a poster on The Safehouse for, well since about forever. And we rogues don't take kindly to others misspelling our title.

This isn't really a spelling flame just a pet peeve. :)

I've spent the last two nights working on Achievements.

Lord Snow 01-31-2009 10:30 AM

Shadow, my friend just told me about WIM last night. Was thinking about giving it a shot. Just haven't gotten around to doing anything with it yet.

Smooth, I never understood the rush to run up like that. I'm sure you took longer than some, but to run enough end game content already that you have to wait on your guild to catch up to.....that's a commitment to the game that I just can't fathom. Grats on the g/f though. It's nice to have a different kind of distraction.

smoothballs 02-02-2009 12:37 PM

i was basicaly working getting home and raiding 3 or 4 nights and farming mats the other days while eating at pc , became a addiction really, taking week off work to play wolk really brought it home :)
got some great mates on there though from all over europe we meet up once a year for a long weekend and have a great time

Lord Snow 02-02-2009 12:49 PM

I played hard when Lich King first came out. Jumped two levels in 5 hours. Then not this past weekend but the weekend before I played hard and jumped up another four. I've never taken a day off to play though. Every once and awhile I just get into a zone where all I want to do is play and then after a few days, I get on do a few quests or a dungeon crawl and then sign off. That goes on for months on end.

d5254t 02-02-2009 06:15 PM

ok so I too am a WOW player, I have a lvl 80 balance druid on gnomeregan server, both my husband and I play hes a warrior lvl 80

Jude30 02-02-2009 07:18 PM

I haven't called in sick because of WoW. I have taken a vacation day, and spent it doing nothing but playing though. I did call in sick twice back in my Everquest days because a raid ran past 2am, and I needed to sleep.

Lord Snow 02-02-2009 11:11 PM

I kind of have a rule when it comes to that. If I'm playing and I have to work the next day, but I'm in a dungeon crawl I give it till 11:30 pm my time. If they don't like it because the healer leaves oh well.

Jude30 02-02-2009 11:25 PM

The first time I did it was because of a corpse run. In EQ you used to respawn naked at your bind point. You then had to retrieve your corpse with all your gear on it. We had a horrible wipe, and there were only two of us rogues at the raid. I bet I still have the screenshots of me standing under Vox's but while asking for permission to drag corpses.

gekkogecko 02-03-2009 10:49 AM

Back when I played EQ, I owuld sometimes have problems with my interface: after I respawned, occasionally for whatever reason, my coprse would not be visible on my screen, nor could I interact with it. I checked, and it was visible to other players. I'd have to log/relog, eventually the corpse would show up.

Until then, I'd jump up and down on it. I think it amused some people.

Lord Snow 02-03-2009 11:21 PM

That's a lot like Ultima Online. If you died you got respawned somewhere had to run back pick up your shit and hopefully it would still be there. Luckily, World of Warcraft is not like that.

Lord Snow 03-05-2009 05:39 PM

Question for the Hunters: Any tips on where to go for level 80 gear without hitting heroics? My mom's main is a hunter and at level 80 she only has 1900 attack power. Most of her gear looks to be early 70 quest greens and because of this she is having problems getting groups to get the heroic gear. She doesn't play on my server so I have no way of really helping her beyond doing what I've already done. Which was to respec her. I can't play her toon through a few dungeons because I'm not used to hunters and I don't want to mess up her action bars. So any tips on what dungeons to run and anything else you can think of would be much appreciated.

shadowsfate 03-05-2009 07:01 PM

Not sure how much this will help, but some of the gear for getting exalted with the various Wrath factions can be helpful (I can't speak for hunter gear, cause my hunter is no where near high enough level to consider going to Outlands, let alone Northrend). Additionally, if she has the time to put into it, the gear you can get from honor via the battleground or Wintergrasp (which also has some nice gear) can be helpful. I only rarely run heroics (and only when a friend needs an extra hand), so this is how I get most of my better gear.

Lord Snow 03-05-2009 07:57 PM

I didn't even think about pvp gear to help get her up to where she needs to be. I'm not fond of it, so I don't think about it. PvP just isn't my thing.

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