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IowaMan 12-06-2006 07:15 AM

1. Thinking maybe Dicksbro should stop by the doctor and have the hand looked at this morning.

2. Think I'll start to tackle a major clean-up job in the furnace room side of my basement. I've made the same claims on a few different occasions though so I won't promise anything. :)

3. Feeling sort of introspective this morning. :shrug:

WildIrish 12-06-2006 07:54 AM

1. It's a wee bit nipply out this morning!

2. I'm going to a holiday party tonight.

3. I'm kinda hoping this will jumpstart my holiday spirit.

osuche 12-06-2006 12:49 PM

1. I suck at prioritization, as I completed my "extra credit" assignment before finishing a paper that's 30% of my final grade. :p

2. I actually feel well-rested 2 days in a row, and I am down 2 lbs this morning. Maybe this will be a good day.

3. I have too many after-work commitments. :(

Oldfart 12-06-2006 01:21 PM

I'm bone tired.

I'm contemplating changing my job (just a little).

I've just discovered I'm an ethical slut.

Sharni 12-06-2006 01:43 PM

I now have really short hair *L*

I really cant wait til Friday

I'm off visiting this morning after work

Pita 12-06-2006 05:28 PM

I started a three-day-from-hell prescribed diet from my doctor today and I am HUNGRY!!!

I think I aced my law test! *fingers crossed*

I'm almost caught up on this weeks laundry. :line:

IowaMan 12-07-2006 08:54 AM

1. Hoping my stepdad has a better day today. He found out yesterday that one of his friends has prostate cancer. :(

2. Get to do some work on an annual project for a friend of mine. Just a couple of weeks ago it was, "No, I think I'll be okay this year IowaMan and have it done on time. Shouldn't need to bother you with it this year." Same thing he's told me the last four or five years. :D

3. Laundry day. :(

sodaklostsoul 12-07-2006 12:19 PM

I still have'nt started my Christmas cards.

I've had a few depressed days with all that is going on but I'm trying to stay positive.

I'm off to another day of retail hell.

Hope everyone has a good day.

osuche 12-07-2006 01:18 PM

I spent 2 hours at the dentist -- thos epeople are SLOW!

I have to leave early from work for a Board meeting

I have a paper I made no progress on...and I am PISSED!

<sigh> Time to take a chill pill

WildIrish 12-07-2006 03:31 PM

Got my fingers crossed for Tess.

Imagining that the only dirty laundry Tess has left is her undies. :hot:

I've got a middle school band concert to attend tonight.

IowaMan 12-08-2006 07:57 AM

Think I'll actually do some Christmas shopping today.

Having a late lunch with a new friend.

Time to get the car serviced.

Neige 12-08-2006 12:14 PM

I am hungover.

I have a paper from hell to write between here and Sunday.

I'm going home in 6 days :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

sodaklostsoul 12-08-2006 10:35 PM

Radiator repair $318

8.75 hours at work and 1.5 waiting for car to be done.

Supper and then ice cream at Cold Stone..........hair found in ice cream gets you a free one after the cashier figures out it's a hair after you point it out to her.

IowaMan 12-08-2006 11:13 PM


I've had one of "those" kinds of nights too tonight.

Neige 12-09-2006 11:38 AM

I'm pretty tired this morning.

I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy because my prof decided that instead of being due tomorrow, the term paper I was writing is only due at some point (we decide when) in the next 11 days!!!

I have a take-home exam to write, which could take a while...

osuche 12-10-2006 12:20 AM

Three papers down, two to go

I discovered some cool new frieds today and I *think* a fellow classmate might have made a pass at me. Problem is...I'm afraid the pheromones kicked in and for a moment I considered it

I was told that our room is the "sex room" at our academic retreat in January...by a mild-mannered married friend who is Muslim :yikes: Should be interesting

I went out drinking with the boys after class today

IowaMan 12-10-2006 09:38 AM

* Didn't get a lot of sleep last night so I'm really dragging this morning.

* Have to begin a list of preparations today that my doctor gave me for a procedure I'm having done on Tuesday. Not really looking forward to the next couple of days.

* Got a couple of DVDs I received from Netflix almost two weeks ago that I should probably watch today. I'm sure though that I'll end up turning on a football game (GO CHIEFS!!!) and doing my traditional Sunday afternoon on and off nap thing instead. :D

sodaklostsoul 12-10-2006 09:51 AM

My body is telling me today that it's getting older.

I'm tired too ((((((((((((((((IowaMan))))))))))))))))).

I would enjoy the holiday season more if I did'nt have to work thru it.

Neige 12-10-2006 01:54 PM

I am eternally grateful to Lilith for only having hidden my couples pics thread and not actually deleted it!!!!!!

I have a paper and a take-home exam to work on, that I am doing everything to procrastinate and not have to do it.

I'm happy because it's supposed to snow tonight and tomorrow morning :D:D:D:D:D

WildIrish 12-10-2006 02:37 PM

1. My truck went "clunk" when I stepped on the brakes once today. Not sure that's a good thing.

2. I'm decking the house in xmas cheer in a desperate attempt to free a hostage before Stockholm Syndrome kicks in. :p

3. I made a mess at 2:30 this morning...and cleaned it up at 7:30. :hot:

osuche 12-10-2006 02:55 PM

I'm back to the paper treadmill today

I'm trying to balance my checkbook after weeks of neglect

I'm putting the final details on my trip - less than a week and a half to go!

Pita 12-10-2006 03:34 PM

I haven't studied all day for finals.
I made jalapeno roll-ups for the party
I have a new outfit on and am having a very good hair day! :)

Irezumi Kiss 12-10-2006 04:00 PM

- I ate last night's leftover egg fried rice for lunch today

- I hate being at work when I'm in a creative and horny mood...it's an absolute waste of some good energy

- I'm absolutely hooked on Lever 2000 soap

Pita 12-10-2006 10:15 PM

I went to a Christmas party that was oozing political drama
Had two Starbucks and might have trouble sleeping.
Still haven't studied one little bit!!

Irezumi Kiss 12-11-2006 02:39 PM

- My company's annual holiday party is this Friday. It'll be a free eatin' & drinkin' blowout, so I'm keeping myself on the down low and doing a high-veggie, high protein steak diet until then to get myself primed for "dancing drunk weight."

- I got tomato rice soup and a feta cheese salad wrap for lunch today. I'll eat the soup now, save the wrap for later when I get early-evening munchies.

- At the Au Bon Pain downstairs in my company's building where I got my lunch, I noticed this tanned, slightly-curvy-where-it-counts blonde woman dipping soup next to me. She had on some low-cut, cyan-colored stretch tank-top underneath her grey hoodie emphasizing her thick bustline. I took my time getting my eats in order to check her out from my peripheral vision, and when we both finished getting our stuff, I let her go ahead of me in line just so I could look at her denim-clad ass.

WildIrish 12-11-2006 02:42 PM

Originally Posted by Irezumi Kiss
She had on some low-cut, cyan-colored stretch tank-top underneath her grey hoodie emphasizing her thick bustline.

That's what you get for eating at a place called "A Bone Pain". :p

IowaMan 12-12-2006 08:00 AM

* A lot more nervous than I thought I would be for a procedure I've got to have done at the hospital today even though it's not a complicated thing.

* Been on a clear liquid diet for over two days now and I'm so hungry I could eat just about anything right now.

* Am in the "serious planning stage" for a possible big summer trip. Hopefully I actually am able to swing it.

WildIrish 12-12-2006 10:53 AM

1. I'm thinking of screaming today, to celebrate Edvard's birthday.

2. I'm also thinking of celebrating by munching something.

3. It's Tuesday, and if the timing is as I was told it would be...someone will know that people care.

osuche 12-12-2006 12:35 PM

I walked to work in the rain this morning. I love winter.

I'm plotting to ask more men for money when I am in Israel

I'm in deep shit and way behind on my finals.

Irezumi Kiss 12-12-2006 02:39 PM

- I just came back from my department's Xmas lunch (different from company party this Friday) at an Italian trattoria nearby...I had half a brick-oven pizza and some meat & cheese appetizer...plus three beers...feeling verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry nice right now

- I noticed that Beth, one of my coworkers I happened to be sitting next to, has very pretty hands. Her skin was milky-white and blemish free and her nails were capped off with this dark raspberry-colored nail polish, giving them this vampish, goth-like effect

- Olga, the petite blonde bartender, wasn't shy about showing off her cleavage in her black lace-fringe top, so of course I had to get a picture with her. I'll probably never go in that place again, so what the hey...

Aqua 12-12-2006 04:58 PM

I'm coming down with a cold.

My body is tired and achy.

I'm supposed to be singing in the church choir this Sunday.

Pita 12-12-2006 05:08 PM

I'm ALL done with finals and don't have to see a textbook for three weeks!! :loveshowe

My Joe is taking me to Starbucks tonight where we will meet our very good friends and have some nice down time.

I love watching my daughter try to guess what her presents are. :)

Lilith 12-12-2006 05:16 PM

1. I take my job far too personally.

2. I work too hard to fix things that I have no control of.

3. I appreciate people who show they love me by contributing to my causes.

sodaklostsoul 12-12-2006 10:31 PM

Working retail sucks!

Working retail sucks!!

Did I mention working retail sucks!!!!!!!!

osuche 12-13-2006 10:50 AM

Being sick sucks!

Being a student sucks (sometimes)!

Being an adult really sucks!!

(((((soda)))) ~~ I feel your pain

IowaMan 12-13-2006 10:57 AM

* I feel really good today. Very strong, probably from finally being able to eat last night after two days of just clear liquids.

* Decided I've got to make some changes to some things in my life and I'm starting today.

* Really craving Mexican food. :shrug:

Neige 12-13-2006 08:58 PM

Today was BUSY.

I am leaving in less than 12 hours for home.

I haven't packed a thing yet!!!

sodaklostsoul 12-13-2006 11:26 PM

Originally Posted by osuche
Being sick sucks!

Being a student sucks (sometimes)!

Being an adult really sucks!!

(((((soda)))) ~~ I feel your pain

My boss is going to Law school while managing our store...............I know she thinks retail sucks.

Sometimes being an adult does suck.

Being tired all the time sucks.


IowaMan 12-14-2006 10:50 AM

* I have no freaking clue what a friend of mine was talking about this morning when she called me crying hysterically and asking me to forgive her. :confused:

* I'm really afraid they missed something the other day......:(

* Still smiling though. :) Sorta...........

osuche 12-14-2006 11:21 AM

I have hope that today will be a better day.

This afternoon Mr Osuche leaves for Seattle (until Saturday) and I will have the house to myself. ;) To work. :(

I feel awake and alert this morning, which is good because I am buried in work

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