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Steph 06-21-2004 05:30 AM

1. I'm up early and waiting for the sun so I can lounge on my hammock.
2. Am determined to finish my resume (with no help from PF!).
3. Men at Canadian Tire crack me up - they're like kids in candy stores.

IAKaraokeGirl 06-21-2004 12:39 PM

1. I had an absolutely wonderful weekend with kleclere.

2. I hate car/mechanical problems.

3. I can't wait to see my children tonight. :)

skipthisone 06-21-2004 09:44 PM

1. Was happy/sad/happy/mad/happy today...regretting all three moods.

2. Glad to be back at Pixies, nice to be loved.

3. Nothing like small talk before bed, am going to miss it the most.

jennaflower 06-21-2004 09:46 PM

1. Being Loved...

2. Being forgotten...

3. Glad that Skip is BACK!! :)

Lilith 06-21-2004 09:49 PM

1) Feeling sad for STO but happy he's back where he belongs.

2) I am dealing with some serious issues with my husband's family and they are fucking up my mojo.

3) I am watching the sunset over the mountains right now....awe-inspiring.

jentheredhead 06-21-2004 10:01 PM

1) i posted for the first time on pixies today.

2) i am an old married chick.

3) i held my new nephew for the first time today and he's beautiful.

Pita 06-21-2004 10:11 PM

1. I had an amazing afternoon on the phone with someone so special to me.

2. My house was cleaned from the weekend still so I didn't do much of anything but watch kids and sit here at the computer.

3. I got rid of my kid tonight and plan to have some fun sex.

imaginewithme 06-21-2004 11:16 PM

1. My 23 year old sisters birthday today :)
2. My mom was in a car wreck :(
3. Saw something special

Grumble 06-22-2004 05:09 PM

1. feeling a bit blue because it is so long till i get to be with my love
2. got several nice PM's from friends that made me feel good
3. caught up with Celtic Angel after not seeing her for several weeks. She has the ability to make me laugh and warm up my heart any time I see her. She is a fantastic friend, I love her heaps

imaginewithme 06-22-2004 05:17 PM

1. Received a very special email that made me smile ^^ :-)
2. Having my family over for my sisters birthday dinner.
3. Had an okay meeting with the boss.

skipthisone 06-24-2004 07:14 AM

1. Still glad to be back at Pixies

2. Need to kick myself out of this funk.

3. I can think of 100's of things I would rather do than work.

RyanČ 06-24-2004 02:21 PM

I stalled my car today.

Started it back up.

Turned left out of the junction.


imaginewithme 06-25-2004 09:39 AM

1. Leaving for the gym
2. Feeling a bit frisky
3. Have a special someone on my mind.

Grumble 06-25-2004 07:30 PM

1. went to a ski club meeting last night
2. spoke to Curvy on the phone she is just so busy
3. Working on some financial statements for the Athletic Branch

rabbit 06-25-2004 07:34 PM

1) I think I am coming down with a cold.

2) I had a really productive day at work.

3) Cold beer at the end of a long week is a real treat!

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