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osuche 01-24-2005 09:48 AM

*shrugs* Neither. I like veggie. :)

Time or Newsweek?

jseal 01-24-2005 10:05 AM

Neither. The Economist.

CNN versus BBC

osuche 01-24-2005 11:04 AM

CNN...most of the time.

CSPAN or no?

jseal 01-24-2005 11:37 AM


News: TV versus internet/WWW

osuche 01-24-2005 11:47 AM


And...guilty admission...last Tues night I stayed up until 3:30 am watching the re-play of Condi's senate sub-committee conformation hearing

Late night or early morning sex?

jseal 01-24-2005 12:16 PM

Late night

Partner initiated versus self initiated

osuche 01-24-2005 12:23 PM

Partner initiated...for variety sake. :D

Enjoy public speaking or no?

Sharni 01-24-2005 01:17 PM

definate no!

Do you?

SuzyQ 01-24-2005 02:31 PM

I enjoy it...as long as it isn't over 100 ppl..I do presentatons some times..

Electric heat v/s Wood Heat?

csjames75 01-24-2005 05:54 PM

Wood heat seems more rustic and romantic but I'm a slave to the 21st century so electric.

Ernie versus Bert ("Can you tell me how to get, how to get to ...)

SuzyQ 01-24-2005 06:00 PM


Skirt v/s pants (jeans included) or Pants v/s shorts for the guys

Cassiopeia 01-24-2005 08:52 PM


umbrella vs. raincoat

Mercury_Maniac 01-24-2005 08:55 PM


Steel-Toe Boots or Hiker Boots

cbass1976 01-24-2005 10:10 PM


boots cowboy vs work

Sharni 01-25-2005 04:46 AM


Dog vs Cat?

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