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sodaklostsoul 03-04-2007 11:08 PM

Was feeling pretty good.......now I'm tired and my tummy is full.

osuche 03-05-2007 02:38 AM

I'm kind of tired, and I think it's time for bed

IowaMan 03-05-2007 06:49 AM

I believe that I'm probably feeling about as good right now as I'm going to get today. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing. :rofl:

Pita 03-05-2007 07:18 AM

I have a headache, I'm tired, and I really don't feel like dealing with my incredibly busy day I have.

IowaMan 03-05-2007 07:22 AM

Originally Posted by TinglingTess
I have a headache, I'm tired, and I really don't feel like dealing with my incredibly busy day I have.

((((((Tess))))))) :x:

WildIrish 03-06-2007 09:47 AM

Like I'm falling apart.

Broken scapula, blinding headaches that make me wanna yak, and just a general exhaustion.

wyndhy 03-06-2007 09:58 AM

*hands Wi the caulk* put yourself together, man. :D feel better. ((hug))

dicksbro 03-06-2007 12:10 PM

I slipped and fell yesterday on a walk (ground was muddy although it didn't at first look like it) and must have jammed my right arm. It's been sore ever since. :(

Hopefully it'll do better later today. :wish:

wyndhy 03-06-2007 12:15 PM

aww...bummer. hope it heals up fast db. try ice, compression and heat.

smithy020 03-06-2007 12:18 PM

a LOT better than yesterday but still not great..

Been feeling pretty down recently,

Hope the arm heals up pretty soon DB

WildIrish 03-06-2007 12:28 PM

I feel your pain DB...and hope your wing is better soon.

ReaperWoman 03-06-2007 02:33 PM

Was feeling really good today, but now I'm really grumpy and bitter and there's no sound reasoning behind it. Humph!

1nutworld 03-06-2007 02:34 PM

Originally Posted by ReaperWoman
Was feeling really good today, but now I'm really grumpy and bitter and there's no sound reasoning behind it. Humph!

sure there is, SHIT happens! :)

(sorry to hear that is hapening to you)

Oldfart 03-06-2007 03:56 PM

A sad and sore lot.

Get better soon the lot of you.

Lilith 03-06-2007 04:18 PM

old, but beautiful

ReaperWoman 03-06-2007 04:44 PM

Keep hold of the people who make you feel beautiful.

themi01 03-06-2007 05:36 PM

Lil old ? I got 9 years on you

Oldfart 03-06-2007 05:42 PM

Lil isn't old, just chasing compliments.

She is still a delicious young lady.

osuche 03-07-2007 01:54 AM

Hoping WI and DB feel better.

I'm just tired and stressed, and there's no remedy for that.

dicksbro 03-07-2007 04:24 AM

Thanks, osuche. Doing better, now. Hope you get to feeling more chipper, too. Maybe you should play hooky one day and just lay back and watch a movie and sip some hot tea or something. Anyway, we'll be thinking of you. :x:

Loulabelle 03-07-2007 05:16 AM

Originally Posted by osuche
Hoping WI and DB feel better.

I'm just tired and stressed, and there's no remedy for that.

Sleep and relaxation time - you're no use to anyone else if you're not up to scratch Osuche! Spend an hour at the gym or give yourself a pedicure - you WILL feel better.

1nutworld 03-07-2007 08:28 AM

gimme a minute or 3 to wake up and I'll be able to tell you.

WildIrish 03-07-2007 08:33 AM

Last night my headache didn't get so bad that I needed to take anything, so that's definately a step in the right direction.

Got a half decent night's sleep and had a nice hot breakfast. Maybe that'll help.

wyndhy 03-07-2007 10:34 AM

Originally Posted by WildIrish
Last night my headache didn't get so bad that I needed to take anything, so that's definately a step in the right direction.

Got a half decent night's sleep and had a nice hot breakfast. Maybe that'll help.

i haven't had a serious headache in some time, but i used to get terrible migraines, too, WI and i have a trick …. i worked for a sikh husband and wife making tourist t-shirts in ocean city one summer (yeah, i know...i shit you not, though) and the man gave me this neat trick that really works on occasion:

tuck your chin as far into your chest as you can, i mean really stretch your neck ... it's uncomfortable but trust me ... then breath in real, real slow, as deeply as you can, then exhale … real slow … until there isn't a molecule of air left in your lungs. don’t pant - don't wanna hyperventilate here - and don’t hold your breath at all … just breath in and out … it shouldn’t be making you dizzy and it isn’t supposed to be painful, exactly, but you do wanna expand your chest and stretch your neck a good bit more than they’re used to … keep it real slow and real deep and real steady, concentrate on what you're doing, don’t think of anything but your breathing and your body from your diaphragm to your chin.

WildIrish 03-07-2007 10:56 AM

I tried that, and it was working until I thought too seriously about your diaphram close to my chin. :hot:

wyndhy 03-07-2007 11:00 AM

and to think i deleted "chest" in favor of diaphragm, just to make sure that very thing did't happen. screwed either way.


WildIrish 03-07-2007 11:13 AM

Both work nicely. :D

Equally satisfying, but hardly interchangeable. :hot:

sodaklostsoul 03-07-2007 09:59 PM

My tummy is full.

Miss-Honey-Bee 03-08-2007 06:20 AM

I'm so tired!

I've been neglecting Pixies recently as I got a new job, with a promotions company. We work with pubs/clubs etc, and tonight was the launch of the first night I've been promoting. A success, but my goodness I'm shattered x

1nutworld 03-08-2007 07:05 AM

Originally Posted by Miss-Honey-Bee
I'm so tired!

I've been neglecting Pixies recently as I got a new job, with a promotions company. We work with pubs/clubs etc, and tonight was the launch of the first night I've been promoting. A success, but my goodness I'm shattered x

Tired.........had some very stressing "job interview" related dreams last night that made for a restless nights sleep.

gekkogecko 03-08-2007 10:11 AM

Icky and stick. Had to rip out several tiles int he shower stall, and replace the backing with cement board, due to a leak/water damage. Haven't been able to take a shower in a couple of days.

Good thing I work from home in the middle of the week.

IowaMan 03-08-2007 12:00 PM

A little bit tired and even a bit embarrassed because people here were worried about me.

sodaklostsoul 03-08-2007 04:59 PM

/me smacks IowaMan..........don't be embarrassed.........we're family here and your part of the family.

I feel like a nap but won't happen, need to shower and then take kiddo to MickyD's so after we can go see the musical at the High school.

dicksbro 03-08-2007 09:22 PM

Pretty good this evening. Actually, I'm giving some thought to getting ready for bed and flopping while I watch some TV.

Pita 03-08-2007 10:27 PM

Really tired

IowaMan 03-08-2007 11:16 PM

I'm in that same "really tired" boat with Tess but for some reason I feel like there is something that I forgot to do today. Can't for the life of me figure out just what that may be though. :mad:

osuche 03-08-2007 11:19 PM

I can! you forgot your daily supply of hugs!!!


IowaMan 03-08-2007 11:22 PM

Originally Posted by osuche
I can! you forgot your daily supply of hugs!!!


That must've been it. :D

Thank you osuche. :x:

IowaMan 03-11-2007 09:23 AM

I could definitely use a bit more sleep but I'm hanging in there.

Sort of stockpiling some of those hugs that osuche was so kind to send my way the other night and using them when I need 'em. It works wonders.

osuche 03-11-2007 10:49 AM

Pretty good...I think today I might actually be willing to get something done.

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