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Steph 09-30-2003 11:30 AM

On Sept. 30, 1938, British and French leaders agreed to allow Nazi Germany to occupy sections of the Sudeten region of Czechoslovakia.

dm383 09-30-2003 03:37 PM

September 30th
Actor River Phoenix died today in 1993 after ingesting a mixture of Heroin, Cocaine, Diazepam, Marijuana and...... Cold medication!

This day in 1982, the TV comedy Cheersbegan an 11-year run, lasting until 19th August 1993

In 1980 Israel issued a new currency to its population; the Shekel replaced the pound, which dated from the British mandate.

Fitzroy James Henry Somerset, Baron Raglan, born this day in 1788, lost his arm in battle and thereby gave his name to a design of sleeve.

dm383 10-01-2003 03:28 PM

October 1st
In 1957, American B-52 bombers begin round-the-clock flying in case of Rusian nuclear attack

The legendary footballer Pele played his last game, for New York Cosmos against his former Brazilian team Santos, in 1977. Throughout his career he scored 1,281 goals in 1,363 games.

The city of Leningrad officially reverted to its original name, St. Petersburg, today in 1991.

RAC (Brit equivalent to AAA) patrolman Mervyn Jacobs was called out to "jump-start" a Royal Navy minesweeper in 1993. It was no problem for him... he just ran a 50-ft lead from his van to the ships engine-room!

darogle 10-01-2003 09:09 PM

More for Oct 1st......

1903 - Baseball's first annual World Series began on this date. Boston of the American League defeated Pittsburgh of the National League five games to three to become the world champions. Jimmy Sebring, a Pittsburgh Pirates outfielder, hit the very first home run in a World Series game. He hit the run off pitcher Cy Young.

1905 - The Julliard School of Music was founded in New York City.

1908 - The Model T automobile was introduced by Henry Ford - it sold for $825.

1943 - After a month-long battle, allied soldiers captured Naples in Italy.

1943 - The International War Crimes Tribunal in Nuremburg sentenced 12 Nazi leaders to death.

1949 - The People's Republic of China was formed with Mao Zedong as its head.

1968 - The cult horror movie "Night of the Living Dead" had its world premiere in Pittsburgh

1971 - In Orlando, Florida, Walt Disney World opened. Eventually it would become the largest, man-made, tourist attraction in the world.

1974 - The Watergate cover-up trial opened in Washington.

1979 - The Panama Canal Zone was formally handed over to Panama after 70 years of U.S. control.

Steph 10-02-2003 11:32 AM

On Oct. 2, 1967, Thurgood Marshall was sworn in as an associate justice of the United States Supreme Court; he was the first African-American appointed to the nation's highest court.

dm383 10-02-2003 04:55 PM

October 2nd
The first Elastoplast dressings rolled of the production lines today in 1928

In 1972, the normally Euro-sceptic Danes voted by more than two-to-one in a referendum in favour of joining the (then) EEC

The first telescope was demonstrated by Dutch lens maker Hans Lippershey today in 1608

In 1991 Ron Chassidy, who had been jailed for not paying his Poll Tax (and let's not even GO there!! :( ) was released after regulars at his local pub had a whip-round to enable him to play in a vital dominoes match

Steph 10-03-2003 12:04 AM

those vital dominoes matches always save the day!

dm383 10-03-2003 06:01 AM

October 3rd
Lady Coventry died after painting her face with white lead in 1760, making her the first martyr to cosmetics!

Today in 1995, a Los Angeles jury found O.J. Simpson Not Guiltyof killing his ex-wife Nicole, and her friend Ron Goldman

In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln created Thanksgiving Day to commemorate the harvest reaped by the Plymouth colony immigrants in the early 1600's

The Chief of the Hottentots declared war on Germany in 1904, to avoid having to disarm his tribesmen.

Steph 10-03-2003 06:22 AM

On Oct. 3, 1990, West Germany and East Germany ended 45 years of postwar division, declaring the creation of a new unified country.

dm383 10-04-2003 02:29 PM

October 4th
Singer Janis Joplin was found dead in her Hollywood hotel room this day in 1970. Her album immediately went to number 1, and stayed there for four months.

Two Black Hawk helicopters were shot down, and five American soldiers died in a firefight with warlords in Mogadishu, Somalia, in 1993.

Miles Coverdale's translation, the first complete English language Bible, was printed in Zurich and published in 1535

In 1988, Bavarian environment minister Alfred Dick (yes, honestly!!) politely asked people to refrain from yodelling in the Alps, as it was scaring the Chamois and driving away Golden Eagles!!!

PantyFanatic 10-04-2003 10:58 PM

London- 3 October 1660

With the projected foundation of the Royal African Company by Prince Rupert and the equipping of an expedition to wrest control of Gambia from foreigners, England’s invisible earnings will be given a sharp boost. It is Prince Rupert’s ambition for England to become the world’s leading slave trading nation. The diarist Samuel Pepys, however, offered a share in the venture, politely declined.

Steph 10-04-2003 11:54 PM

Oct. 5, 1989

The Dalai Lama, the exiled religious and political leader of Tibet, is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of his nonviolent campaign to end the Chinese domination of Tibet.

PantyFanatic 10-05-2003 12:15 AM

Maybe I better not.
I’ve been following this thread for so long….. I thought it was time I contributed. Then I posted for the wrong day.:o (for god sake, don’t tell Steph. She busts my chops enough as is.:rolleyes: )

Germany- 5 October 1056
The German Emperor Henry III dies at Pfalz Bodfeld. As his son, Henry IV, is aged only six, the empress, Agnes of Poitou, becomes regent.

dm383 10-05-2003 04:21 AM

October 5th
In 1995, a gang breaking-in to a fireworks factory in Kent, England, used an oxyacetylene torch which ignited tons of fireworks...... the resultant explosion demolished the factory, AND the robbers!! Signs all over saying "NO Naked Flame" .... go figure, huh? :)

In 2000 oppostion protestors stormed the Yugoslav parliament building in Belgrade, and proclaimed Vojislav Kostunica the new President in place of Slobodan Milosevic.

Monty Python's Flying Circus featuring John Cleese, Eric Idle, Michael Palin, Terry Gilliam, Graham Chapman and Terry Jones, premiered on BBC TV today in 1969.

A fire-engine answering an emergency call in Dublin in 1991, had to be rescued itself when it caught fire because of a wiring fault!! Only in Ireland! ;)

PF..... I won't tell Steph..... you're secret's safe with me!! :)

Steph 10-05-2003 10:40 AM

On Oct. 5, 1947, in the first televised White House address, President Truman asked Americans to refrain from eating meat on Tuesdays and poultry on Thursdays to help stockpile grain for starving people in Europe.

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