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IAKaraokeGirl 04-28-2004 08:20 AM

1. Kleclere and I are very tired this morning but, unfortunately, not for the best of reasons.

2. Things are changing all of the time, and I can barely keep up.

3. I'm hoping that I'm not re-developing my nasty cough like I think I am.

cyberkitten 04-28-2004 08:57 PM

1. i'm getting ready to try freschetta's sauce stuffed crust pizza
2. my boy's coming to visit me this weekend, and i'm very much looking forward to it (even if it is my drill weekend)
3. i really need to wax my uh....junk...before the boy gets here.

SOULMINER 04-28-2004 09:14 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Oh, this is a fun thread!!!

3. Didn't have to work!!!
2. Finished up some yard work
1. (feel kinda like the late show top 10 here...:P)
Bought a house!!! With a woodworking shop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

darogle 04-28-2004 11:35 PM

1. I'm jealous as hell of SOULMINER for having a new woodworking shop.
2. I miss CGT
3. I just ate a huge breakfast

IAKaraokeGirl 04-29-2004 09:27 AM

1. Kleclere's car died yesterday; We'll have it towed tonight, but that means I'm stuck here (second day in a row) at the office for lunch. :(

2. I have yet to decide whether or not to go to kleclere's mom's Sunday afternoon for her birthday celebration. She doesn't really "know," and I don't want to cause any issues, even though kleclere and his children would like me to be there.

3. I woke up again this morning realizing how lucky I am.

Lilith 04-29-2004 10:42 AM

1) The carpool bitch could smell I was gonna have a day off :p

2) My sitter called and cancelled my last date night before she leaves on summer vacation.

3) And just when I start thinking people suck :p, I get a sweet PM and am reminded that only a couple people suck, the rest are awesome.

Grumble 04-29-2004 05:21 PM

1. terrorised the american driving public today driving the Lix's car on the right hand side of the road
2. got both the Lix's to try vegemite and they both ate it all :)
3. still marvelling over how great Gettysburgh was, we went on the auto tour around the battlefield, it was awesome

IAKaraokeGirl 04-30-2004 07:24 AM

1. Up waaaaay too early yet again.

2. I'm a little anxious about how today is going to go at work.

3. I called my daughter yesterday afternoon. She said hi to me when she picked up the phone, then asked if she could speak to kleclere. :rolleyes:

Lilith 04-30-2004 12:16 PM

1) I got up at 3:45 :spin:

2) I made a delicious vanilla cinnamon creme sauce for catering.

3) I have a date with the sweetest smartest fella I know today.

IAKaraokeGirl 05-03-2004 09:07 AM

1. I had to get up entirely too early in order to keep a doctor's appointment.

2. This week will be a hard one for me mentally and emotionally.

3. Kleclere and I *still* haven't heard back on his car. Maybe they'll shoot it and put us out of our misery. :D

englishrose 05-03-2004 09:29 AM

1- I could not wake up this morning, at least not properly! I woke at 8:30, 9, 10:40 and then actually got up at around 11:30!

2- I had trouble picking an eyeshadow to wear, so wore none at all.... interesting, huh?

3- I am waiting for my favorite person to get online.... but he's not here :(

Steph 05-03-2004 11:21 AM

1. Having a lowkey day.
2. Looking for part-time work.
3. Looking forward to some time at the dog park this afternoon.

LadyKissAlot 05-03-2004 07:58 PM

1. I'm currently looking for work
2. I'm finally finding a bit of time to spend here at Pixies
3. I'm tryin to put my kids to bed so I can have a bit of 'me' time before I sack out for the night too. :)

IAKaraokeGirl 05-05-2004 09:16 AM

1. I'm on Day 1 of steroid treatments because of an allergy shot gone haywire...if anyone needs any heavy furniture moved, just let me know. ;)

2. I hope to get some major cleaning and laundry done this evening. Wish me luck!

3. I need to call my mother tonight, and I'm dreading it.

Steph 05-05-2004 10:00 AM

1. Breaking up is hard to do, no matter who's the one doing it.
2. My boss has funny management tricks that work sometimes.
3. My dog is still tired after running away from a pit puppy on his midnight walk last night.

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