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BlondeCurlGirl 04-06-2004 10:33 PM

1. I enjoyed 70 degree weather and a leisurely walk around my new neighborhood this evening.

2. I got a bad cut at work today and didn't fill out an incident report. :p

3. I had a really good chat with my mom on the phone tonight...twice!

Coaster 04-06-2004 10:36 PM

3) Had a good day... won an award

2) Swam in a heated outdoor pool... over 105... air temp 33

1) Then hopped in sauna!

IAKaraokeGirl 04-08-2004 01:10 PM

1. I'm a little worried about my son, who is having some anxiety problems at school.

2. I'm exhausted today after bowling six games yesterday. :rolleyes:

3. I can't wait to be home tonight in my love's arms.

IAKaraokeGirl 04-21-2004 01:24 PM


1. It's my first day back in the office since Thursday morning. They're glad I'm here; I'm not glad I'm here.

2. I'm taking care of financial/personal things today, too, which means my mind is more at ease. I need that.

3. I'm gonna let kleclere spoil me rotten tonight, since I'm feeling a little better. ;)

osuche 04-21-2004 03:22 PM

1. Slightly less pissed at the world than yesterday

2. Procrastinating too much and I will PAY for it later tonight

3. Would rather be at the gym than working

huntersgirl 04-22-2004 10:23 AM

1. Need to get off this damn computer and get to work!

2. Had wonderful morning sex!

3. My little guy is singing away with Sesame Street right now! So very cute!

Lilith 04-22-2004 12:11 PM

Not today but last 24 hours...I don't have enough newsy news to give in 1 day :p

1) I was told I was "not a typical mom"~ high praise from a carload of stinky middle school boys!

2) My little guy making up some silly I Love You song and singing it to me while I fixed his breakfast.

3) Cept for finals I'm done with this semester!

FallenAngel5 04-22-2004 12:29 PM

1) Today is Fountain Day - the basically school-wide holiday where everyone gets drunk in the morning and the fountains get turned on - so I am way excited.
2) My class just got cancelled cause 5 people showed up! (see above)
3) It is a beautiful sunny day!

IAKaraokeGirl 04-22-2004 04:45 PM

1. It's hotter than Hades in this office. Will there EVER come a day when these people have the same body chemistry as me and set the thermostat at a decent temperature?

2. Picked up pictures today and had two awesome ones in there of my daughter. Of course, there was ALSO one in there of ME, taken on Easter Sunday while we were bowling by SOMEONE who shall remain, ahem, nameless. :D

3. I sooooo need it to be the weekend.

dicksbro 04-24-2004 05:41 AM

Originally posted by IAKaraokeGirl
3. I sooooo need it to be the weekend.

Just wanted you to take note ... I closed my eyes last night ... and ... voila' ... I woke up and IT"S THE WEEKEND! :D :D

1. It's starting to get light and I'm thinking I may go out to the park for a morning walk.
2. Got some work to do around the house today.
3. We're thinking about a movie either today or tomorrow.

Sharni 04-24-2004 05:43 AM

Met some internet friends today
Had a BBQ at the park
Had a few friends around for a coffee and chat tonight

All in all a brilliant day

huntersgirl 04-24-2004 09:00 AM

1. I am all alone today! No kids, bf is working for the next few hours, and since there is a million things I should and could do, I'll probably do nothing!

2. Got woken up by a knock on the door at 7:20 this morning, that is just wrong on a Saturday. Especially when there was no babies here to need me.:(

3. Since we were woken, we decided to take advantage of it and have some sweet morning lovin'. Then I just stayed in bed until the coffee cravings got to be too much!:D

IAKaraokeGirl 04-25-2004 06:54 PM

1. Kleclere and I had a *very* good weekend with our children. We went to a civil war reenactment yesterday and had a good time, even if it did rain, and went swimming today.

2. I may have come up with an idea to solve a potential problem...if I can get others to go along with it.

3. I am very content.

Lilith 04-26-2004 05:28 PM

1) 2 finals down 3 to go!

2) My guys are out for the night and I have time to study, as is illustrated in my av :p

3) It rained for the first time in so long. My herbs are so grateful.

Summer 04-26-2004 06:03 PM

1) bad hair day

2) found out son isn't doing to hot in school

3) preparing for a fieldtrip with 50+ kids tomorrow

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