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osuche 05-20-2006 06:34 PM

1. We put together my new bike (well, new to me) that arrived Thursday from Denver and took it for a spin. I really htink I'm going to be happy with the bike. :D

2. I bought graduation gifts for three friends who have parties this weekend

3. I'm feeling somewhat worn down at the edges and would rather sleep than party tonight

IAKaraokeGirl 05-23-2006 09:25 AM

1. I may be listing my house for sale in Iowa--a big step.

2. Speaking of real estate, the first of the inspections on my sweetie's new house are this morning, and I have my fingers crossed that everything goes okay.

3. What goes around, comes around.

osuche 05-23-2006 11:39 AM

1. No matter how quickly I pop echinacea, I seem to be coming down with a cold

2. I have lots of house cleaning and shopping to do tonight...I have guests on Thursday

3. Mr Osuche is taking his bike in to be repaired (tire issues) and then we should be able to have a nice ride this weekend.

grl2naughty 05-23-2006 12:29 PM

1.) I have never been so at peace with things in my life as I am right now.

2.) I need to do some more packing on the house.

3.) I have a family reunion this coming weekend.

quirkycpl69s 05-26-2006 07:06 AM

1. Im tired
2. I have alot of cleaning to do
3. I dont want to work this weekend lol

sodaklostsoul 05-26-2006 07:43 AM

I don't want to work this weekend either!!

Gotta long drive next weekend.

I have today off.

IAKaraokeGirl 05-26-2006 08:00 AM

1. We are rethinking all the plans we previously made in order to best adapt to our changing situation.

2. I have no definite, in-stone plans this weekend, and I'm relieved--I hope to get some much-needed rest.

3. I am re-focused.

Lilith 05-26-2006 04:29 PM

I took my "seniors" on "the walk" and they were shy and beautiful.

A special child bawled when I hugged him goodbye and reminded him that he decides what his life will be.

Last day and not 1 fight, not 1 chair time out, not 1 room time out. Pure perfection.

alspals69 05-26-2006 05:21 PM

for over 4 hours at work today, i helped an elderly disadvantage guy in need so i am feeling good about this.

i ate lots and varied chinese toight!

i am away on vacation tomorrow for a week and will hopefully enjoy a week of good nights sleep. can't say how much i am looking forward to it right now

osuche 05-26-2006 05:25 PM

I had a lot of fun last night -- we laughed and talked until very late

Work today sucked, and I am starting to feel very, very bad for some coworkers

I need a new life

BlondeCurlGirl 05-27-2006 11:58 AM

1. My sunburn from a week ago is still miserable.

2. I miss my man so much...haven't had contact with him since Wednesday...he is in the boonies of British Columbia (at least I hope he got that far)

3. It's strange to be living at home again with my parents for the summer.

imaginewithme 05-27-2006 09:18 PM

Originally Posted by Lilith
A special child bawled when I hugged him goodbye and reminded him that he decides what his life will be.

That's sweet--sounds like you've done a great job!

1. Sat out in the sun for a bit while baby girl played in her pool
2. Got LOTS of stuff done around the house
3. Happy that he and I had a last minute "date" last night

loves2laugh 05-27-2006 09:21 PM

I was hungover this morning
I took a nap
I did yardwork

osuche 05-28-2006 01:33 AM

Mr Osuche and I got into the first serious fight we've had in about a year...and realized we both have some things to work on

As a result, we're headed out to spend some quality time together tomorrow -- and I am looking forward to it (biking and likely a romantic night in Monterey)

I have a lead on a possible "new venture" project for school

BlondeCurlGirl 05-28-2006 12:20 PM

1. I got a quick phone call from my guy this morning, and I feel better having heard from him. We miss eachother so much!

2. I am not looking forward to another afternoon of taking things to the storage unit.

3. I am craving strawberry ice cream.

maddy 05-28-2006 01:19 PM

1. the scale says i'm gaining weight this week and that doesn't amuse me.

2. i'm in desperate need of office appropriate summer shoes.

3. i need to make a trip to target for all the things i forgot to get a few days ago.

IAKaraokeGirl 05-28-2006 03:19 PM

1. I'm wondering if maddy will take me to Target with her.

2. I've got a houseful of kids, but they're GOOD kids, and that makes a difference.

3. I can't wait until tomorrow.

maddy 05-28-2006 03:49 PM

1. I'm back from Target - but a trip with IAKG would have been more fun.

2. I've got an a/c unit that doesn't seem to turn off, I'm afraid I'm going to need an HVAC person come look at it.

3. I've had the a/c on because there is NO breeze anywhere near my house. But now that the sun is positioned in a better place I'm at least not getting the heat of the sun through the windows.

loves2laugh 05-28-2006 07:55 PM

I went to work
I ate chinese
I slept later than normal

Lilith 05-28-2006 08:28 PM

1. I just came back from a long drive with my guys. :car:

2. The Sonic Drive In just opened and YES they wore skates :D

3. We went in my new, new to me 2003 jetta. (this one is not mine but mine looks identical except for foxier wheels)

sodaklostsoul 05-28-2006 10:35 PM

Got back online with my computer today.

I'm worried about my mom.

I'm stressed getting ready for this trip to SD.

dicksbro 05-29-2006 06:15 AM

1. Had a nice early morning on Pixies.
2. Going into Peoria this morning with my wife at about 8AM.
3. I've got our cars all filled with gasoline. :)

PS, Lilith, I love your new car! :thumbs:

IAKaraokeGirl 05-29-2006 02:58 PM

1. It's a lazy afternoon...and I'm sans children for a bit. I MAY take a nap.

2. The kiddos were much more comfortable with my S/O while he spent the day with us, and it was both surprising and extremely nice.

3. I'm crossing my fingers about some big things happening this week.

jay-t 05-29-2006 10:22 PM

1. Painted on the house
2. Played with the grandkids some
3. Had dinner at my daughters

BlondeCurlGirl 05-29-2006 10:56 PM

1. Want to express my thank you to our veterans on Memorial Day and honor those who have died/been injured for our freedoms.

2. I am giddy anticipating his arrival to our new home.

3. I am nervous about telling my co-workers I am leaving soon.

WildIrish 05-30-2006 06:56 AM

Took a double dose of allergy meds last night

Slept like a real human being

Awoke curled up, with the sun in my face, like a cat!

Cat with a big stiffy, that is! ha ha

Pita 05-31-2006 06:57 PM

My Love joined Pixies today and made me very happy! :heartbeat :love: :heartbeat
I saw Matthew Mcconaughey on Oprah!! :brows: :slurp:
I saw WI's new thread!! :hot: :thumbs:

rabbit 05-31-2006 07:39 PM

1) My boss was in a crabby mood today....putting me in a crabby mood.

2) Is it Friday yet? :p

3) Dreaming of an upcoming vacation.

maddy 05-31-2006 07:44 PM

1) I'm dreaming of a vacation too - unfortunately I think it's too late to plan a get-a-way for the July 4 holiday.

2) I also wish it were Friday, at about 5pm. It's my wish, I can be picky ;)

3) I want to be a lousy peon with no responsibility, just to see what it feels like and what sort of mindset that involves.

Salacious 05-31-2006 07:44 PM

My new curtain rod arrived today.
I had a job interview.
I'm already in my nightie.

sodaklostsoul 06-01-2006 06:49 AM

Steph says these are my 3 things:

Three things about sdls yesterday:

1. Kiddo slept through most of the night.
2. Finished work for five days!
3. SEXXXX!!!!

imaginewithme 06-01-2006 11:43 PM

I had an eye appointment today
I felt REALLY confident in class tonight!!!!
I went out to eat with the girls afterwards and had a great time

osuche 06-02-2006 12:11 AM

I travelled to visit customers with my boss today, and I had a pretty good time

I have day 3 of hell week tomorrow

I'm starting to feel over committed and under powered

Salacious 06-02-2006 06:20 AM

I am going to quit my job today!
I am accepting a better job today!
I am going to feel sooooo good doing both!

sodaklostsoul 06-02-2006 10:40 AM

Congrats Sal!! ^^^^^

Going on a road trip.
We will be childless for over a month.
As much as the break from kiddo will be, I'll still miss her. :(

roxanne916 06-02-2006 06:27 PM

Looking forward to the weekend

Going shopping for a book on Amazon.com tonight

had a quickie at lunch.

jay-t 06-02-2006 07:42 PM

1. worked with the engineers on fixing some parts from China
2. stopped at a garage sale today
3.worked on a power hammer design

Lilith 06-02-2006 08:09 PM

1. I spent the better part of dinner explaining to Mr. Lil how I don't want to just randomly fuck guys I just want to beat the shit out of them :weg:

2. I've gone back to medusa hair and I feel sexy as hell.

3. I wish I were bent over Rufus, with my tits pressed tightly up against his warmth.

osuche 06-02-2006 10:51 PM

Had lunch with Mr Osuche and it was good

I had way too many meetings today and I survived...which was good

I had Inidan food for dinner...and it was good. :p

Coaster 06-02-2006 10:57 PM

Went out with the folks for dinner

Showed some of our pix of CA

Chatting to friend about her new job!!

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