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Stolen Kisses 03-24-2005 11:41 AM

Suzy- nope- number 2 was the lie

Lizzard- I guess the lie was #2 that u like country music.


1- I like ketchup on my bologna

2- I like the smell of gas at the gas station

3- I like mushrooms

SuzyQ 03-24-2005 11:45 AM

I would guess number 2..but am probably wrong..I just said it because I hate it.

I like mushrooms,

I hate ketchup

I love living in the city.

BIBI 03-27-2005 11:52 AM

number 1 is the fib???

1. I am going to Vegas?
2. I misplaced my ticket?
3. I am getting married while I am there?

imaginewithme 03-27-2005 12:09 PM

#2 isn't true???

1. I dont' have plans for Easter
2. I have only had sex with one person
3. I'm addicted to pixies-place

DangerousPet 03-27-2005 02:58 PM

haha well im gona bet that #3 is very much true!
so that would make #2 my guess to the fib??

1. I've been propositioned by an old man to have sex with him for $$
2. I am taking a vacation to the bahamas this summer
3. I just got a job in a research lab

lizzardbits 03-27-2005 06:30 PM

I say #1 is the lie

1. my son is named after a rock star

2. my daughter is named after a rock star

3. my computer is named after a rock star

SuzyQ 03-27-2005 07:37 PM

I'd say #3 is the lie

I am an anal virgin,

I am a bi sex virgin

I am a virgin

lizzardbits 03-28-2005 04:25 AM

#3 is the lie

and my puter's name is Sid, after Sid Vicious (Sex Pistols), Daughter is named after my great aunt

1. i drive a minivan

2. I am a soccer mom

3. I know how to fix cars

Stolen Kisses 03-28-2005 08:53 AM

I guess 3 is the lie?????


1) my grandmoms middle name was Fog

2) my MIL wanted us to name our daughter (if we had one- but didnt) Valeria(pronounced va- leer-e-a)

3) my middle name is Lexi


lizzardbits 03-28-2005 12:26 PM

Fog????? that is to unreal to be real so it has to be...........so i chose number 3 as the lie

as far as i go.....LOL i am nothing close to being a soccer mom.

I love fixing cars and getting all covered in dirt and motor oil.....it's a turn on for me.

1 I own a 1964 Ford Galaxie 500 4 door :drive: :drive: :drive:

2. It is in perfect running order :line:

3 It needs love and attention :( :( :(

DangerousPet 03-28-2005 02:46 PM

hi liz!

and you were wrong... i have been propositioned by an old man to meet him after i was done with work and ya know... get it on... for $150... now not that i would ever but... come on i'm so worth way more than a lowsy one hundred and fifty dollars!!!! ass... lol

i would say that you do own a 1964 Ford Galaxie 500 4 door, but im gona go with it is NOT in perfect order... making numero dos the false one.

1. PF pm-ed me today--i felt special!
2. been studyin sociobiology for the past few hours
3. i have the night off work

SuzyQ 03-28-2005 08:10 PM

Number 3, I think you have to work tonight...cause if you didn't we could play :-)

1. I have a home based business,

2. I drive a Corvette

3. I have a girlfriend (sexual one)

blkcat 03-28-2005 08:18 PM

Number 2 i suspect

#1 i am a BJ virgin

#2 Cruising is my fav vacation

#3 i have two money pits for cars

SuzyQ 03-28-2005 08:20 PM

Yes, but I wish :-)

# 1 I would guess..

1. I have to buy a lawnmower, soon

2. I am going to have sex in a few minutes.

3. I am going to make supper in a few minutes.

imaginewithme 03-30-2005 07:38 PM

#2 is a lie!!!!!!!!

1. My hair is red
2. I love country music
3. I have had sex with one person

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