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Coaster 05-30-2007 11:31 PM

I married her!

WWTLT you had a deep conversation with someone?

lusty1 05-30-2007 11:38 PM

% minutes ago...but you KNEW that, didn't you?! :D

WWTLT you shared an intimate secret about yourself?

osuche 06-02-2007 06:20 PM

About 5 minutes ago

When was the last time you had an orgasm?

IowaMan 06-02-2007 06:32 PM

Probably about 12 hours ago.

WWTLT you had a piece of birthday cake?

smithy020 06-02-2007 06:53 PM

oh a while ago, It would have been Feb,

When was the last time you bought something that cost as much as a weeks wage?

IowaMan 06-02-2007 06:58 PM

oh boy, not sure. The most expensive item I've purchase anytime recently was an airline ticket yesterday.

WWTLT you ate Chinese food?

smithy020 06-02-2007 07:04 PM

Couple of days ago, Went to a all you can eat buffet for lunch

WWTLT you eat something for the first time (and wot was it)

dicksbro 06-03-2007 04:47 AM

Since I never eat food that I or others have already eaten, I guess last night. It was potatoes and sirloin tips. (JK)

I really don't remember the last time, but a few years ago I ate some Helix Pomatia ... er ... maybe you know it better as escargot. Never thought I'd like it, but the fact is, it was delicious! Expensive, but delicious.

WWTLT you held hands with you so/spouse?

lusty1 06-03-2007 06:01 AM

tonight :)

WWTLT you wrote a love note to your SO?

IowaMan 06-06-2007 04:05 PM

I do that frequently when I'm in a relationship. It's been a long time since I've done that though since I'm currently single. I'd say about five, six years ago. :(

WWTLT you brought your lover to orgasm orally?

lusty1 06-06-2007 04:06 PM

2 days ago

WWTLT you slept more than 12 hours in one stretch?

IowaMan 06-06-2007 04:08 PM

OMG, I'm not sure. Would've probably been while hospitalized and sedated though. Maybe a year and a half ago?

WWTLT you went to the emergency room?

lusty1 06-06-2007 04:16 PM

3 days ago

WWTLT you had a friend sleep over? (not necessarily sexually)

IowaMan 06-06-2007 04:17 PM

Last fall, a buddy of mine got too drunk to drive home so I took him into the bedroom and threw a comforter over him.

WWTLT you were in a bar?

lusty1 06-06-2007 04:18 PM


WWTLT you won something?

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