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BlondeCurlGirl 02-21-2004 01:20 PM

1. I am finally starting to see the sunshine through the rain in my life. It has taken awhile, but it's getting better all the time. Hopefully there will be more time/energy for Pixies as this happens.

2. I'm going to have some amazing sex tonight! ;)

3. I need to clean my apt. to prepare for #2. :o

Steph 02-21-2004 01:28 PM

1. I'm working too much but that's OK, less time to spend it.
2. I love Rush.
3. Winter is fading from memory.

osuche 02-21-2004 02:40 PM

1. A move to San Francisco suddenly seems less certain

2. Picked my SO up at the airport this morning, and we're headed to see Copenhagen at the theater tonight

3. I have a tremendous amount of work to get done before Monday, and I wasn't terribly efficient last night (although I did have a wonderful 2 hour phone conversation with my best friend)

dicksbro 02-21-2004 03:45 PM

1. Had a nice breakfast at a local place with friends
2. Made some business cards for a friend and took them to him this morning
3. Had some time to post here at Pixies

All told, not a bad day so far.

(So why do I feel a bit blah :confused:)

Lilith 02-21-2004 03:48 PM

1) I've been shopping for herbs but some tomato and eggplant plants found their way home with me too.

2) I worked on my calendar and date book to try to decide what dates to set as deadlines for some upcoming projects.

3) Monday afternoon can't get here fast enough. I am missing Aqua!!!

Grumble 02-22-2004 02:19 AM

1. Rang Curvy twice today love being in contact with her

2, spoke on line with her on options re her finishing her degree. I may move to Montana for a year or so till she finishes.

3. Went to athletics with my kids.

osuche 02-22-2004 07:21 AM

1. Leaving today for a business trip. Will be back briefly on Wednesday night, then off again Thursday night. <sigh> One the road again...

2. The phone woke me up again today, and I have a headache

3. I will learn how to make sushi tonight at a friend's house.

IAKaraokeGirl 02-22-2004 10:34 AM

1. I hope ^^^ has a very safe trip.

2. I am struggling to keep some not-so-nice emotions from erupting from my normally calm, cool, and collected character.

3. I need sleep.

BIBI 02-22-2004 11:52 AM

I am trying NOT to tell someone off who by the way really needs it.
I have a headache
I am going to go out and buy something extravagent just for the hell of it

naughtyangel 02-22-2004 02:56 PM

I'm sad b/c my husband's grandfather died this weekend :(

I'm on my days off! Whooo!!!

I'm sitting in a silent house and I love it

TRUSTNO1 02-22-2004 03:51 PM

1. I also am very sad, I buried my bestfriend from gradeschool today!! :(
2. I am meeting more and more new people everyday here at Pixies :D
3. Love the fact that everyone is gone and my house is completely quiet for a change!!!:jump:

naughtyangel 02-22-2004 05:03 PM

{{{TrustNo1}}} Sorry bout your friend :(

IAKaraokeGirl 02-23-2004 02:26 PM

1. I am on day five of a massive headache I cannot get rid of.

2. My son has a Cub Scout banquet tonight...he is thrilled; I am tolerant. :)

3. I'm waiting for answers.

smithy020 02-23-2004 06:32 PM

1. work felt less than the 9 hours it was

2. I have had a few stellas( beers)

3. managed to get barmaids phone number!

its all good!

Lilith 02-23-2004 06:35 PM

1) I am seriously happy!

2) I got to chat with friends today and that is always nice.

3) We are having a thunderstorm!

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